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Do You Like To Bargain Or Haggle Over Price?


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When I go shopping or browsing at small retailers where merchandise prices are not displayed. Always need to ask how much? They tell me. I'll ask for promotion and bargain a bit. It's fun and I think the Thais also enjoy it, at least they seem to. Large retailers, restaurants etc. I never expect or attempt to bargain.

Sometimes am also very pleasantly surprised, especially if shopping for expensive stuff, except autos. Price for merchandise clearly marked and sales help can see I'm interested. They ask me if I want to buy, and usually tell them I have to think about and look at other stores. They sometimes run off the get the manager, who then, to sweeten the deal,

offers special promotion. That satisfies me and usually will make the purchase.

In either case whether bargain or offered promotion, makes me feel good, that I save a few baht, and the store also makes a reasonable profit, or would not sell to me at the agreed terms.

When I do this, my Thai mate gets very embarrased, and will never, ever bargain. Too shy.

Any other "shrewd" LOL shoppers around.

My best deal was just a few months ago, Was looking for new LCD wall mounted TV. Found and looked at a Phillips model priced at 169K Baht at a local appliance shop, that I've delt with in the past. so after a few special promotions, finally got it for 130K. They treated me well, and thereby got a long time customer.

What was your "best deal"?

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Back to the OP, yes I ask for a discount and often get them, and often get the reply "already discounted".

My Thai mate, can act embarrassed when I bargain and usually walks away when I am in the process.

I suspect that Thais are so much about face that they see bargaining as a show of not having a lot of money and so feel they are being put down by themselves by the practice.

My best deal was 30k Baht on a top of the line Whirlpool Gold Fridge which I attribute to their inability to sell to a Thai. Saw the same fridge two years later for 30K less than I payed. Store was major appliance retailer in Chiang Mai.

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If you want to see Thai price and farang price in action - visit anywhere which does not display prices.

As a farang, ask the price of an item. Then - get your Thai partner (who you have kept out of sight) to ask the same question. Compare the results.

I did this in Pattaya just before Songkran. Was coming out of Royal Garden shopping centre (Beach Road side). Was captivated by large size remote control car which was being demonstrated. Asked the seller - how much. He took a quick glance at me - said 450 baht.

I shook my head and walked away to where Thai BF was browsing through DVDs about 50 metres away. Sent him to ask seller the price. Seller looks at Thai BF and says to him 180 baht. BF haggled down to 150 baht.

Result: Seller happy - he had made a sale. BF happy - he had a new toy to play with. Me happy - saved 300 baht.

Generally, BF enjoys shopping - but doesn't like to haggle. I think ProThaiExpat is right on the mark, when he says:

I suspect that Thais are so much about face that they see bargaining as a show of not having a lot of money and so feel they are being put down by themselves by the practice.


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My gf always does the haggling, I was once told that if you arrive early you may get a cheaper price? something to do with the first customer of the day being good luck for the shopkeeper?

Any body know if this is true?


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Yes mark

this happend to me in bangkok up near chitlom stall seller wanted 250 baht for a shirt and she said she had just set up so i said ok 200 baht and you can wave your dosh over the stall ,, so she said ok and job done , sure enough everything got a tapping from the notes

its to bring them good fortune and a good price for the day

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Yes mark

this happend to me in bangkok up near chitlom stall seller wanted 250 baht for a shirt and she said she had just set up so i said ok 200 baht and you can wave your dosh over the stall ,, so she said ok and job done , sure enough everything got a tapping from the notes

its to bring them good fortune and a good price for the day

Maybe 65b would have been a better starting offer. Up by five baht increments & you would have been able to settle on 115B. (About 35B - 40B profit to the stall holder). A bit under half the initial asking price is generally a reasonable assumption of what the product for sale in one of those stalls. :o

The "first customer theory for good luck" is absolute BS. I had a night market stall holder in PPong try that on me at 10.30pm in the evening. :D



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Last year we were shopping for a flower bouquet for a neighbor's wife, he being away for Valentines, at the big flower mart in Chiang Mai. I was somewhat separated from my Thai mate who had already obtained the price for the arrangement, when a falang approached me and offered to bargain for me as he spoke Thai. I said sure and he really worked the flower lady over with his excellent Thai. He finally smiled, turned to me and announced the absolute bottom price he had obtained for the arrangement. Yes, you guessed it, his price was 40 baht higher than my Thai mate had obtained ten minutes before.

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I think the problem with the Thais in bargaining is that they are not prepared to walk away. I am.

Look at the lottery ticket sellers. They have got so greedy nowadays that some of the dumber thais think Bt95 for 2*Bt40 tickets is a good price as they were asked Bt100 ! The fact is that these people get a commission on what they sell anyway. Why pay more ?

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Recently I purchased some bolts from my local hardware store, who I use regularly, they charged me 30 baht each, I did noth buy enough to finish the job so I sent a Thai guy there to get some more (I asked him to get a receipt) they charged him 35 baht for each bolt.

On investigation it turns out that because they had never seen him before they charged him a higher price.

Its not only Ferangs that get over charged here.


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I never bargain when shopping. I find it annoying and lame, I don't even shop in places where's bargaining to be done. I do bargain when I'm talking about business though :o

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Farang: "How much."

Thai: "XX Baht."

Farang: "What !!! Are you joking?"

Thai: "I can give discount. You my first customer today."

Farang: "Ok, what is your best price?"

Thai: "XX Baht."

Farang: "Paang Mahk."

Thai: "Ok, Ok," (hands calculator to Farang) "What you give me?"

Farang: (keys in a quarter of discounted price and shows Thai.)

Thai: "I lose, cannot do. Give me more"

Farang: "I'll give you a bit more, you give me a lot less." (keys in slightly higher price, takes wallet out of his back pocket and hands calculator to Thai.)

Thai: "Ok,Ok," (keys in slightly lower price than the afore mentioned discounted price) "This last price."

Farang: (keys in exactly the same price as last offered.) This is my last price. (puts wallet back into pocket and commences to walk away.)

Thai: "Keeneoh" (puts on a glum face, grabs Farang as he starts to walk away.) "Ok, Ok."

Farang: (pulls wallet out of back pocket, pays the last price offered, takes his newly purchased goods, smiles...) "Korp Koon Krup."

Thai: "Korp Koon Krup"

Two happy people enjoying a fun time. :o

Edited by Mighty Mouse
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Never found a GF or wife who would haggle for me!

Whats wrong with them?

Sin sot!! looks like I win then both parents dead "0" sin sot :D

Now; don't you think you took the "haggling" one step too far? :D:o:D

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