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Thai bank account


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Thanks Bintang will explore this option along with ANZ.

Have also found Citibank are located in Aust,Sing & Bangkok as well as many other places and they offer 4.25%+ on term funds lodged in Singapore classed as offshore for Aust tax purposes. :o

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I've just opened an account with HSBC. They have the full electronic banking if you want to adminster your account remotely (transfer funds between private/business etc from your home computer) in addition to standing orders and all the usual home comforts (check books, credit/coprerate cards etc) :cool:
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Thanks mijan 24 :-)

I fogot to mention you can transfer from your Westpac account to Thailand from home.

I've used it to transfer money to Ma & Pa ( Bank of Bangkok)

As well as other Thai Banks...

The other banks too longer as it depends on them to how quick the transfer on and if they charge for this....

As with most banks they will check the money has left your account and there bank Weatpc.  But from there on if you want to chase it up they charge $30 or more to trace.

Took up to 2 weeks with non Bank of Bangkok transfer.


Bintang :o

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Why don't you just use your cirrus atm card at most atm machines and withdraw your Australian or wherever you have a bank account.. funds direct...without using a Thai account.

The cost is minimal (about $4.00 Oz).

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The reason being we are trasfering money to whoever.

The last thing you'd want to do is let them have access to your account

In that case you open a new account for this use only at your home country bank.  You send/take atm card to friend.  Provide PIN.  They then use to withdraw funds.  You control by the amount/time you deposit into this new account.  It works.

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The reason being we are trasfering money to whoever.

The last thing you'd want to do is let them have access to your account

In that case you open a new account for this use only at your home country bank.  You send/take atm card to friend.  Provide PIN.  They then use to withdraw funds.  You control by the amount/time you deposit into this new account.  It works.

Hi, lopburi3

Did this with wife worked Ok until the ATM (thai) eat the card.

Had a bit of trouble explaining to Oz bank how a thai ATm eat the card.  


Ma & Pa not ATM savy.

The wife can never remember her Pin number, has a card for show.

Impress her freinds....

Saves me heaps   :D  B)

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Gee.  Never have found a Thai who could not work around little problems like not knowing an ATM from a computer game.  Hope your luck holds.  

They just give the card to someone else.  I am always behind the 'chosen one' with ten cards and a list of pins making withdrawls. :o

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Gee.  Never have found a Thai who could not work around little problems like not knowing an ATM from a computer game.  Hope your luck holds.  

They just give the card to someone else.  I am always behind the 'chosen one' with ten cards and a list of pins making withdrawls. :o

My Luck run out My wife's friend (Aussie) has shown her how to use it. And dam it all see's remebered the pin number.

I knew I should have asked for 29 digits.  

So I got her a credit card which is like to our account.

And you guess it no ordinary card would do other than a Gold Card..

Everything has to be the biggest and best.

Even me !!!   (only around the gut ) ???

I think have not been able to see below belly for a while.

:D  B)

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HI guys, go easy on me im just a mere virgin(yeah i know heard it all before).Have been to thailand three times now, and will be back in october. The exchange rate is excellent at the moment getting i think about 28baht per dollar. In february i got 24.80, so my thought were on opening a bank account over there, and transfering money to make use of the exchange rate, just incase it dips. That way i always have money when i get there without the hassles. Is this a good idea, or should i not bother. And if so can it be set up from over here, i know bangkok bank u need to be there with passport to set it up. Also if doing by the net, can u avoid transfer fees, as if u did it a little at a time, or $1000 at a time and incurred a 30 fee it wouldnt be worth it i dont think

what r u thoughts,

just need some help


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You must be in Thailand to set up a Thai bank account - the only type you are allowed without a tax ID is the passbook savings type and that requires you sign in the presence of the bank official.  As for exchange rates - would just try to enjoy the visit and not plan on making any money.  You could well lose in that game and not have any money for fun.
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hi thanks for the reply

just to clarify though, not looking to make any money, just looking to maximise the exchange rate just in case in went down over here, that way i would have more to spend when i got there. But i now know i have to first set it up in thailand when i get there, and then see if it is viable. If you can set up an internet transfer, do you still inccure the fees.

Anyway might just put it in the two hard basket, and just live life.

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In the real world there are more than US$ used, but I guess not if you watch only Fox TV. :o

The point on exchange rates is that it can go in more than one direction.  I suspect the Thai Baht has fallen in the last day in relation to your dollar?  It is hard for experts to predict.

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