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Do They Need To Make A English Copy Of The Letter?

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I think some one is suing me but I got a letter in THAI. I an not English but I can read and write English. I get letters every day in Thai so now my questions is.

According to Thai law if some one want me to answer within 7 days or they go to court or they want to take me to court as I understand it they have to send it in English?

To be legal document it has to be in English?

My friend is taking his ex boss to court (he is not thai) and he has to write it in English to really show that the other part have understood the case and they have the changes to answer.

Should I just send them back a copy and tell them please you need to make this in English?

(i did not find a legal topic in the forum i guess this is the right one)

Edited by Vampyros Lesbos
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As far as I understand and have heard before, the only document considered legal in Thailand is one that is in Thai language. English is not necessary. If a document is only in English, it is not technically considered legal. This is what I have heard at least with contracts. A legal document in English would only be for the benefit of the foreigner.

As for lawsuits, it may be in Thai law that the person being sued has to understand what they're being sued for, but I have no idea.

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Yes i think so to that it have to be in Thai in court but the Thai court always wanting to give somebody a fair chanse. And sending a letter in Thai to me does not give me a chanse to respond. Then i have to translate every letter that comes to be in to Thai to be sure some one is not sue me :o

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If the law they are suing you under is a Thai law, and I guess it's safe to say it will be, then all the documents submitted to the court and to all parties will need to be in Thai. There is no requirement or stipulation they must be in English.

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There is absolutely no need for any document to be translated into English for legal purposes in a Thai court, even if you are a farang. In case it escaped your notice, we're in Thailand.

There are hundreds of translation agencies around - they are cheap and easy to use.

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Thanks for all your answers. I just know that my friend had to translate the letter from Thai before they take the other party to court so that the other party has the chance to answer. I know this is Thailand do not worry but there is always funny rules here as you know.

And since my friend had to do it then i was thinking they have to do it with me to.

The case has not gone to court I got a letter in Thai saying something to go and contact this law firm within 7 days or something like that.

Edited by Vampyros Lesbos
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As far as I understand and have heard before, the only document considered legal in Thailand is one that is in Thai language. English is not necessary. If a document is only in English, it is not technically considered legal. This is what I have heard at least with contracts. A legal document in English would only be for the benefit of the foreigner.

As for lawsuits, it may be in Thai law that the person being sued has to understand what they're being sued for, but I have no idea.

This is not correct. I deal every day with fully enforceable contracts worth [hundreds of] millions of dollars and they are only in English. In fact we put clauses in that all correspondence as well any arbitration will be in English. These are signed by major Thai government owned corporations.


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As far as I understand and have heard before, the only document considered legal in Thailand is one that is in Thai language. English is not necessary. If a document is only in English, it is not technically considered legal. This is what I have heard at least with contracts. A legal document in English would only be for the benefit of the foreigner.

As for lawsuits, it may be in Thai law that the person being sued has to understand what they're being sued for, but I have no idea.

This is not correct. I deal every day with fully enforceable contracts worth [hundreds of] millions of dollars and they are only in English. In fact we put clauses in that all correspondence as well any arbitration will be in English. These are signed by major Thai government owned corporations.


Yes, that's true enough. English documents can be considered perfectly fine as legal documents but that wasnt the point of the OP's question. He was asking if the Thai document needed to be translated into English (presumably cos he's not Thai). And the answer to that is an unequivocal big fat 'no'.

I see from OP's follow-up that his Thai friend has translated it and told him he needs to contact the issuing law firm within seven days. I'd recommend he does just that. I'm sure they will be able to communicate with him adequately.

See? People think I'm a grumpy bugger on here. But sometimes - just sometimes - I can be charming and helpful . . . .

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thanks guys i do not know why my friend had to put in English then maybe his law firm wanted to make some extra bucks. Who knows

It was from my soon to be ex wife she wanted divorce and 1000000 THB she is hurt she writes that i have a new gf (i wish) and that she is hurting from that.

Last time i saw her she moved out with a new BF and she was still married in UK with another man o well TIT

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I have been comtemplating whether to write any reply to this nonsense but hey why not, since your lawyer has replied to my lawyer regarding this matter.

Let the truth be known, since you wanted to portray the situation in a way that makes you sound like a nice Westerner who has been fooled by another Thai girl and perhaps I should mention the fact that you have been hiding many lies that you have told your friends to make yourself seem like a decent chap...what a load of <deleted>.

I have been waiting for you to be sensible and asking you for a divorce since last year but it was you who demanded money from me 1000000 TBH to be exact...as far as I am concerned, you are the only foreigner that wants money from his Thai wife. Initially, I did not ask for anything from you, not even a single satang, apart from your signature on the divorce paper, but you have been difficult, selfish and stupid. I gave you another chance at the end of last year by asking you nicely for the divorce without having to go through court...yet...you still wanted to be difficult and demanding things from me. I warned you that if you did not comply with my simple wish, my lawyer would do everything he could to make sure I get my divorce.

Ladies and gentleman of the forum, I am suing this man for a divorce because throughout our 4 years of our marriage, he was manipulative, abusive (mentally and physically) slept around....(even kicked me out of the house once so that he could get a girl home). He will, of course, argue the case by saying that I agreed that he could have other girls, but please tell me if this is reasonable....he once hit me with a shower head when we had an argument, left me in the bathroom bleeding and walked off to meet another woman.

I never hid the fact that I was still married to a man in the UK...he didn't care as all he wanted was a visa to stay here in Thailand. He was the one who kicked me out of the house over a year ago because I could no longer tolerate his behaviour. Thinking about it, I was a fool - a classic case of a woman in an abusive relationship. Why did I ever love someone like that...guilty for being blind I guess?

Edited by raindrops
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Let the fur fly.

This is going to be interesting. BTW raindrops, your English is excellent. I am assuming you are Thai? Did you write this yourself? I am not being rude, just wondered. If you did it is very well written. Certainly a higher standard of English than the ex :o

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Raindrops' english is much better than 95% of the posters on here. She's also by far the best read person I've ever had the good fortune to meet, either Thai or Farang.

After reading VL's silly last post, I wondered if she'd come in for a retort. I'm glad she did.

I've often encouraged her to contribute to Thaivisa, although even i couldn't forecast such an explosive opening :-)

Keep posting girl. We need some more sharp minds on here . . . .

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Hey I am not a lawyer but surely if Raindrops was already married to the UK guy then the marriage to the lesbian vampire could not be legal and therefore not requiring a divorce.

Seems like the only one getting any money will be the lawyer/s.

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Thanks WRC, I lived in the UK for quite sometime.

I got a lawyer Bendix... :-) that was why he posted in here asking stupid questions.

I mean do I need to send a letter suing him in English? Of course not!!!!

Macan, unfortunately my marraige to the lesbian vampire is still valid in Thailand. This was the first option I explored, otherwise I wouldn't be wasting money on a lawyer.

Edited by raindrops
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I am suing this man for a divorce because throughout our 4 years of our marriage,


I never hid the fact that I was still married to a man in the UK............

Wait a second, you have my sympathies btw raindrop, but are you saying that you were, and still are? married to a man in the UK at the same time as you were married to the OP in Thailand ?

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I am suing this man for a divorce because throughout our 4 years of our marriage,


I never hid the fact that I was still married to a man in the UK............

Wait a second, you have my sympathies btw raindrop, but are you saying that you were, and still are? married to a man in the UK at the same time as you were married to the OP in Thailand ?

Yes, I was still married with the guy in the UK...but we separated over 6 years ago and since neither of us were in a hurry to get remarried, we never got around to divorcing. Because the marriage in England was never registered in Thailand, there were no legal issues with me marrying again here...strange but true.

Edited by raindrops
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I am suing this man for a divorce because throughout our 4 years of our marriage,


I never hid the fact that I was still married to a man in the UK............

Wait a second, you have my sympathies btw raindrop, but are you saying that you were, and still are? married to a man in the UK at the same time as you were married to the OP in Thailand ?

Yes, I was still married with the guy in the UK...but we separated over 6 years ago and since neither of us were in a hurry to get remarried, we never got around to divorcing. Because the marriage in England was never registered in Thailand, there were no legal issues with me marrying again here...strange but true.


When i registered my marriage in thailand the gov required either a document showing i was divorced and/or a letter from my embassy/consul that i did not have a wife in the USA. Thailand does recognize marriages in other countries and bigamy is illegal here.


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When i registered my marriage in thailand the gov required either a document showing i was divorced and/or a letter from my embassy/consul that i did not have a wife in the USA. Thailand does recognize marriages in other countries and bigamy is illegal here.


True. It is. But there is a loophole in the law. I am not trying to imply that what I did was right. But just to state the fact that the OP knew my situation but didn't seem to care. He wanted his visa and I was too much in love and too willing to do everything to please the guy. I should have known better really.

If you check his other posts, he has been asking around for an alternative visa to stay in Thailand. Since I have not agreed to help him renew his marriage visa for another year (and why should I?), he is trying to get an adoption agency abroad to open an agency here, not because he is kind hearted and want to help these poor orphans...but for his own private gain.

He is working here illegally and still receiving his pension (on the ground of disability) from his government. This man will do anything and cheat anyone if it means profit for him.

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When i registered my marriage in thailand the gov required either a document showing i was divorced and/or a letter from my embassy/consul that i did not have a wife in the USA. Thailand does recognize marriages in other countries and bigamy is illegal here.


True. It is. But there is a loophole in the law.

Not as far as I am aware there isn't. You can easily circumvent the paperwork and get legally married at an Amphur without the foreigner going through the affirmation stage.

If there is I'd love to hear it.

If there isn't, you are a bigamist, the OP knows it now and you have potentially opened a can of worms for yourself.

For your sake, I hope that you are correct about that 'loop-hole'

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When i registered my marriage in thailand the gov required either a document showing i was divorced and/or a letter from my embassy/consul that i did not have a wife in the USA. Thailand does recognize marriages in other countries and bigamy is illegal here.


True. It is. But there is a loophole in the law.

Not as far as I am aware there isn't. You can easily circumvent the paperwork and get legally married at an Amphur without the foreigner going through the affirmation stage.

If there is I'd love to hear it.

If there isn't, you are a bigamist, the OP knows it now and you have potentially opened a can of worms for yourself.

For your sake, I hope that you are correct about that 'loop-hole'

I have been through this with more than one lawyer and they have assured me that the marriage in the UK is not relevant to my case. As I already posted, the OP was aware I was still married when he wanted to marry me to get the visa. If I were him, I wouldn't go opening up any can of worms whilst he is working illegally in Thailand. He has no work permit and pays no tax.

I am not a vindictive person and simply want this abusive man out of my life. But I would tread very carefully if I were in his position.

Edited by raindrops
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When i registered my marriage in thailand the gov required either a document showing i was divorced and/or a letter from my embassy/consul that i did not have a wife in the USA. Thailand does recognize marriages in other countries and bigamy is illegal here.


True. It is. But there is a loophole in the law.

Not as far as I am aware there isn't. You can easily circumvent the paperwork and get legally married at an Amphur without the foreigner going through the affirmation stage.

If there is I'd love to hear it.

If there isn't, you are a bigamist, the OP knows it now and you have potentially opened a can of worms for yourself.

For your sake, I hope that you are correct about that 'loop-hole'

I have been through this with more than one lawyer and they have assured me that the marriage in the UK is not relevant to my case. As I already posted, the OP was aware I was still married when he wanted to marry me to get the visa. If I were him, I wouldn't go opening up any can of worms whilst he is working illegally in Thailand. He has no work permit and pays no tax.

I am not a vindictive person and simply want this abusive man out of my life. But I would tread very carefully if I were in his position.

Absolutely, if I were in his shoes I'd adopt a profile somewhere between the floor and the underside of a cockroach's belly. But then, by the sounds of it, he'd likely be getting above his station in life.

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I have been through this with more than one lawyer and they have assured me that the marriage in the UK is not relevant to my case. As I already posted, the OP was aware I was still married when he wanted to marry me to get the visa. If I were him, I wouldn't go opening up any can of worms whilst he is working illegally in Thailand. He has no work permit and pays no tax.

I am not a vindictive person and simply want this abusive man out of my life. But I would tread very carefully if I were in his position.

Advice to the OP, you are screwed.

If I was in your shoes (not likely to ever happen) I would do whatever this lady wants and come to an amicable agreement.

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If I were the one married to the bigamist (assuming my own life could stand a little scrutiny) I'd file a civil case in the UK for fraud and pursue criminal charges of bigamy to add credence to my civil suit seeking monetary damages.

edit: after first securing the literary and movie rights to the story of course.

Edited by lannarebirth
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If I were the one married to the bigamist (assuming my own life could stand a little scrutiny) I'd file a civil case in the UK for fraud and pursue criminal charges of bigamy to add credence to my civil suit seeking monetary damages.

edit: after first securing the literary and movie rights to the story of course.

I'm getting bored of this so let me make it clear

1. He was fully awared I was married in the UK and therefore cannot file any suit for damages against me as he already knew.

2. The OP is not a UK citizen.

3. The fact that he already knew my situation before marrying me would exclude him from being able to file a lawsuit against me for damages, also what damages has he sustained by marrying me in order to obtain a non immigration O visa to stay in Thailand.

4. I am not trying to say that it is OK to be a bigamist. What I did was wrong but I was foolish to love the man and married him on his request.

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I have been through this with more than one lawyer and they have assured me that the marriage in the UK is not relevant to my case. As I already posted, the OP was aware I was still married when he wanted to marry me to get the visa. If I were him, I wouldn't go opening up any can of worms whilst he is working illegally in Thailand. He has no work permit and pays no tax.

I am not a vindictive person and simply want this abusive man out of my life. But I would tread very carefully if I were in his position.

Advice to the OP, you are screwed.

If I was in your shoes (not likely to ever happen) I would do whatever this lady wants and come to an amicable agreement.

So now she's got the extortion/blackmail angle working here. I suppose he could do the same by contacting the pitiable husband in UK. Scummy folks all around. I see it as a 6 part TV miniseries ending in murder/suicide finale. Fade out with the surviving husband trying hard to suppress his glee as he opens the insurance envelope.

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If I was into extortion/blackmail, do you think he would still be living in Thailand? I don't consider myself a scummy person. Maybe I am a bit bitter and you might be too, if you had been physicaly abused for 4 years.

And as I said, bigamy is wrong - it would be nice if we had all led a completely blameless life as you obviously have. I wouldn't have brought all this up if he hadn't started posting lies about me on a public forum (again).

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If I were the one married to the bigamist (assuming my own life could stand a little scrutiny) I'd file a civil case in the UK for fraud and pursue criminal charges of bigamy to add credence to my civil suit seeking monetary damages.

edit: after first securing the literary and movie rights to the story of course.

I'm getting bored of this so let me make it clear

1. He was fully awared I was married in the UK and therefore cannot file any suit for damages against me as he already knew.

2. The OP is not a UK citizen.

3. The fact that he already knew my situation before marrying me would exclude him from being able to file a lawsuit against me for damages, also what damages has he sustained by marrying me in order to obtain a non immigration O visa to stay in Thailand.

4. I am not trying to say that it is OK to be a bigamist. What I did was wrong but I was foolish to love the man and married him on his request.

I am no lawyer but it sounds to me like neither of you can afford to be scrutinized by the Thai justice system. My advice for both would be to allow the other keep whatever they have in their possession and sign the papers without asking for the million baht from the other. Get out of the illegal marriage without drawing any more attention than needs be. Chalk it up to experience and get on with your lives.

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I have been through this with more than one lawyer and they have assured me that the marriage in the UK is not relevant to my case. As I already posted, the OP was aware I was still married when he wanted to marry me to get the visa. If I were him, I wouldn't go opening up any can of worms whilst he is working illegally in Thailand. He has no work permit and pays no tax.

I am not a vindictive person and simply want this abusive man out of my life. But I would tread very carefully if I were in his position.

Advice to the OP, you are screwed.

If I was in your shoes (not likely to ever happen) I would do whatever this lady wants and come to an amicable agreement.

So now she's got the extortion/blackmail angle working here. I suppose he could do the same by contacting the pitiable husband in UK. Scummy folks all around. I see it as a 6 part TV miniseries ending in murder/suicide finale. Fade out with the surviving husband trying hard to suppress his glee as he opens the insurance envelope.

I think the American soap operas have done this one to death already. Then again there may be a late night audience for the mini series.

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If I were the one married to the bigamist (assuming my own life could stand a little scrutiny) I'd file a civil case in the UK for fraud and pursue criminal charges of bigamy to add credence to my civil suit seeking monetary damages.

edit: after first securing the literary and movie rights to the story of course.

I'm getting bored of this so let me make it clear

1. He was fully awared I was married in the UK and therefore cannot file any suit for damages against me as he already knew.

2. The OP is not a UK citizen.

3. The fact that he already knew my situation before marrying me would exclude him from being able to file a lawsuit against me for damages, also what damages has he sustained by marrying me in order to obtain a non immigration O visa to stay in Thailand.

4. I am not trying to say that it is OK to be a bigamist. What I did was wrong but I was foolish to love the man and married him on his request.

I am no lawyer but it sounds to me like neither of you can afford to be scrutinized by the Thai justice system. My advice for both would be to allow the other keep whatever they have in their possession and sign the papers without asking for the million baht from the other. Get out of the illegal marriage without drawing any more attention than needs be. Chalk it up to experience and get on with your lives.

What bloody good advice. The OP is skating on thin ice for sure, and the Thai Mrs is also doing the same with the bigamy.

The OP has also gone very quiet. :o

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