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How young people can influence a good Cambodian-Thai relationship

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In an exclusive interview with Khmer Times journalist Taing Rinith, prominent Cambodian historian Sambo Manara speaks on how young people in Cambodia and Thailand can improve the relationship between the two nations by learning from the lessons of what happened in the past.


How do you describe the history of the relationship between Cambodia and Thailand?


Manara: Like any two countries that share borders in the world, Cambodia and Thailand have what we call a “love-hate” relationship, characterised by both alliance and invasion throughout their ancient history. However, what we cannot argue is that the two countries are closely connected politically, socially, culturally and economically.



What are your findings about the recent development of the two nations’ relationship, especially in the past few years?


Manara: In recent years, Cambodia and Thailand have seen a huge improvement in their relationship – never seen before in history. In addition to being Member States of ASEAN, the two countries have formed partnerships in almost all sectors, especially in economic development.

However, there is still some level of antagonism among their people which has been sparked by over-nationalism, which has already caused many problems in the past.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50793501/how-young-people-can-influence-a-good-cambodian-thai-relationship/


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