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I know the reality may be diff, but what the heck these are some qualities of my ideal "cream of the crop" farang

-Has flexibility and tolerance for ambiguity - ability to function in a situation where things do not necessarily "make sense"

- respects and interests in local culture

-bothers to learn thai

-doesn’t always invite a thai girl to a bar/disco on your first date

-Doesn’t go complaining about all things Thai, we don’t understand why you chose to be here

-doesn’t go around telling dirty jokes and naughty past adventures in Pattaya, Samui, Phuket, or wherever

-doesn’t swear out loud in public

-doesn't boast that you have this and that, we have heard it all before

-Doesn’t go around throwing the money shamelessly, after all you’re only a millionaire in Thailand only, but a nobody back in your home country

-Oozing out a positive self-image (wear clean clothes, trim mustache, and shower sometimes)

And lastly, it helps if he is……nice, fun, hot!...and oh w/ a cute accent! (we don’t have enough cute farangs around here)

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to each their own. There will be somebody for everybody in the end. I love it here but then I have no thai ladyfriend. Is it pure chance then that I find nothing to complain about with all things Thai. My only gripes, and they are VERY minor, are with those sour faced farangs who make the place look less attractive.

Loz, I have lived in Thailand since 1990, and the vast majority on the constant complainers are guys with very limited ammounts of cash to spend, the shoestring budget Farangs...... these same guys would be constantly moaning in their own countries also.

Many come to Thailand with nothing in their pockets but a few dreams and hopeless expectations.

JR Texas: None of my expat friends are poor...........and they are all complaining about what is happening in Thailand.

I have been both rich and poor.........and I complained about Thailand when I was rich and when I was poor.

The idea that only poor people complain is a false idea.


As is clearly indicated the 'Ideal' depends on who you ask.

My personal view is that the ideal farang in Thailand is one who makes and effort to give back to Thailand as much as Thailand gives him/her and endeavors to promote the best of his/her culture to the Thais. In short those who are a credit to themselves, a credit to where they come from and a positive credit to Thailand.

That doesn't have to be an expat, it may be a foreigner visiting Thailand on holiday and spending some of their time on voluntary work.

Or indeed any foreigner who on a daily basis makes an effort to get along with the Thais.

There are a lot of farangs in Thailand doing a whole lot of good intercommunity work at all sorts of levels. We all of us benefit from the good press this gives farangs in general.

Sadly, endless hardwork building good community relations is continually wrecked by the dregs of farang society that Thailand so effortlessly attracts.

Sadly, endless hardwork building good community relations is continually wrecked by the dregs of farang society that Thailand so effortlessly attracts.

This is true GH, very true.

I know the reality may be diff, but what the heck these are some qualities of my ideal "cream of the crop" farang

-Has flexibility and tolerance for ambiguity - ability to function in a situation where things do not necessarily "make sense"

- respects and interests in local culture

-bothers to learn thai

-doesn't always invite a thai girl to a bar/disco on your first date

-Doesn't go complaining about all things Thai, we don't understand why you chose to be here

-doesn't go around telling dirty jokes and naughty past adventures in Pattaya, Samui, Phuket, or wherever

-doesn't swear out loud in public

-doesn't boast that you have this and that, we have heard it all before

-Doesn't go around throwing the money shamelessly, after all you're only a millionaire in Thailand only, but a nobody back in your home country

-Oozing out a positive self-image (wear clean clothes, trim mustache, and shower sometimes)

And lastly, it helps if he is……nice, fun, hot!...and oh w/ a cute accent! (we don't have enough cute farangs around here)

Teacup, I pass on all these, even the shower bit. Why do I feel so nerdy when surounded by:

(Quote a2396): The "poster child" Farang that I see very often here has: a shaved head, plenty of tatoos, gold chain(s), & maybe an earring or two, wears shorts or cut-offs & sleevless undershirts everywhere he goes. He is usually 7 feet tall and/or wide, often with plenty of attitude. I assume this look must be popular with the local girls. "Nice Guy"? Probably gets you the same as back home: Nowhere & nothing.

I know the reality may be diff, but what the heck these are some qualities of my ideal "cream of the crop" farang

-Has flexibility and tolerance for ambiguity - ability to function in a situation where things do not necessarily "make sense"

- respects and interests in local culture

-bothers to learn thai

-doesn't always invite a thai girl to a bar/disco on your first date

-Doesn't go complaining about all things Thai, we don't understand why you chose to be here

-doesn't go around telling dirty jokes and naughty past adventures in Pattaya, Samui, Phuket, or wherever

-doesn't swear out loud in public

-doesn't boast that you have this and that, we have heard it all before

-Doesn't go around throwing the money shamelessly, after all you're only a millionaire in Thailand only, but a nobody back in your home country

-Oozing out a positive self-image (wear clean clothes, trim mustache, and shower sometimes)

And lastly, it helps if he is……nice, fun, hot!...and oh w/ a cute accent! (we don't have enough cute farangs around here)

Teacup, I pass on all these, even the shower bit. Why do I feel so nerdy when surounded by:

(Quote a2396): The "poster child" Farang that I see very often here has: a shaved head, plenty of tatoos, gold chain(s), & maybe an earring or two, wears shorts or cut-offs & sleevless undershirts everywhere he goes. He is usually 7 feet tall and/or wide, often with plenty of attitude. I assume this look must be popular with the local girls. "Nice Guy"? Probably gets you the same as back home: Nowhere & nothing.

im guessing its your age. she forgot to mention between 25-35 years old.

I know the reality may be diff, but what the heck these are some qualities of my ideal "cream of the crop" farang

-Has flexibility and tolerance for ambiguity - ability to function in a situation where things do not necessarily "make sense"

- respects and interests in local culture

-bothers to learn thai

-doesn't always invite a thai girl to a bar/disco on your first date

-Doesn't go complaining about all things Thai, we don't understand why you chose to be here

-doesn't go around telling dirty jokes and naughty past adventures in Pattaya, Samui, Phuket, or wherever

-doesn't swear out loud in public

-doesn't boast that you have this and that, we have heard it all before

-Doesn't go around throwing the money shamelessly, after all you're only a millionaire in Thailand only, but a nobody back in your home country

-Oozing out a positive self-image (wear clean clothes, trim mustache, and shower sometimes)

And lastly, it helps if he is……nice, fun, hot!...and oh w/ a cute accent! (we don't have enough cute farangs around here)

Teacup, I pass on all these, even the shower bit. Why do I feel so nerdy when surounded by:

(Quote a2396): The "poster child" Farang that I see very often here has: a shaved head, plenty of tatoos, gold chain(s), & maybe an earring or two, wears shorts or cut-offs & sleevless undershirts everywhere he goes. He is usually 7 feet tall and/or wide, often with plenty of attitude. I assume this look must be popular with the local girls. "Nice Guy"? Probably gets you the same as back home: Nowhere & nothing.

I pass on all of the above, except the "millionaire in Thailand only, but a nobody back in your home country."

Sorry, but in my home country I made darn good money. I work in a field that less than 10,000 people in the US are qualified in. I have the highest degree that can be obtained in this field. I am currently the only person in Thailand with this degree, and there are only 20 people in Thailand currently qualified (semi) in this my field of occupation. I earn a great deal for Thai standards, but I took a pay cut of more than 50% just to be in this "great" country.

Thailand should be honored to have falangs even interested in being here. I dare say a lot of falangs are good retirees just looking for peace and quite. But because of Thailand's xenophobic attitude, policies and habit of living in denial.... they don't know a good falang from a bad one. They just paint falangs with the same brush. News flash, not all falangs are or were loosers, and those here contributing to the betterment of Thailand are one day going to burn up and take their knowledge & money with them. It is called "brain drain" and mark my words, it is going to happen, the longer this govt stays in power.


So Dakhar, intellectual input isn't a criterion there. No wonder I feel nerdy. I assume from your post that a cunnilinguist would be more in tune there than a cunning linguist. I feel I'm gradually getting to the root of my problem now.

what a stupid topic.

this is like asking ,what is the ideal shade of blue ?

Okay, I give up. What is the ideal shade of blue ?


It's not obvious to me from the posts in this thread that any of them actually came from Thai females and they seem to be the only ones that can sensibly answer the OP question. If there are any of you out there that can contribute, let's hear it please otherwise it's all down to a bunch of guys second guessing the answer and inevitably, getting it wrong big time. However, from this guys perspective the answer to the OP's question must be X, but stay tuned and be alert because tomorrow it may be Y - somethings never change.

I know the reality may be diff, but what the heck these are some qualities of my ideal "cream of the crop" farang

-Has flexibility and tolerance for ambiguity - ability to function in a situation where things do not necessarily "make sense"

- respects and interests in local culture

-bothers to learn thai

-doesn't always invite a thai girl to a bar/disco on your first date

-Doesn't go complaining about all things Thai, we don't understand why you chose to be here

-doesn't go around telling dirty jokes and naughty past adventures in Pattaya, Samui, Phuket, or wherever

-doesn't swear out loud in public

-doesn't boast that you have this and that, we have heard it all before

-Doesn't go around throwing the money shamelessly, after all you're only a millionaire in Thailand only, but a nobody back in your home country

-Oozing out a positive self-image (wear clean clothes, trim mustache, and shower sometimes)

And lastly, it helps if he is……nice, fun, hot!...and oh w/ a cute accent! (we don't have enough cute farangs around here)

Just to pose a qualification question teacup..

From the way you write your "posts" you appear more falang than thai. You have either spent your whole life living in a foreign country or you have an amazing grasp of the English language. Not one thai person that I know, who has spent many years abroad (of the many thai people I am aquainted with who have done just this) studying English, has a control over their written vocabulary anywhere near as good as yours.

So if you are a thai person who has lived most of your life outside thailand - how can you comment on the ideal falang for the avg. thai citizen?

It's just the same as me typing out a list for the ideal "Finnish" girl - with my only connection with Finland being it was the country of birth for my mother.


Loz, I have lived in Thailand since 1990, and the vast majority on the constant complainers are guys with very limited ammounts of cash to spend, the shoestring budget Farangs...... these same guys would be constantly moaning in their own countries also.

Virtually every post you make is a whinge about whingers. The exceptions are posts insulting other posters.

Never have anything positive to say about anyone or anything? Stop whining.

The exceptions are posts insulting other posters.

You had better ask a Moderator to ban me then if that's the case, I am sure they will investigate your claim.

And stop whining , please.

Loz, I have lived in Thailand since 1990, and the vast majority on the constant complainers are guys with very limited ammounts of cash to spend, the shoestring budget Farangs...... these same guys would be constantly moaning in their own countries also.

Virtually every post you make is a whinge about whingers. The exceptions are posts insulting other posters.

Never have anything positive to say about anyone or anything? Stop whining.

Looks like I'll have to whinge then when I'm over there. I don't normally, but being a Brit I suppose I could learn.

The ideal farang = the id--- farang. Just change the two vowels and the one consonant.

er....... someone from Idaho then.

Ideal farang? I think everyone would agree there is only one person among us who could even come close.

Maigo6 :o


"I used to be rich" Haha - the rich always stay rich.

Or did you "used to have a good job" then you were never rich. Working class I'd say.

to each their own. There will be somebody for everybody in the end. I love it here but then I have no thai ladyfriend. Is it pure chance then that I find nothing to complain about with all things Thai. My only gripes, and they are VERY minor, are with those sour faced farangs who make the place look less attractive.

Loz, I have lived in Thailand since 1990, and the vast majority on the constant complainers are guys with very limited ammounts of cash to spend, the shoestring budget Farangs...... these same guys would be constantly moaning in their own countries also.

Many come to Thailand with nothing in their pockets but a few dreams and hopeless expectations.

JR Texas: None of my expat friends are poor...........and they are all complaining about what is happening in Thailand.

I have been both rich and poor.........and I complained about Thailand when I was rich and when I was poor.

The idea that only poor people complain is a false idea.


Robski, thanks for the the pic. I've booked for plastic surgery and I'm currently working out 3 hours a day. Will this help me look like you? I'm still taking notes here. Hmm, money would help, or at least a rich appearance. Okay thanks, post on please

Robski, thanks for the the pic. I've booked for plastic surgery and I'm currently working out 3 hours a day. Will this help me look like you? I'm still taking notes here. Hmm, money would help, or at least a rich appearance. Okay thanks, post on please
H,mm rich appearance for a brit living in east germany, wear the checked knotted handkerchief under your helmut schmidt hat, with all 4 knotted corners visible :D failing that Green Wellies with your lederhosen :o:D Nignoy
Just to pose a qualification question teacup..

From the way you write your "posts" you appear more falang than thai. You have either spent your whole life living in a foreign country or you have an amazing grasp of the English language.

Thanks for the compliments, I’m sure my father would love to hear them, at least he would know he’s getting some of his money worth for my 2 degrees from the top 20 univ in the US in 3.5 yrs. And I can reassure you that I’m a full flesh thai girl……including my mother, father, and the whole clan…. and our family has been living in the same spot in BKK for at least 300 yrs.

Not one thai person that I know, who has spent many years abroad (of the many thai people I am aquainted with who have done just this) studying English, has a control over their written vocabulary anywhere near as good as yours.

I guess we aren't in the same circle then


teacup- I of course have no idea whether you're Thai or not. If your post is true, then your pride is certainly justified.

However, it is mind boggling to me that some foreigners can't get their mind around the idea that there are many Thais out there who speak English about as well as Thai. Not to mention just as smart and with excellent formal educations.

Cheers to you and your earlier good natured post.

what a stupid topic.

this is like asking ,what is the ideal shade of blue ?

Okay, I give up. What is the ideal shade of blue ?

Exactly my point.

teacup- I of course have no idea whether you're Thai or not. If your post is true, then your pride is certainly justified.

However, it is mind boggling to me that some foreigners can't get their mind around the idea that there are many Thais out there who speak English about as well as Thai. Not to mention just as smart and with excellent formal educations.

Cheers to you and your earlier good natured post.

"MANY Thais who speak English about as well as Thai"???? You must be a professor of English in a top BKK university graduate program. I have only met one Thai who fits your description in 3 years here. She had a graduate degree in linguistics from a BKK univ. I don't live in BKK, but my many visits there have not uncovered anything but very basic English speakers. Compared to Malaysia, they are light years behind. Many of them I have met have little interst in it (English) in any case.

teacup- I of course have no idea whether you're Thai or not. If your post is true, then your pride is certainly justified.

However, it is mind boggling to me that some foreigners can't get their mind around the idea that there are many Thais out there who speak English about as well as Thai. Not to mention just as smart and with excellent formal educations.

Cheers to you and your earlier good natured post.

"MANY Thais who speak English about as well as Thai"???? You must be a professor of English in a top BKK university graduate program. I have only met one Thai who fits your description in 3 years here. She had a graduate degree in linguistics from a BKK univ. I don't live in BKK, but my many visits there have not uncovered anything but very basic English speakers. Compared to Malaysia, they are light years behind. Many of them I have met have little interst in it (English) in any case.

Excluding my wife who was born/raised in the west so has an unfair advantage, my office in bangkok has around 20 thais who all speak/read/write fluent english.I would say that most other multinational firms fit the same bill.


a2396- Only one person? What was that person doing in the bar in Nana Plaza?

I'm not talking percentages, I'm talking lots in terms of a total number. And that does of course include a lot of Thais who were raised in and/or received advanced formal education in the west.

teacup- I of course have no idea whether you're Thai or not. If your post is true, then your pride is certainly justified.

However, it is mind boggling to me that some foreigners can't get their mind around the idea that there are many Thais out there who speak English about as well as Thai. Not to mention just as smart and with excellent formal educations.

Cheers to you and your earlier good natured post.

"MANY Thais who speak English about as well as Thai"???? You must be a professor of English in a top BKK university graduate program. I have only met one Thai who fits your description in 3 years here. She had a graduate degree in linguistics from a BKK univ. I don't live in BKK, but my many visits there have not uncovered anything but very basic English speakers. Compared to Malaysia, they are light years behind. Many of them I have met have little interst in it (English) in any case.

Excluding my wife who was born/raised in the west so has an unfair advantage, my office in bangkok has around 20 thais who all speak/read/write fluent english.I would say that most other multinational firms fit the same bill.

i have come across many Thais who can speak more fluently than they write.

Speaking fluently is certainly very common in Bangkok. writing like a native speaker is less common, though seeing the grammatical and usage errors on this board leads me to believe that the gap is shrinking. spelling mistakes and typos aside there are a large number of people on this board alone who can write little better than sms english.

the word the word "looser" in place of "loser" on this thread, an error that i find both ironic and appropriate.

As for the ideal farang, i think he spends little time on TV, and far less time condemning the thai nation as a bunch of theives, incompetents or peasants to any who will listen.


Go English teachers! Oh and that was me by the way, looser/loser... ironic and appropriate. Sorry, I didn't get my Edumacation in englesh. Instead I focused my education within an area few people do, and luckily it paid off.

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