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Proposed Cessation Of Free Nhs Care To Uk Expats

Khun ?

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There is an election in the offing and all votes count, the UK's expatriate community is fairly sizable and not to be ignored - or at least that is my take on thiis.

I take it your vote lies elsewhere to the LIB-LAB-CON media driven regime who all sing from the same hymn sheet.

A vote for the BNP or to a lesser extent UKIP is the only way to secure a fair and prosperous future for the masses of honest indigenous working folk who have paid into the system for many years.

And if Thailand should ever start up a BNP equivalent, how would you feel as an expat presumably living in Thailand?

I dont live in Thailand and could never get residency here for as long as i live, the best i could hope for is a working visa for a job that a Thai couldnt do hence bettering their economy. I believe that certain so called xenophobic rules in Thailand do help the Thai population. ie if foreigners could buy land here the Thais would be priced out the market. Certain Thai policies are very nationalist and i believe this is a good thing, if you wish to keep the identity of Thailand.

The point is most Brits are fed up of mass immigration and being prices out of the property market due to a booming population and government policy of restrictive building permission, and people having to work for lower wages in certain sectors i.e Building, due to mass immigration in such a short space of time.

Maybe you should go for a stroll down to one of the Muslim or Afro/Caribbean ghettos in England and let me know if you see a multicultural society that is peaceful and living in harmony for the betterment of the country.

Anyhow the point i made for voting BNP is that expats would still get free healthcare whilst in Thailand, unlike the champagne socialists in government at present.

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There is an election in the offing and all votes count, the UK's expatriate community is fairly sizable and not to be ignored - or at least that is my take on thiis.

I take it your vote lies elsewhere to the LIB-LAB-CON media driven regime who all sing from the same hymn sheet.

A vote for the BNP or to a lesser extent UKIP is the only way to secure a fair and prosperous future for the masses of honest indigenous working folk who have paid into the system for many years.

And if Thailand should ever start up a BNP equivalent, how would you feel as an expat presumably living in Thailand?

I dont live in Thailand and could never get residency here for as long as i live, the best i could hope for is a working visa for a job that a Thai couldnt do hence bettering their economy. I believe that certain so called xenophobic rules in Thailand do help the Thai population. ie if foreigners could buy land here the Thais would be priced out the market. Certain Thai policies are very nationalist and i believe this is a good thing, if you wish to keep the identity of Thailand.

The point is most Brits are fed up of mass immigration and being prices out of the property market due to a booming population and government policy of restrictive building permission, and people having to work for lower wages in certain sectors i.e Building, due to mass immigration in such a short space of time.

Maybe you should go for a stroll down to one of the Muslim or Afro/Caribbean ghettos in England and let me know if you see a multicultural society that is peaceful and living in harmony for the betterment of the country.

Anyhow the point i made for voting BNP is that expats would still get free healthcare whilst in Thailand, unlike the champagne socialists in government at present.

Yes, the BNP is the way forward for Britain in today's globalised world? LOL

A race for the bottom for the mediocre and uneducated too thick or lazy to get the skills and get on with life at a decent salary level.

At least people can get a plumber back home now and not be held to ransom by some oik with his arse crack showing.

"I dont live in Thailand and could never get residency here for as long as i live, the best i could hope for is a working visa for a job that a Thai couldnt do hence bettering their economy."

So what do you offer Britain then if you are not good enough to be able to get residency in Thailand by getting a decent enough position that would allow you the 5 years to get residency - the bar is not that bloody high so maybe you need to get some new skills and contribute the the UK economy some more then.

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At least people can get a plumber back home now and not be held to ransom by some oik with his arse crack showing.

I see the myth that they are cash cows hasnt surpassed you.

My friend owns a plumbing business, and he tells me plumbers earn about 25-30k a year for a 40 hour week, the ones who earn 50k a year are on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week and turn in 60-70 hour weeks. Why is it OK/ or never commented on that some solicitors earn 100s of thousand a year but somehow wrong if a plumber were to earn 50k a year?

So what do you offer Britain then if you are not good enough to be able to get residency in Thailand by getting a decent enough position that would allow you the 5 years to get residency - the bar is not that bloody high so maybe you need to get some new skills and contribute the the UK economy some more then.

I dont want to live in Thailand, and i contribute to the UK economy by paying about 25000-30000 pound a year in tax, whilst getting millions of pounds worth of foreign investment to several EU economies.

I do ok for an Oik.

Edited by howtoescape
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At least people can get a plumber back home now and not be held to ransom by some oik with his arse crack showing.

I see the myth that they are cash cows hasnt surpassed you.

My friend owns a plumbing business, and he tells me plumbers earn about 25-30k a year for a 40 hour week, the ones who earn 50k a year are on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week and turn in 60-70 hour weeks. Why is it OK/ or never commented on that some solicitors earn 100s of thousand a year but somehow wrong if a plumber were to earn 50k a year?

So what do you offer Britain then if you are not good enough to be able to get residency in Thailand by getting a decent enough position that would allow you the 5 years to get residency - the bar is not that bloody high so maybe you need to get some new skills and contribute the the UK economy some more then.

I dont want to live in Thailand, and i contribute to the UK economy by paying about 25000-30000 pound a year in tax, whilst getting millions of pounds worth of foreign investment to several EU economies.

Ok so you do not want to live in Thailand but you said you you could never get residency.

If you have the skills, knowledge and know how to attract a similar level of FDI to Thailand I am sure they would give you a yearly WP and visa and after the qualifying period would get residency - wanting it and it not being possilble are two different things.

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You dont seriously think any political party would close it doors to skilled people and foreign investment on the basis of race do you? Can you show me where in the BNP UKIP manifestos this is mentioned.

Can you honestly say that mass immigration has been beneficial to the working indigenous people of Britain in the last 10 years.

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I am not sure how anyone could vote for the BNP when it has been shown (through various undercover videos and the like..) that it is being lead by a group of violent morons.

....Oh hang on, after reading through some of the other tripe on this forum it’s perfectly clear, some people think they are bigger and better than everyone around them i.e. constant negativity and Thai bashing, I suppose the BNP seems like the perfect party to this kind of person.

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I am not sure how anyone could vote for the BNP when it has been shown (through various undercover videos and the like..) that it is being lead by a group of violent morons.

I dont know how anyone could vote for Labour or Conservative as they backed the murder of 10000s of thousands Iraqi civilians and hundreds of British soldiers all in the pursuit of power and greed, and they used a lie to get backing.

The undercover report you are talking about by the BBC which led to Nick Griffin being charged with using words to incite racial hatred concluded with him being found not guilty after 2 trials.

Here read this, a majority of people in the UK (according to this poll) agree with BNP policies, is that not what governments should be elected on, or should it be on media image and spin?


This topic is about healthcare for expats, i presume many expats should the worst happen will rely on the UK health system, with the Labour regime you may lose this, with one of the parties i mentioned this would not happen.

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I am not sure how anyone could vote for the BNP when it has been shown (through various undercover videos and the like..) that it is being lead by a group of violent morons.

I dont know how anyone could vote for Labour or Conservative as they backed the murder of 10000s of thousands Iraqi civilians and hundreds of British soldiers all in the pursuit of power and greed, and they used a lie to get backing.

The undercover report you are talking about by the BBC which led to Nick Griffin being charged with using words to incite racial hatred concluded with him being found not guilty after 2 trials.

Here read this, a majority of people in the UK (according to this poll) agree with BNP policies, is that not what governments should be elected on, or should it be on media image and spin?


This topic is about healthcare for expats, i presume many expats should the worst happen will rely on the UK health system, with the Labour regime you may lose this, with one of the parties i mentioned this would not happen.

Seeing how mostly all expats from UK are drunks and and have unsafe sex yes unsafe sex just ask them,its about time I am sick of paying for these dumb fools.

Their sick style of life are making them sicker.  Maybe they should not be allowed to leave the UK and put in a Govt reat home

Also since most of these fools are giving their money away to ###### they have to much money

Edited by esbobes
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There is an election in the offing and all votes count, the UK's expatriate community is fairly sizable and not to be ignored - or at least that is my take on thiis.

I take it your vote lies elsewhere to the LIB-LAB-CON media driven regime who all sing from the same hymn sheet.

A vote for the BNP or to a lesser extent UKIP is the only way to secure a fair and prosperous future for the masses of honest indigenous working folk who have paid into the system for many years.

I'm not sure who I'll be voting for, but it's unlikely to go to any of the mainstream parties & for my Wife's first vote in a proper democracy - I'll be advocating that she does likewise.

A significant rise in support for the BNP & UKIP may well be the catalyst needed for the mainstream parties to come up with real & differring policies, something which clearly isn't evident at the moment. It's about time they started looking after Mr Smith, not just Mr Khan.

Nice one Clayton - it would be so ironic for you to encourage your wife to vote BNP - they get in by some miracle and they throw her out of the country. When did I say I would encourage her to vote for the BNP? The BNP in their current guise are still unelectable - they do better in local elections as voters are less afraid to use that theatre to voice their discontent. I think you're confusing the BNP with the NF, which advocates removal of all immigrants - the BNP doesn't. I suspect you know little or nothing about UKIP.

Maybe we could have camps and you could be detained for copulating with a non-aryan too.

What has references to Nazism got to do with the BNP or UKIP?

How do you manage in life with so little education?

I've had plenty of education pal. If you want to throw insults then I suggest you do it by PM, then I can respond in an appropriate manner without upsetting the Mods.

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BNP, National Front, Column 88 and all the way back to Mosely's Fascists - the British people have always rejected this scum and always will.

If the big parties don't get their act together it's only a matter of time until the BNP morphs into something that is electable. It's happened in other European countries and it'll happen here.

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I am not sure how anyone could vote for the BNP when it has been shown (through various undercover videos and the like..) that it is being lead by a group of violent morons.

I dont know how anyone could vote for Labour or Conservative as they backed the murder of 10000s of thousands Iraqi civilians and hundreds of British soldiers all in the pursuit of power and greed, and they used a lie to get backing.

The undercover report you are talking about by the BBC which led to Nick Griffin being charged with using words to incite racial hatred concluded with him being found not guilty after 2 trials.

Here read this, a majority of people in the UK (according to this poll) agree with BNP policies, is that not what governments should be elected on, or should it be on media image and spin?


This topic is about healthcare for expats, i presume many expats should the worst happen will rely on the UK health system, with the Labour regime you may lose this, with one of the parties i mentioned this would not happen.

Seeing how mostly all expats from UK are drunks and and have unsafe sex yes unsafe sex just ask them,its about time I am sick of paying for these dumb fools. Absolute rubbish! So you're happy to pay for assylum seekers? Teenage single mums, or others who take a conscientious decision to live off the state?

Their sick style of life are making them sicker. Maybe they should not be allowed to leave the UK and put in a Govt reat home

Also since most of these fools are giving their money away to ###### they have to much money

Most expats have contributed a significant amount to a system that's failing through abuse & mismanagement.

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I am not sure how anyone could vote for the BNP when it has been shown (through various undercover videos and the like..) that it is being lead by a group of violent morons.

I dont know how anyone could vote for Labour or Conservative as they backed the murder of 10000s of thousands Iraqi civilians and hundreds of British soldiers all in the pursuit of power and greed, and they used a lie to get backing.

The undercover report you are talking about by the BBC which led to Nick Griffin being charged with using words to incite racial hatred concluded with him being found not guilty after 2 trials.

Here read this, a majority of people in the UK (according to this poll) agree with BNP policies, is that not what governments should be elected on, or should it be on media image and spin?


This topic is about healthcare for expats, i presume many expats should the worst happen will rely on the UK health system, with the Labour regime you may lose this, with one of the parties i mentioned this would not happen. It's not just expats and retirees too, perhaps Prakanong should return to the UK and try to find a NHS dentist - I certainly can't, at least not without going on a waiting list in excess of 12 months.

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I would think that any British person who pays income tax on there pensions and have paid all national insurance contributions who have a Gp & a dentist a uk address would never be refused treatment at any hospital. If I was asked to sign a document to say I was a uk resident I would sign it as I would lie,& cheat to break this unjust law. :o I have just been watching Gordon Browns speech on bbc world about the NHS and he never once said that a British citizen would not be getting NHS treatment he said it was for every british citizen free at the source & its a right to all of us. Well if that is not true then we have a case at the human rights tribunal as all uk citizens who have been paying income tax who live outside the uk is being refused his human rights to the health service he is paying for that is a crime & its called theft. If I was to cheat my tax you can be sure the british goverment would be after me for a crime its the same thing in my eyes :D I don't think any body that knows about politics would vote for a party that would take the uk back to 18th century so the main stream party's will be there for a longtime to come with the same 2 party's fighting it out. I don't understand why any political party would pass a law that deprives any uk citizen that has and is paying his way to any rights in the uk that other non uk citizen can get just because they are living in the uk :D is not going to get my vote its theft plane and simple.



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This thread is from 2004... unless anyone has concrete facts and verifiable update, it seems a little bit pointless to continue discussing IMO.....

I am only interested in continuing reading if there is something relevant and connected to the original post.

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This thread is from 2004... unless anyone has concrete facts and verifiable update, it seems a little bit pointless to continue discussing IMO.....

I am only interested in continuing reading if there is something relevant and connected to the original post.

Ignore it then.

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This thread is from 2004... unless anyone has concrete facts and verifiable update, it seems a little bit pointless to continue discussing IMO.....

I am only interested in continuing reading if there is something relevant and connected to the original post.

Ignore it then.

Yawn :o . Of course, I can ignore it, the point I was TRYING to make... SIGH.. is that the original post was relating to "PROPOSED" cessation of free NHS care to UK Expats, which I AM interested in reading about.

This is a Forum and I am as entitled as anyone else to share my opinion which is simply what I was doing! Capisci?!

Back on topic - can anyone confirm or does anyone know if anything further materialised following the above PROPOSED Cessation in 2004? Thank you. :D

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BNP, National Front, Column 88 and all the way back to Mosely's Fascists - the British people have always rejected this scum and always will.

If the big parties don't get their act together it's only a matter of time until the BNP morphs into something that is electable. It's happened in other European countries and it'll happen here.

Yeah, yeah yeah, heard it for years.

Talking about mass immigration of the last 10 years LOL

Have they such short memories?

As for BNP and NF - same same no different - they may tart up their manifesto and have changed the public face for electoral public relations reasons but scratch them and you will find nazi through them like a stick of Blackpool Rock.

A party for uneducated oiks and Tory party rejects.

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Yeah, yeah yeah, heard it for years.

Talking about mass immigration of the last 10 years LOL

Have they such short memories?

As for BNP and NF - same same no different - they may tart up their manifesto and have changed the public face for electoral public relations reasons but scratch them and you will find nazi through them like a stick of Blackpool Rock.

A party for uneducated oiks and Tory party rejects.

I dont support the killing of millions of Jews so how can i be a Nazi.

I take it you support unlimited immigration where shall it stop 80 million, 100 million, make sure to answer this.

What about the housing problems this will cause for the masses, the strain on schools, hospitals road and rail networks, <deleted> it its only uneducated oiks that feel the brunt of it whilst sterile liberals swan off to the other side of the world to live, rejoicing about the successful multi cultural melting pot back in good ol England.

An Oik is a word the middle classes use to describe the working classes, i see from you repeatedly writing this you believe to be superior to these people, now arent we a prejudice liberal.

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Yeah, yeah yeah, heard it for years.

Talking about mass immigration of the last 10 years LOL

Have they such short memories?

As for BNP and NF - same same no different - they may tart up their manifesto and have changed the public face for electoral public relations reasons but scratch them and you will find nazi through them like a stick of Blackpool Rock.

A party for uneducated oiks and Tory party rejects.

I dont support the killing of millions of Jews so how can i be a Nazi.

I take it you support unlimited immigration where shall it stop 80 million, 100 million, make sure to answer this.

What about the housing problems this will cause for the masses, the strain on schools, hospitals road and rail networks, <deleted> it its only uneducated oiks that feel the brunt of it whilst sterile liberals swan off to the other side of the world to live, rejoicing about the successful multi cultural melting pot back in good ol England.

An Oik is a word the middle classes use to describe the working classes, i see from you repeatedly writing this you believe to be superior to these people, now arent we a prejudice liberal.

No I do not believe in unlimited immigration and I doubt anyone outside the very far loony left does.

As for working class and middle class - I can assure you my working class credentials are absolutely first class no no need for you to worry about that.

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I would think that any British person who pays income tax on there pensions and have paid all national insurance contributions who have a Gp & a dentist a uk address would never be refused treatment at any hospital. If I was asked to sign a document to say I was a uk resident I would sign it as I would lie,& cheat to break this unjust law. :o I have just been watching Gordon Browns speech on bbc world about the NHS and he never once said that a British citizen would not be getting NHS treatment he said it was for every british citizen free at the source & its a right to all of us. Well if that is not true then we have a case at the human rights tribunal as all uk citizens who have been paying income tax who live outside the uk is being refused his human rights to the health service he is paying for that is a crime & its called theft. If I was to cheat my tax you can be sure the british goverment would be after me for a crime its the same thing in my eyes :D I don't think any body that knows about politics would vote for a party that would take the uk back to 18th century We needn't go back that far as a few good old fashioned Victorian values wouldn't go amiss in the UK - at least we wouldn't have disrespectful & unruly groups of teenagers roaming the streets nor I suspect one of my pet hates - single teenage mums. :D so the main stream party's will be there for a longtime to come with the same 2 party's fighting it out. I don't understand why any political party would pass a law that deprives any uk citizen that has and is paying his way to any rights in the uk that other non uk citizen can get just because they are living in the uk :D is not going to get my vote its theft plane and simple.



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This thread is from 2004... unless anyone has concrete facts and verifiable update, it seems a little bit pointless to continue discussing IMO.....

I am only interested in continuing reading if there is something relevant and connected to the original post.


Quite topically, there was a programme on tonight and it was discussing people who had been caught out by this Health Care trap, they were talking about Spain and I believe this is generally giving info about European rights, but I doubt whether you will get anything better from SEA.

On an other point, has any body gained anything by the trading of insults, learnt any thing new? Particularly as this thread is quite old now.

Just a thought,


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Yes, old and it's going to be CLOSED soon if people don't stop talking racist - whatever your views this thread is about the NHS.

My own experince - the 'propsed' law is fully in place. I came back in 2006 ill and they started to treat me (they can't refuse to treat you) but said I'd have to pay for it myself unless I could prove that I had been resident in the UK for the past 6 months without a break. I ended up getting around it with the help of a TV member and managing to rent a flat to prove I was living here but it was hard going and they kept calling me to chase up these papers (my rental contract). There are special departments now set up to chase up proof of your current status.

Keep it on topic or it goes :o

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Yes, old and it's going to be CLOSED soon if people don't stop talking racist - whatever your views this thread is about the NHS.

My own experince - the 'propsed' law is fully in place. I came back in 2006 ill and they started to treat me (they can't refuse to treat you) but said I'd have to pay for it myself unless I could prove that I had been resident in the UK for the past 6 months without a break. I ended up getting around it with the help of a TV member and managing to rent a flat to prove I was living here but it was hard going and they kept calling me to chase up these papers (my rental contract). There are special departments now set up to chase up proof of your current status.

Keep it on topic or it goes :o

Did you advise them you were leaving the UK in the first place?

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No. I was just very honest (I would now do it differently) because I was totally unaware that that would happen - I was totally gutted about it all. I'd been dreaming this sort of fantasy of returning to my home country and being welcomed with open arms so it shattered my dream pretty fast.

I mean I spent all the money I owned on my hospital bill in Thailand I had run out and I just expected to be helped without question in my home country

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No. I was just very honest (I would now do it differently) because I was totally unaware that that would happen - I was totally gutted about it all. I'd been dreaming this sort of fantasy of returning to my home country and being welcomed with open arms so it shattered my dream pretty fast.

I mean I spent all the money I owned on my hospital bill in Thailand I had run out and I just expected to be helped without question in my home country

As I suspected, it gives the game away in this excerpt from Mossfinn's link:

Here are some of the things you could consider doing to protect your healthcare needs:

Inform your and your family's doctor, dentist and other relevant practitioners :o

In real terms what we have is another unfair, unenforceable headline grabbing gimic from an inept government. It's always the honest people that lose out & I hope all TV members heed this and completely ignore the governments request to grass yourself up in advance, let alone admit to it when you return.

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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if people don't stop talking racist -

Should have got the scalpel out Seonai, some of it wasn't pretty!

- the 'propsed' law is fully in place.

I thought it was, but couldn't be sure.

but said I'd have to pay for it myself

I wonder if the paper pushers really know just how much treatment would cost and how any, ' John Smith', could afford it under normal circumstances , let alone those Nationals in more difficult circumstances.

Keep it on topic or it goes

Gotta agree with this guy's, nothing is being achieved with the insults.


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I agree Clayton, They also ask on all forms for benefits, school admissions, GP practises, housing etc - there is always a box to tick to say you have been resident in UK for the last 6 months. Now I tick it out of respect for my beliefs :o

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No. I was just very honest (I would now do it differently) because I was totally unaware that that would happen - I was totally gutted about it all. I'd been dreaming this sort of fantasy of returning to my home country and being welcomed with open arms so it shattered my dream pretty fast.

I mean I spent all the money I owned on my hospital bill in Thailand I had run out and I just expected to be helped without question in my home country

As I suspected, it gives the game away in this excerpt from Mossfinn's link:

Here are some of the things you could consider doing to protect your healthcare needs:

Inform your and your family's doctor, dentist and other relevant practitioners :o

In real terms what we have is another unfair, unenforceable headline grabbing gimic from an inept government. It's always the honest people that lose out & I hope all TV members heed this and completely ignore the governments request to grass yourself up in advance, let alone admit to it when you return.

Hear all, see all and say nowt!

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