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Sorry for being so dumb...

But here goes:

I keep getting some phone messages, adverts of something on my phone. I get one about every minute of something. It is written in Thai so I have no idea what it is saying. But they are differnt in content. I can figure that much. (I hope I am not loosing air time over this)

Someone called me late last night, I could not hear him to well, and it would not matter if I did, my Thai is so limitted we could not have conversed much!!!!! Any how, I hung up on the guy. This was about 10:30, and he kept calling. I turned off the phone.

This was last night mind you, and now I keep getting these messages. I have gotten 3 messages in the time it took to write this.

Do you think the wierd phone call late last night is related at all? This all started today!

Sorry for being so dumb...

But here goes:

I keep getting some phone messages, adverts of something on my phone. I get one about every minute of something. It is written in Thai so I have no idea what it is saying. But they are differnt in content. I can figure that much. (I hope I am not loosing air time over this)

Someone called me late last night, I could not hear him to well, and it would not matter if I did, my Thai is so limitted we could not have conversed much!!!!! Any how, I hung up on the guy. This was about 10:30, and he kept calling. I turned off the phone.

This was last night mind you, and now I keep getting these messages. I have gotten 3 messages in the time it took to write this.

Do you think the wierd phone call late last night is related at all? This all started today!

Most (if not all) Mobiles will keep a record of the number from which an SMS was sent, it should also keep a record of numbers from which calls have been received.

Have a Thai speaker call and ask what's going on; quite possibly someone has given your number to an aquaintance in error - transposed a digit for example.

I don't imagine it's anything dramatic or worth worrying about though.



one of the strange things is that the messages do not get stored in my phone.

They just come up on the display and leave. The display lights up and that is consumeing some battery, but other than that is not that anoying.

I am just wondering how this all began.


I used to get them to every minute of the day, using up the battery etc etc. If it's a new sim card there from the sim provider . Call thethe provider up and tell them to stop. I did and hey no more annoying messages,Good luck


some mobile phones have an option in their menus whereby you can turn off broadcast messages


I have the same problem when I come to Thailand from Australia. I bring 2 mobile phone - my Australian (Optus) GSM mobile and a spare GSM mobile that I buy a starter kit and use a Thai SIM card.

As soon as I land at BKK Airport, I turn on my Australian mobile phone and within 2 minutes I have received half a dozen SMS messages from either AIS, DTAC or Optus - welcoming me to Thailand.

My BF has a Thai GSM mobile - after he got a Thai SIM last year, he was inundated with Broadcast Messages and calls. Fortunately he was able to contact AIS and get the Broadcast Messages turned off. The reason he received the calls is that AIS reissues a mobile phone number after 6 months.

His only option was to use up the credit on that SIM card and get another one.


I used to get them to every minute of the day, using up the battery etc etc. If it's a new sim card there from the sim provider . Call thethe provider up and tell them to stop. I did and hey no more annoying messages,Good luck

Ditto this with AIS

They checked out the old messages and also stopped any further problems.

I also pointed out to them i am English and cannot understand them anyway.

They again made a note of this and any information from them on promotions ect. now come in English.

Also stuff that comes with the bill every month has now been changed to English, whenever possible of course.

marshbags :o

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