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How to stay in Thailand after resigning from my job?

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Hi guys,


By advance thanks for reading me and for any information you can provide me with.

So here's my story (you may skip to the next section if you don't have time for my pathos! :) )

I came to Thailand to become a teacher 2 years ago. I had big dreams and ambitions, and I was truly grateful to be hired as a maths/science teacher despite not having much teaching experience. Fast forward a year and a half and I'm already sick of teaching in Thailand. I can't deal with the education system, with the meaningless paperwork, with the no fail policy, and the amount of lazy students in my classes (I was teaching maths and science to Matayom English Program students  in a private school). Anyhow, no big deal, at least I tried my best and I'm happy with myself. I thought I'd just quit and go back to software engineering (my initial career), it was this september. Sadly I'm young and inexperienced, and naively thought that I could just stay in Thailand and enjoy my life here. Well I was too eager to quit, and learnt a tad too late that they'd cancel my visa as soon as I stop working. Thankfully there was the Covid amnesty, however it was almost the end of the month and at that time they said that would be the last amnesty. I went to the immigration to inquire about my options to stay in Thailand, but basically what came out was that I had a week to find a job, or I was just good to go back home (unable to get a letter from my embassy because there were flights to my home country). Well I quickly went to every school in the area and thankfully found a job in a public school, that managed to provide me with the required paperwork on time to avoid the overstay. The job seemed fine at first, decent workload and salary was ok. They seemed to struggle to find a teacher that'd stay long enough though, and I was already the 4th teacher my students were getting. Soon enough I understood why. Teaching classes of 40-45 Plathom kids by myself is quite the task indeed. Most of them are absolutely uninterested in learning English despite my best efforts. There's still a handful of them that tries though, and I was willing to keep going for them. However school has been pulling off some crazy stuff lately. Apparently they had a long covid break before I came (I had online classes in my previous school), and they need to make up for that. Their solution was to cancel all school breaks, as well as having school on Saturdays for the next 3 months starting this week. That doesn't seem to be enough though, so in March and April they want the teachers to come and teach on Saturdays and Sundays. So basically working everyday for more than a month. I'm not too enthusiastic on the idea, I must say. That'd done it for me, and I'm now looking for a way to leave this hellhole. I've tried gathering information on this forum and on the internet, but rules and conditions seem to be changing fast... I saw there are very knowledgeable people on this forum, so I'm now asking for your wisdom. I'm looking for a way to stay in Thailand, firstly because I'm dating a mom of two kids (not Thai) that I kinda grew fond of, and secondly, well, because I don't really have anywhere else to go at the moment. I've been away from my birthplace for so long that it would pretty much be starting over if I went back.


My current situation and questions I'm currently working, so I have a non-B visa and a work permit. I'm looking to quit my job and stay in Thailand. I have some savings but not a ton of money (definitely not enough for Elite visa). I don't quite like the idea but I've been looking into visa agencies, I contacted two of them to "buy" a volunteer or edu visa, but they told me they're not sure they can do it for me because of changes in policies. Told me they'd inquire but never came back to me.

I'm trying to follow the news about STV and all, but it changes so fast I can't keep up. I've heard I can get a Covid extension for 2months, but the conditions are quite unclear as well, I'm not sure if I can apply for it once they cancel my visa. 

I'd just like to know what are my options exactly. I'm fine with having to pay to stay in the country, especially if I can work online. I'm not looking to cheat the system or anything, I just want to get out of my job and away from teaching in Thailand in general, because it's changing me in unhealthy ways.


I thank you again for reading me and your replies, please excuse any English mistakes.

All the best!


A sad teacher.

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1 hour ago, SadTeacher said:

Hi guys,


By advance thanks for reading me and for any information you can provide me with.

So here's my story (you may skip to the next section if you don't have time for my pathos! ????)

I came to Thailand to become a teacher 2 years ago. I had big dreams and ambitions, and I was truly grateful to be hired as a maths/science teacher despite not having much teaching experience. Fast forward a year and a half and I'm already sick of teaching in Thailand. I can't deal with the education system, with the meaningless paperwork, with the no fail policy, and the amount of lazy students in my classes (I was teaching maths and science to Matayom English Program students  in a private school). Anyhow, no big deal, at least I tried my best and I'm happy with myself. I thought I'd just quit and go back to software engineering (my initial career), it was this september. Sadly I'm young and inexperienced, and naively thought that I could just stay in Thailand and enjoy my life here. Well I was too eager to quit, and learnt a tad too late that they'd cancel my visa as soon as I stop working. Thankfully there was the Covid amnesty, however it was almost the end of the month and at that time they said that would be the last amnesty. I went to the immigration to inquire about my options to stay in Thailand, but basically what came out was that I had a week to find a job, or I was just good to go back home (unable to get a letter from my embassy because there were flights to my home country). Well I quickly went to every school in the area and thankfully found a job in a public school, that managed to provide me with the required paperwork on time to avoid the overstay. The job seemed fine at first, decent workload and salary was ok. They seemed to struggle to find a teacher that'd stay long enough though, and I was already the 4th teacher my students were getting. Soon enough I understood why. Teaching classes of 40-45 Plathom kids by myself is quite the task indeed. Most of them are absolutely uninterested in learning English despite my best efforts. There's still a handful of them that tries though, and I was willing to keep going for them. However school has been pulling off some crazy stuff lately. Apparently they had a long covid break before I came (I had online classes in my previous school), and they need to make up for that. Their solution was to cancel all school breaks, as well as having school on Saturdays for the next 3 months starting this week. That doesn't seem to be enough though, so in March and April they want the teachers to come and teach on Saturdays and Sundays. So basically working everyday for more than a month. I'm not too enthusiastic on the idea, I must say. That'd done it for me, and I'm now looking for a way to leave this hellhole. I've tried gathering information on this forum and on the internet, but rules and conditions seem to be changing fast... I saw there are very knowledgeable people on this forum, so I'm now asking for your wisdom. I'm looking for a way to stay in Thailand, firstly because I'm dating a mom of two kids (not Thai) that I kinda grew fond of, and secondly, well, because I don't really have anywhere else to go at the moment. I've been away from my birthplace for so long that it would pretty much be starting over if I went back.


My current situation and questions I'm currently working, so I have a non-B visa and a work permit. I'm looking to quit my job and stay in Thailand. I have some savings but not a ton of money (definitely not enough for Elite visa). I don't quite like the idea but I've been looking into visa agencies, I contacted two of them to "buy" a volunteer or edu visa, but they told me they're not sure they can do it for me because of changes in policies. Told me they'd inquire but never came back to me.

I'm trying to follow the news about STV and all, but it changes so fast I can't keep up. I've heard I can get a Covid extension for 2months, but the conditions are quite unclear as well, I'm not sure if I can apply for it once they cancel my visa. 

I'd just like to know what are my options exactly. I'm fine with having to pay to stay in the country, especially if I can work online. I'm not looking to cheat the system or anything, I just want to get out of my job and away from teaching in Thailand in general, because it's changing me in unhealthy ways.


I thank you again for reading me and your replies, please excuse any English mistakes.

All the best!


A sad teacher.


I appreciate your post. I used to be in a similar situation years ago. Lucky for me, and I also say this as respectful advice, keep looking for a nice place to teach;which is what I have done in the past. Some schools will be cake and very rewarding and others quite rotten as far as the environment and people you have to experience everyday. The working conditions you mentioned are goddam ridiculous.


I suggest not only online teaching but also as I mentioned, keep looking. There are so many schools and I think many have better hours than what you have to go through now. Play it smart and take a day off to go interview at a new place. Once you're in, get your money soon as possible on a positive note and be gone. So you can't get a covid letter? Try again and state your case along with covid concerns, as it could be an emergency.  I believe some people are also unable to get letters from their embassy but still able to get a covid extensions.


Don't be sad, given how much you have put up with already, you're probably a great teacher! ????

Edited by Solinvictus
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29 minutes ago, Promula said:

Nice try but not a chance the OP will qualify for that:


"To apply for the visa, applicants need to have an employment contract with a foreign firm for at least 6 months as well as proof of qualifications and experience."

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9 minutes ago, Patts said:

Nice try but not a chance the OP will qualify for that:


"To apply for the visa, applicants need to have an employment contract with a foreign firm for at least 6 months as well as proof of qualifications and experience."

What's stopping applying for a remote working job in his native country?

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It's big world loads of demand everywhere for quailified native speakers literally thousands of jobs in Hong Kong Taiwan,China, Vietnam, Indonesia the Gulf if you have US or UK real degrees not KSR Rd variety.I realize Covid has altered many plans. If you have sufficient cash to live as a volunteer, to stay a year I feel confident vaccines and travel will ease by 2022. With an EU passport you can work in 27 countries without a visa and if British get in in next fortnight and you may be able to become resident in Czechia.


If interested in Czechia PM me but only EU or UK Schengen Swiss Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norwegians (old EFTA) have fast track to what are usually self employed jobs via language agencies. If like beer and minus 20 it's heaven.

Of  depends where you want to be and what your skills, savings wedge to sit it out until an opportunity arises. There used to be local teachers forums I'm sure someone here will know where to look.

Goof luck, it can only get better maybe follow your gf to her country?

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13 hours ago, Solinvictus said:

I suggest not only online teaching but also as I mentioned, keep looking.


Online teaching will help supplement his income but it will do nothing for his visa situation. 

Agencies are not the boogieman you just have to find the right one and they do get things done efficiently.

As for your sob story anyone teaching here for any length of time has one or two stories to tell... the biggest difference is that you can no longer do border hops to get tourist visas... fate has closed down all those options. If you are not happy here after trying twice then why don't you go back home. Thailand is not for everyone and it will turn the sweetest orange into a sour lemon.

Edited by LazySlipper
typo due to arthritis
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There is a saying, look before you leap.

It looks like you are young and can t make logical decisions or do but then in too short programming.

It is simple tough in your case in Thailand, no job , no visa.

No money, no visa. No mariage, no visa. No study, no visa. Not sick, no visa. Too young, no retirement visa.

With working, you know you have to adapt. I know(not personal experience), too much adapting can really make you sick.

 We are talking about burn out then. You have to control your feelings and set your mind straight, adapt.

That is a very sneaky "illness" , mostly you dont know until it is almost too late and ruins your life.


You said you were happy with yourself, however adapting is a problem with you? 

Teaching is a job you must be able to perform and many things come with it. But that is also with a "common" or even any job.

In Africa a 9 year old boy, no parents is doing 12 hours/day hard labor for just 10 cents !! He is not the only one.

He must, if he doesnt do it, he will die. Think about that when you are working and have minor problems compared to him.

Finding that job which would be utopia is hard, probably you have to change a lot in employers. And maybe never find.


Many people are working in jobs they dont like, but it brings in the money. They have too.

I , also had the experience of fighting windmills, but just let go and go with flow if not appreciated.   

And then one day, you find out they dont like you at all and kick you out.

Welcome to he world and life.

Of course you can hop on, but then look before you leap.

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Hi guys,


Thank you for the replies and suggestions!


I heard about the SMART visa, however the conditions seem rather obscure at the moment, I've done software engineering as a freelancer before and there was such thing as employment contracts. I'm waiting for them to make things clearer on that matter.


At the moment I'm looking for a short term solution to get away from my current workplace and buy me some time to get into a better situation, whether as a teacher or something else. I like Thailand and its culture, I went through the struggles of learning its language, I'm just unhappy with my work experiences so far. I worked in other asian countries and had a better time, not as a teacher however, so it's hard to compare.

I could move to another country indeed but I believe it's not the best of times for that kind of decisions.
As for moving back home, as I stated I've been away for so long that I can't quite call it home anymore. If my savings are enough to buy me a year or so in Asia, that'd be a different story in European countries.


No need to go to Africa to find people with a situation worse than mine, there are plenty all around me, Thais or foreigners. Starting from my girlfriend whom is also stuck in stressful job because she needs to feed her kids and send them to school. I don't believe that is a reason not to try to improve my own life, however. Call me naive or inexperienced, but I want to believe there is a good place somewhere waiting for everyone that goes through the hassle of getting to it. That is getting off topic, anyway.


Anyhow, I thank you again for the suggestions. I wasn't aware you could get a covid extension despite your embassy being unable to provide you with a letter. I will try my luck once more then. And maybe keep looking for an agency that can help me. There doesn't seem to be an easy way out for me anyway, as I suspected ???? 

And worst case, I guess I will have to bid farewell to Thailand and look for a more welcoming place, indeed!


Cheers and all the best to everyone!


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1 hour ago, SadTeacher said:

Hi guys,


Thank you for the replies and suggestions!


I heard about the SMART visa, however the conditions seem rather obscure at the moment, I've done software engineering as a freelancer before and there was such thing as employment contracts. I'm waiting for them to make things clearer on that matter.




From what I understand of the SMART visa, you require a minimum of a Batchelors Degree and/or 10 years experience and minimum income of 100,000 bht a month. There are many categories of SMART visa you could apply under, official site here: https://smart-visa.boi.go.th/smart/index.html 

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Many years ago when I was trying to find work in Thailand, it seemed that there were plenty of jobs in the IT world - no use to me then.  However, you say you were previously a software engineer - have you looked at the vacancies in that area? 


There used to be several websites listing vacancies in Thailand - I'm probably out of date but I remember one beind Jobsdb.

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