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"lost Friend Info"

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have been to Samui/MaeNam/NewLapaz resort early may this year.

enjoyed tons of nice conversation with an austrian couple living the same place.

unfortunately we never got the chance to exchange address, phone numbers or similar. all i know is a surname (not a lot of info, i agree).

well, i tried to contact "NewLapaz villa, Maenam" several times (email/Facsimile).

the only answer i got back from the (not very well english speaking) reception staff was an address about another guest living there the same time (funny, it's an american (female, nice looking) school teacher's name ... but i got her address already ...)

IS THERE ANYONE in this forum around who could help me out with this problem - have a short ride to "NewLapaz" - and explain about what i really need in information?

this (austrian) guy is working in real interesting business and we've been talking about that i could assist him when back austria. austria is not a big country but since i've only got his surname it might be kind of a big problem for me to find out where he really lives..



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