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More border-some Vietnamese structures

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Amid concern from Cambodian authorities, Vietnamese soldiers have upgraded six more tents to “solid structures” making a total of 16 set up along the “undemarcated” border areas between Kandal and Vietnam’s An Giang provinces. The new solid structures were erected after Kandal provincial authorities last month reported that Vietnamese border guards in southern An Giang province had upgraded “border-some” tents, previously set up, with concrete and wood structures in10 locations along the undemarcated areas.


Despite Cambodian authorities having asked Vietnam to remove the tents, Kandal provincial governor Kong Sophorn said so far, Vietnamese soldiers had upgraded six more tents to “solid structures” along the undemarcated areas in Loeuk Dek and Koh Thom districts.


Sophorn said that since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Vietnamese have installed 27 structures along these undemarcated border areas. He said Cambodian authorities had discussed with Vietnamese authorities and asked them to remove all the tents and solid structures, but Vietnam still insisted that only when the pandemic comes to an end, would these be removed.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50778570/more-border-some-vietnamese-structures/

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