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How Long To Get A Telephone Connection?


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How long does it take to get a telephone connection??

Went to TOT and TT&T and both state that there are nop numbers available???

With the 6 digets how many combinations are possible? Didnt know Pattaya is a million people city nowedays?

Thing is I aint living in the jungle not downtown too but just behind Mini Siam??

Anyone knows how to go to obtain a number??


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How long does it take to get a telephone connection??

Went to TOT and TT&T and both state that there are nop numbers available???

With the 6 digets how many combinations are possible? Didnt know Pattaya is a million people city nowedays?

Thing is I aint living in the jungle not downtown too but just behind Mini Siam??

Anyone knows how to go to obtain a number??


I went to the ToT office with my landlady in mid-December. Bad time of the year to apply apparently. I didn't get my phone installed until a month later and even then it was a scam.

The ToT guys came by in their truck and we asked if they were there to install my phone. No, they were just checking out the site, it was a Saturday and they didn't do installations on the weekends. :D

How ever, if I really wanted it done, they would hook me up right then and there for a small (1,000 baht) fee. :o

I almost had to laugh a couple of months later. The woman in the shop on the bottom floor decided to get a phone installed as well. I come home one day and my phone/internet are both out. She just got her's installed. While trying to figure out why mine wasn't working, I called my telephone from my mobile.

Her phone starts ringing !

The numpties disconnected my line and installed it in her shop !! :D

A couple of calls from the landlady and the next day they were back and fixed it (surprisingly quick all things considered). No problems since then (fingers crossed, knock on wood).

Can't see there being a problem with not having any numbers available, but it could be that what ever switching panels/distribution boxes in your area are full to capacity. Might not be able to add more lines in your area without installing new hardware to handle the extra lines ?

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took me about a year in Maprachan to get conected by TT&T! They called me one day and said I have to come NOW to their office, as the offer is good for two hours then the next in line gets served...

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How long does it take to get a telephone connection??

Went to TOT and TT&T and both state that there are nop numbers available???

With the 6 digets how many combinations are possible? Didnt know Pattaya is a million people city nowedays?

Thing is I aint living in the jungle not downtown too but just behind Mini Siam??

Anyone knows how to go to obtain a number??


Its usually a lack of ports in the sub exchange or no copper available, its not the numbering system issue, i got mine in 5 days from TT&T, they also moved me to my new place with only one days notice.

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