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Movies At The Cinema


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Has anyone noticed that most of the movies at the cinema are complete shit? Case and point. This weekend we've got The Punisher and Around the World in 80 Days coming out. Both movies got absolutley horrible reviews in the states. Why do so few highly acclaimed films get shown here? So the Thais really enjoy what the majority of farang's think is crap or is the buyer for the cinema companies just a complete idiot?

And I don't suppose Farenheit 9/11 will be premeiring at Major any time soon. Correct?

Even if we talk more mainstream movies, there's so many good ones to choose from that never make it to the big screen here. WHY?

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I really can't say about the movie houses as I have never been to one and I don't think that with the Thai censors at work that you will ever see a tit in a movie,got to go out and down the street to a bar to see em, Just like the movies we used to get on the barges working in the Arabian gulf that had to clear Arab censors,no tits,no kissing and surely no screwing,no swearing,,after that is taken out of American flicks anymore all you will have is 30 min. of credits,,and the reason I think that UBC has such shitty movies is the same reason, plus because they get them cheaper as no one in the states will watch them. Does Fearless leader own UBC too? :o

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Exhibiting films is a commercial enterprise. Film exhibitors book the films that they think will attract the most bums on seats. It really is just that simple.

The American films that get the biggest play here are those the exhibitors think have the greatest potential to pull both Thais and foreigners, not an easy thing to do. That's why they're heavy on action and physical comedy. When a film depends on language as its primary story telling mechanism, you reduce the potential of a large Thai audience significantly and that doesn't make good commercial sense for the exhibitors.

Look at the programing on HBO in Asia as another example of the same logic at work and compare it to HBO in the US. The same logic is at work there.

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In my experience Thai's seem to enjoy the big, special effect Hollywood blockbusters that I personally consider the worst type of movie. Such films as X-Men, Bad Boys etc really seem to go down well. I never have and never will understand it. I guess this is one of the down sides off living in Thailand for someone with a more refined taste in the movies.

I have yet to make my move to Thailand, but expect that it’s a similar story with the cable TV channels. I guess it will be a consistent diet of American sitcoms and HBO movies. Still, its better than nothing, and probably helps to get us to do something else.

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I think Thailand is like anywhere, it's about putting bums on seats . Main stream movies sell alot more tickets . Me and the missus try to get ourselfs to the cinema at Bang Kapi Mall at least once every two weeks . Last movie we saw was The Day After Tommorrow . Not exactly deep and meaningful but entertaining.

One plus for Thai cinema is the cost. Back in Australia, it costs over ten dollars to see a movie in a normal seat. Here, for the same price u can get honeymoon seats and watch the movie like a prince :D love those recliining footrests :o

Also find that although many movies are censored u can find movies banned in other countries here. I found a copy of Cannibal Apocalpyse (sp) at Blockbuster( 4 movies for 99 baht another bonus of living here) the other day. Banned in oz along time ago, and many other western countries I think . Wish I had not seen it as put me off my dinner :D

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