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If YOU Haven't Heard

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A group of smart individuals on reddit, that are also present in Asia, decided to buy stocks and invest in the company GameStop. This was after the rich and hedge funds bet on the company losing value in the future, therefore they bought short positions. As a response retail investors started buying stock, anticipating that price would go up. It did. It keeps going up. Since people keep buying, the price keeps rising. Since people hold their position and don't sell, the price keeps rising. Since the aforementioned hedge funds bet in the opposite direction, they and the rich that invest with them have lost tens of billions of dollars to date. 

It is our educated opinion, which is by no means financial advice that it is a great time to invest as the prices keep going up. 

If curious and smart, you shall check out the news on said matters, and make the decision yourself. 

So far, people have paid off student loans etc etc by investing in it.


On a side note, what is not worth to put money in now, is silver.


Have an amazing day

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We had a discussion on this over Sunday lunch. It appears mainstream and social media has come down firmly on the side of the already filthy rich hedge funds and their short-selling tactics. What a surprise, eh?


We agreed that maybe some time this year, short-selling may be proscribed for the destructive money grab that it is. You either buy stock or you don't: no more borrowing it. The inexorable rise of supermarkets during a global pandemic is driven by these vultures with no regard for the misery they are creating.

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