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If You Don't Love It, Leave It


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What is the point of any topic/discussion if there is no “other side”?....unless you want to make a public announcement. Warm Fuzzy…ozzy…feeling one side discussion is just plain boring, and it’s only worked in a marriage only :o

I personally enjoy reading a good debate and make it a point to put myself in other's shoes and use different sociological viewpoints to understand the other side. We all can learn from each other sometimes. However, I have noticed, lately there is a lot more bickering than usual and much more black and white instead of gray area. However when you added ranting and raving, then it’s not a good debate anymore.

I am advocating the constructive debate while suggesting a way of getting rid of the ranting if the OP wants. I do not think the mods have time to read every single post and decide if it is appropriate or not. If they did then very few threads would be closed.

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I have an idea. Why not have a button that appears on the Original Posters screen that allows him to ban future posts from people that are.... posting off topic......slagging....or any other reason the Original Poster wants.

Sorry, but I can't see that working.

Too many people believe that theirs is the only opinion that is correct and matters. Putting that kind of power in the hands of the membership would pretty much guarantee nothing but a lot of one-sided discussions and ticked-off members. You would end up with topics that only contained posts from sycophants and ass-kissers, while anyone who offered a different view, or disputed the view of the OP, would be "banned" from that thread.

Others in history have tried to control free speech in a similar manner. They are usually found in the "infamous" category of historical figures.

It may help to keep people that want to discuss a certain topic on topic and keep the ones not interested in the topic from interfering with the thread.

But who decides if someone is "interfering" with the thread ? Just the OP of that thread ? For example, you may not like the views I've expressed here, and as the OP of the thread, you would have the power to ban me from further participation (in this thread).

TV has a large, diverse membership and everyone rightfully has their own opinion. It is a rare thing to have a topic in which everyone agrees with what ever the OP posted. Usually it is quite the opposite and that is to be expected. If a thread starts to go astray, or turns into a slagging contest/flame war, the mods step in. If the adverse activity continues, the thread gets closed.

Lots of good discussions are lost in the process, but that is the nature of the beast. There is little point in continuing a thread that has degenerated into a pissing contest between members.

(as a side note: check out other chat sites on the net. You'll see some which people have started up and use to slag/flame/ban anyone that disagrees with their views. These types of sites generally have small memberships, limited topics and decidedly one-sided discussions. Which would you prefer, a site like that or ThaiVisa ?)

(ps: that was a rhetorical question, not directed at anyone in particular) :o

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What I think it happens is that one may be indiferent to the thopic, but not to the opinion on the replies...

People express themselves with their resources, so you will find in here replies from the well spoken, the rude, the wise, the vulgar, the intelligent, the stupid and so on.,

At the same time, everybody will "interprete" replies and will "express" their opinion based on their own character: the educated, the racist, the angry, the egotistic, the samritan, the bossy, the bully, the shy, the frustrated, the impulsive and so on...

And do not forget that even moderators fall into some category..

Personally I have phobia against phobias, so as soon as I sense a racists or homophobic I cannot resist to say something about it. I love to put down arrogance and ego...I cannot resist, no matter I like or not the topic....

And I enjoy when somebody make a good and intelligent joke, specially in the right moment...it is great, and if I ca make mine, I do it....

If you do not love it, leave it?......in many ocassions, if you do not love it, it is like an invitation to reply..

Edited by torito
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I have an idea. Why not have a button that appears on the Original Posters screen that allows him to ban future posts from people that are.... posting off topic......slagging....or any other reason the Original Poster wants.

Sorry, but I can't see that working.

Too many people believe that theirs is the only opinion that is correct and matters. Putting that kind of power in the hands of the membership would pretty much guarantee nothing but a lot of one-sided discussions and ticked-off members. You would end up with topics that only contained posts from sycophants and ass-kissers, while anyone who offered a different view, or disputed the view of the OP, would be "banned" from that thread.

Others in history have tried to control free speech in a similar manner. They are usually found in the "infamous" category of historical figures.

It may help to keep people that want to discuss a certain topic on topic and keep the ones not interested in the topic from interfering with the thread.

But who decides if someone is "interfering" with the thread ? Just the OP of that thread ? For example, you may not like the views I've expressed here, and as the OP of the thread, you would have the power to ban me from further participation (in this thread).

TV has a large, diverse membership and everyone rightfully has their own opinion. It is a rare thing to have a topic in which everyone agrees with what ever the OP posted. Usually it is quite the opposite and that is to be expected. If a thread starts to go astray, or turns into a slagging contest/flame war, the mods step in. If the adverse activity continues, the thread gets closed.

Lots of good discussions are lost in the process, but that is the nature of the beast. There is little point in continuing a thread that has degenerated into a pissing contest between members.

(as a side note: check out other chat sites on the net. You'll see some which people have started up and use to slag/flame/ban anyone that disagrees with their views. These types of sites generally have small memberships, limited topics and decidedly one-sided discussions. Which would you prefer, a site like that or ThaiVisa ?)

(ps: that was a rhetorical question, not directed at anyone in particular) :o

Many good points in you post. I would think that if the op banned all opposing views then the thread would die on its own or be thread that he wants where like minded people can discuss something without being slagged.

I think that there will still be enough OPs that would allow anything to be posted to keep the flamers happy.

Maybe an alternative would be to have a whiners forum where the button appears only for threads in that forum.

The main thing I am trying to get is a way for some of these threads to keep going instead of being closed due to mud slinging. I can ignore these flames if i really want to read a thread so that is not my main concern. If the thread gets closed though then the constructive discussion ends.

Edited by wolfmanjack
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I think TV allows a lot more freedom of speech compared to another famous Asian Xpat site.At least here you can pretty much say what you want and sure there will always be people out there who disagree but we're all grown ups here supposedly and can conduct intelligent discussions without the need for flaming,name-calling or other b@$%.

Love it or Leave it?I get annoyed by many things in Thailand too but the same goes for back home,one has to get a grip and keep grounded,what's the use of whinging and complaining?Some posters here just get plain bored and post rubbish they are the ones who should get the chop.The topics here I find very diverse,some things you can't discuss so what,that's what the PM function is for.Happy posting to all.

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The origin of a forum was a public place where anyone could air personal views. If the Romans were out shopping and could care less what was being said, they just walked on by. The mods in those days were the Praetorian Guard hovering in the background.

Free speech was allowed but anyone slagging Caesar off was likely to mysteriously disappear. Good thing the mods are a little more temperate innit?

TV is free, relatively frank and for me mildly amusing. Since I'm often stuck working on a computer for hours on end, I like to take a break cruising the forums.

I must admit that I find the majority of threads wimpy and/or petulant, these I never read past the first post.

But you can't have democracy and leave out the fruitloops, whingers and trouble makers who could cause a fight in an empty house if you allowed it.

It's the deal when you sign up, the mods have the last word. That's what you have to take or leave.

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Exactly, JD, and if you didn't TV would soon become as abysmal as other boards (which I won't mention by name).

Blizz, you're an ace, don't stop posting.

Edited by qwertz
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I have an idea. Why not have a button that appears on the Original Posters screen that allows him to ban future posts from people that are.... posting off topic......slagging....or any other reason the Original Poster wants.

Sorry, but I can't see that working.

Too many people believe that theirs is the only opinion that is correct and matters. Putting that kind of power in the hands of the membership would pretty much guarantee nothing but a lot of one-sided discussions and ticked-off members. You would end up with topics that only contained posts from sycophants and ass-kissers, while anyone who offered a different view, or disputed the view of the OP, would be "banned" from that thread.

Others in history have tried to control free speech in a similar manner. They are usually found in the "infamous" category of historical figures.

It may help to keep people that want to discuss a certain topic on topic and keep the ones not interested in the topic from interfering with the thread.

But who decides if someone is "interfering" with the thread ? Just the OP of that thread ? For example, you may not like the views I've expressed here, and as the OP of the thread, you would have the power to ban me from further participation (in this thread).

TV has a large, diverse membership and everyone rightfully has their own opinion. It is a rare thing to have a topic in which everyone agrees with what ever the OP posted. Usually it is quite the opposite and that is to be expected. If a thread starts to go astray, or turns into a slagging contest/flame war, the mods step in. If the adverse activity continues, the thread gets closed.

Lots of good discussions are lost in the process, but that is the nature of the beast. There is little point in continuing a thread that has degenerated into a pissing contest between members.

(as a side note: check out other chat sites on the net. You'll see some which people have started up and use to slag/flame/ban anyone that disagrees with their views. These types of sites generally have small memberships, limited topics and decidedly one-sided discussions. Which would you prefer, a site like that or ThaiVisa ?)

(ps: that was a rhetorical question, not directed at anyone in particular) :D

Many good points in you post. I would think that if the op banned all opposing views then the thread would die on its own or be thread that he wants where like minded people can discuss something without being slagged.

I think that there will still be enough OPs that would allow anything to be posted to keep the flamers happy.

Maybe an alternative would be to have a whiners forum where the button appears only for threads in that forum.

The main thing I am trying to get is a way for some of these threads to keep going instead of being closed due to mud slinging. I can ignore these flames if i really want to read a thread so that is not my main concern. If the thread gets closed though then the constructive discussion ends.

I'm almost invariably in agreement with you, Wolfman, and I dig your intent, but I think it's just a hard slog for the mods (and us [reasonable people :o] ) in the end.

BTW, I had another sort of paraphrase from back in the Cold War/Vietnam days for a certain overly-defensive demographic: "It's their country, right or wrong"

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Well Woolfy if you think things are bad now, you should have been around a few years ago....it was so viscious that I stopped being involved with Thaivisa all together!

Glad to see on my return that most of the really nasty posters of yesteryear seem to have either left or died!

However, I get your point and mostly agree.

(But, I have to admit that some of todays 'naughty boys' are quite funny.)

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It would be nice if everyone gets the moderators status. That way if you dont like what someone is saying then you can just ban him. Or delete/edit his comments

TIT (this is Thailand) or, should I say TIT (this is Thaivisa.com) maybe your wish will come true one day :o


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Come on people. It's only a bit of fun. Where is the harm in a bit of sharp, pithy banter now and again?

If everything was nicey nice, it would be a dull as a Dude post without the word 'dig'

But the sharp pithy banter dies when a thread is closed, that is the OP's point. Nobody minds a bit of keyboard jousting, life on TV would be dull as ditchwater without it, but some make inflammatory comments purely to incite a flame war and close the thread.

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So why not just open a sandbox for the ranters, the pompous and the wimps and let them have at each other. Stop 'em killing good threads, of which there are never enough IMO.

Aussiestyle, congrats on becoming a super member

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So why not just open a sandbox for the ranters, the pompous and the wimps and let them have at each other. Stop 'em killing good threads, of which there are never enough IMO.

Aussiestyle, congrats on becoming a super member

I think this is the post that did it! And, I am proud to say, apart from this post, none of these 1000 posts has been a result of post whoring :o

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So why not just open a sandbox for the ranters, the pompous and the wimps and let them have at each other. Stop 'em killing good threads, of which there are never enough IMO.

Aussiestyle, congrats on becoming a super member

I did mention that a whiners forum could be started. That way those that wanted to whine would have a place to do it and those that did not want to read the whining could avoid it.

Phil harries understands my point 100%. I like the jokes as long as they are not too insulting. Even those that throw jokes my way do not bother me. Especially if it is funny. The purposeful flaming back and forth that causes the thread to be closed is what I am on about.

If it is suggested that all of us just ignore the flames and slagging then may I suggest that the threads not be closed because of it. Then we can find the occasional gem by digging through the sewers.

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So why not just open a sandbox for the ranters, the pompous and the wimps and let them have at each other. Stop 'em killing good threads, of which there are never enough IMO.

Aussiestyle, congrats on becoming a super member

I think this is the post that did it! And, I am proud to say, apart from this post, none of these 1000 posts has been a result of post whoring :D

Good on ya! Let's leave that to the pros. :o

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Well Woolfy if you think things are bad now, you should have been around a few years ago....it was so viscious that I stopped being involved with Thaivisa all together!

Glad to see on my return that most of the really nasty posters of yesteryear seem to have either left or died!

However, I get your point and mostly agree.

(But, I have to admit that some of todays 'naughty boys' are quite funny.)

I agree. I was around in the past under a different name and no i wasn't banned. I stopped reading thaivisa until the visa rules started changing as often as >>>>>.

I remember that every time someone mentioned a bg many posters would jump in and start defending them by flaming the other poster. That, I assume is why you can no longer post about bg's.

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So why not just open a sandbox for the ranters, the pompous and the wimps and let them have at each other. Stop 'em killing good threads, of which there are never enough IMO.

Aussiestyle, congrats on becoming a super member

I think this is the post that did it! And, I am proud to say, apart from this post, none of these 1000 posts has been a result of post whoring :D

Good on ya! Let's leave that to the pros. :o

Well, you had better hurry up and keep posting then, I'm about to overtake you, just 14 more posts......... :D

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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