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OK all you dog lovers out there, tell me..how do get my newly acquired (adult) chihuahua to start standing up for himself with my posessive, jealous and highly assertive cat?

I'm typing this with one hand while attempting to sooth a totally traumatizing Chichuahua with the other, to say he is shaking like a leaf is an understatement. Yet another traumatic trouncing from the cat.

Now don't get me wrong, I am an avid cat lover and fully agree that they are superior beings far above dogs, or for that matter people, in rank, and I have no problem at all with my cat being the Big Boss around the house. Neither does the dog, he just wants to live in peace and safety. However the cat has trerrorized him within an inch of his life and he's in danger of losing his wits altogether if subjected to any more attacks (and I do mean attacks, claws bared)...and I'm tired of trying to keep them apart.

I think that they would achieve some sort of detente if only he would bark assertively at her. The problem is that when she starts in he immediately assumes a defensive and submissive pose and doesn't make a sound until she's attacked at which point all he does is whimper or cry...no bark. Just now she started to approach hissing as I held him and I barked for him a few times, seemed to work..she backed off. But how to get him to understand and do this? Seeing me do it doesn't seem to give him the hint. And it won't be long before she figures out that it isn't him barking.

I know my cat, and she'll continue to escalate her attempts to get rid of him until and unless he holds his ground and puts up a show of strength. From past experience seeing her with dogs, then and only then will she accept his presence as a necessary evil. Right now she has it in her pretty little head that she can get rid of him, and -- again from experience -- she is quite capable of pursuing this goal tenaciously and craftily for however long it takes.

So how do I give this dog some cojones in facing the cat (figuratively speaking...just had the vet lop off his actual ones :o ) ????

(Forget about any measures I might take to stop the cat....I've already dowsed her with water, yelled at her etc. Like the true cat that she is, all this does is cause her to wait till I'm not around to strike).

Get an additional dog,one that will stick up for the other one ! rotweiller ? .no seriously i can tell you love your pets, consider an additional mutt ,. poor little thing,.

OK, update:

Kadan is doing very well, couldn't be happier. He still gets the occasional sharp clawed swat but, although it sets him yelping in his most injured tone, it no longer traumatizes him...no more shaking and he bounces right back after I pick him up and comfort him...in fact, he is not above provoking it just to get comforted(he loves being picked up and held).

The cat cannot be described as happy but she's not too badly out of sorts, although of course she still regards the dog with contempt and disdain.

What I did that worked was to establish a sort of "two state solution" : the dog had the front yard, the cat the back yard (which abuts on the field where she likes to hunt so no big loss for her to let him have the front). The cat has sole rights to the inside of the house, but the dog has the garden shed-cum-spa little house to go into whenever he wants, like if it's raining.

In putting this into effect I had to leash the dog in the front yard whenever the cat was outside, and always let the cat in and out by the back door. If the cat went to the front yard and attached the dog, I squirted her with water and scolded while comforting the dog. If however the dog managed to get into the back yard and she attacked him, no punishment to cat, just quietly removed dog.

They both understand the system now and I usually don't have to leash him anymore, he pretty much stays to the front except at night when the cat is inside the house (she sleeps with me). The cat thoroughly understands and has basically ceded the front yard to him, focusing instead on ensuring he doesn't come into the back yard. Occasionally there are still run-ins, mostly when I'm working in the garden because the dog can't understand that it's not OK to follow me into the cat's territory...and sometimes the cat ventures into the front to swat him...but not so often.

Interestingly about 2 weeks ago I had to bring them both with me in the car and overnight at my niece's apartment. I was concerned that it would be a nightmare being cooped up with the 2 of them in the car so I brought along carrying cases just in case (contrary to what all the books say, my cat does much better in cars being out of the case and I usually let her roam freely about. To my surprise there was no problem at all. They did not interact but neither did they fight or seem to feel any need to avoid each other. And were likewise fine with each other at my niece's place (altho both of them were driven a bit crazy by her hyperactive and fearless little Pomeranian puppy). They got into a brief (and very funny to watch) shoving match on the ride home over which of them got to sit next to me as I drove. So when got back they had been in close quarters with each other for a full 4 days and I thought maybe they can share territory now....WRONG! Back to the two state solution. It was interesting tho and confirms that the issue is purely one of territory for the cat. She doesn't consider the car her territory so no problem to be with the dog there. But the house and yard are another matter. The dog would be fine sharing territory with her, but not vice versa. She's happier having a smaller territory that is still wholly her own.

So there you have it.

Kadan has proven to be one fantastic watch dog, by the way.


Very interesting. I heard that you can take a cat into a dog household but not a dog into a cat home.

Had two Thai dogs that hated cats, but I got a kitten to solve a rat problem. She sat on my shoulder whenever I went out and the dogs glumly followed. Took about two weeks to integ


now u all understand why there are so many wars....

if a dog and a cat have to have a two state territory, just think how much more complicated it is for us . at least, or i hope, most of us dont walk around spraying our scent in corners however. or maybe that would be the easier solution :o)

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