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Too Bad About Stickman

Ulysses G.

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Mark , the new writer, is not stickman, heck stickman was married to a lady from Chiang Mai , this guy is with a lady from Udon. Then the style is different, remember that some part of the weekly columns are written by a couple of guys helping the website, but when you read some personal stuff, you can clearly see that's a different person.

Maybe stickman sold it..who knows..

I wondered about the new lady from Udon - thanks for clearing it up as I was about to ask if Stickman had got a new woman ;-)

Stickmans old one was not Chiang Mai though - she was from Korat I think (or Khon Kean) but one of those two.

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and whats wrong with marrying a chinese thai and avoiding the red bus ?

Neeranam's had a personal hardon for the Chinese since I can remember. More than one racist rant from him in the archives.

I do not think Stickmans wife is thai-chinese either - she is from the north east?

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The John Galt issue started of as a bit of a novelty, but as time went on more and more people began to realize that Galt has some mental health issues. Ironically because more people now realize that he does have issues, Galt has now had the opposite effect of his intentions by effectively promoting Stickman. People are going to stickman’s site to see what is pushing Galt’s buttons. He has even started to branch out and attack his critics and other columnists like Dave The Rave.

If anyone cares to look, go to Galt’s site and you can clearly see the slide of his mental state from week to week. He does provide a good example for teaching future students in the mental health field about the progression of mental illness.

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"He does provide a good example for teaching future students in the mental health field about the progression of mental illness."

Progression or cycle?

I would wager this is just another episode n a long history of episodes for him - he has all the signs.

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The John Galt issue started of as a bit of a novelty, but as time went on more and more people began to realize that Galt has some mental health issues. Ironically because more people now realize that he does have issues, Galt has now had the opposite effect of his intentions by effectively promoting Stickman. People are going to stickman's site to see what is pushing Galt's buttons. He has even started to branch out and attack his critics and other columnists like Dave The Rave.

If anyone cares to look, go to Galt's site and you can clearly see the slide of his mental state from week to week. He does provide a good example for teaching future students in the mental health field about the progression of mental illness.

:o That pretty much sums it up... Galt must be one sad lonely wierdo from what I can gather!

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Who cares. Only read a couple of things by stickman and found them boring and done to death topics. The only reason i visited his site was beacuse some one over the years posting a link here. As said before. Its been done to death.

Typical middle class English English teacher who marries a Chinese Thai woman he meets in a bookshop, with glasses and thinks he knows all about Thailand. The type that refuses to get on a red bangkok bus - what a nob.

i have been on a red bangkok bus exactly once in 11 years. does that make me a nob(sic) too?

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The John Galt issue started of as a bit of a novelty, but as time went on more and more people began to realize that Galt has some mental health issues. Ironically because more people now realize that he does have issues, Galt has now had the opposite effect of his intentions by effectively promoting Stickman. People are going to stickman’s site to see what is pushing Galt’s buttons. He has even started to branch out and attack his critics and other columnists like Dave The Rave.

If anyone cares to look, go to Galt’s site and you can clearly see the slide of his mental state from week to week. He does provide a good example for teaching future students in the mental health field about the progression of mental illness.

Very true. He is just a "one trick pony" and the risible content of his site indicates the struggle he has finding content to fill it. Lately, he has "branched out" into attacking other blogs and sites, and his mental condition is starting to seem a bit unstable.

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Who cares. Only read a couple of things by stickman and found them boring and done to death topics. The only reason i visited his site was beacuse some one over the years posting a link here. As said before. Its been done to death.

Typical middle class English English teacher who marries a Chinese Thai woman he meets in a bookshop, with glasses and thinks he knows all about Thailand. The type that refuses to get on a red bangkok bus - what a nob.

Why so bitter ?


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Typical middle class English English teacher who marries a Chinese Thai woman he meets in a bookshop, with glasses and thinks he knows all about Thailand

Given that Stick is a Kiwi he'd be hard pushed to be a typical English anything.

But the post illustrates something.

Thailand is a magnate for bitter and twisted loosers.

They resent and are only two willing to attack anyone who makes an effort and achieves any kind of sucess.

My own view of Stick.

I've corresponded with him by email on a number of occassions, he's always been very helpful with questions I have put to him, I know of others who he has generously given good advice to.

My view of Galt.

I don't know the guy, so I don't have a view on him in particular. I agree with some, but by no means all of his criticisms of Stick.

But he has clearly demonstrated something that is singularly important to recognize and understand: A single individual can anomously attack, threaten and bring down the efforts and sucess of someone else with little more than a computer and an internet connection.

This has not gone amiss, hence webmasters staying clear of the whole issue.

This is the point to note and the lesson to be earned.

The genearlly accepted view of competition in the market is if a product (in this case a website) is not meeting custmer needs, a competitor will create an alternative that does meet the customer needs.

The attacks on Stick illustrate an alternative. A hugely popular website being brought down by attacks motivated by (the reason does not matter).

It is exactly that point that should not be missed.

It is the only significant issue in the whole Stick/Galt Saga.

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And what is wrong with Thai Chinese exactly? My wife would cut your balls off you she heard you bad mouth like that....... :D:D:D

Somewhere along the line one of them outsmarted neeranam and he's been trash talking them ever since. If his inability to get his facts right in this thread are any indication, they didn't have to work very hard to do it either. :o

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i think its a sad fact of life that people want to read the dirt on people,the more successful,famous,good looking,the better.certain tabloids in the uk wouldnt exist if this wasnt so.

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i think its a sad fact of life that people want to read the dirt on people,the more successful,famous,good looking,the better.certain tabloids in the uk wouldnt exist if this wasnt so.
To borrow Shakespeare's words, things happen so fast now that they don't wait until you die. Back then, "the evil that men do live after them; the good is oft interred with their bones." Or sumpin' like that.
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'farang kee nok" is a type of guava tree tht grows where you would not expect it. It grows maybe in the middle of a mango orchard as the seed has been transferred by birds eating the seeds and then shitting.

Some Thais will say it when they see a farang upcountry, where they would not be expected.

I've also heard someone asy that it means a farang without any money, as the farang kee nok fruit has very little meat - ie a poor man's guava.

Strange as when my first daughter was born in bamrunrad hospital, I went to the toilets and two <deleted> walked in and said "farang kee nok". It's not exactly cheap! I was wearing my work suit, and a good one too. When I challenged them they refused to admit that they said it(what a surprise).

But I'm not Thai, could be wrong.

Thank you for the explanation. After speaking with the wife and looking over my old e-mails, It was indeed "farang kee nok"

There is a drunken disrespectful farang in my wifes village who is commonly referred to like this.

My wife is happy I am not spoken of in the same manner.

I guess my original point still stands.....it's definitely not a term of "respect and endearment" as Summers believed, but is used in a derogatory manner.

Thanks again for the clarification.

I have been enlightened. :D

Summers is still a <deleted>. :o

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And what is wrong with Thai Chinese exactly? My wife would cut your balls off you she heard you bad mouth like that....... :D:D:D

Somewhere along the line one of them outsmarted neeranam and he's been trash talking them ever since. If his inability to get his facts right in this thread are any indication, they didn't have to work very hard to do it either. :o


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