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Best/worst Beer In The World


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I second that. I love Budweiser. If Budweiser is so bad why is it the "Best selling beer in the world"?

Easy... yanks are renowned for having crap taste in beer, and there are approx 300,000,000 of them. :D

totster :D

There is approx. 300,000,000 in America total made up of yanks from the north and rebels from the south. I am from Virginia. We get offended when called a yank. :D

I was gonna say septics... :o

totster :D

Steptics!!?? Man and I thought being called a "yank" was bad. :bah:

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Good selection although IMO Boddies is a pale shadow of it's former self and has gone right downhill now it's no longer brewed at Strangeways. Them old cons certainly added something that's missing today.

My UK beer drinking days were virtually over when I moved to Asia in '94. English real ale is one of the few things I miss.

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I wouldn't recommend that anyone tries this but .....

Drink any beer at room temperature and you will be able to determine what it tastes like. Freezing the gonads off it generally kills any taste it may have had.

Anyway, best ales:

Timothy Taylor's Best Bitter

Boddington's Best Bitter

Wadworth's 6x

Thwaite's Best Bitter

Black Sheep

In fact, virtually all the English real ales are very good.

Worst lagers:

All of them.

That's one statement I entirely agree upon!

On the other hand, I doubt if many of the posters on here have ever tasted a "good" pint of English ale or have only been fobbed off with a pint of p!ss in a London tourist pub!

Beer is a drink you don't drink ice cold so you can't taste it! If you only want to freeze your tonsils then drink water ( sorry, the Bud and Heineken drinkers do that already! )

No seriously, beer drinking is on par with tasting fine wines. It's done on the tongue and in the mouth, not down your throat. The true taste only comes out when it is at the correct temperature and that doesn't mean when it's warm or ice cold! You've got to go to a beer "drinkers" pub not a "plastic" pub where the young get pissed on Red Bull & vodka! A good landlord ( and they're getting fewer by the day ) can keep his beer in perfect condition for drinking all year round. Drink what the locals drink, they'll tell you if it's in top condition cos woe betide the landlord who lets his ale go "off!" He'll soon feel it in his pocket! Then if you say you don't like the taste you might as well give up on ale and go back to the weak p!ss you're used to!"

As for Guinness, well remember it's a stout! A rather nice stout! But you really shouldn't drink this ice cold although many do. The pleasure is when it's in your mouth not down your throat ( as the bishop said to the choir girl )

Anyway, as you can see by my post, I think the best beers come from the UK. I've sampled "beers" from other countries but as I've not spent a great deal of time anywhere but UK and LOS I don't remember any in particular, except one that comes to mind from 20 years ago and probably isn't around anymore.

A brew called Celtia ( maybe not the right spelling ) from Tunisia. I'm positive the bars kept camels outside and filled your glass direct. It even tasted worse than VB!! :o:D

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Best: Carlton Cold (160 baht for a 375ml bottle in Pattaya)

Worst: Archa (220 baht for a dozen 700ml in Issan).


It's currently Bht 250.00/dozen 640 ml.

I agree that Archa is not a good drink. However as all the so called 'beer' in Thailand that is generally available is crap, I consider it prudent to drink the cheapest crap.

With one exception - I wouldn't drink "Cheers" if they were giving it away! :o:D

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Is it possible to get Pilsner Urquell of czech in Thailand or does it even come in bottles? Is Belgian beer available anywhere?

Couple more to add to my list for mass-prodcued stuff


St Pauli Girl(German)

Pretty good


Venzuelan Polar beer(but real small bottle)

Real Asahi Super Dry(from Japan..the local Thai licenses stuff is almost lethal)

The new Japanese Happoshu which is a different kind of beer…the “nodogoshi” is pretty drinkable

Bad shit(literally)

Not sure if still around

Couple of Canadian brews

Carling Red Cap

Carling Black label

Both of which are guaranteed to give you bad beer farts(unless you like that sort of thin)

Really Bad shit

Kingfisher(India)-tastes cheesy, …hard to describe and bad hangover..also take some immodium in the morning

Old Milwaukee

The comment on Heineken is valid…great in Holland but crap when brewed under license almost anywhere else….

Wonder if we can convince the Belgians to export a few Trappist Monk brewers to Thailand

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Czech Budweiser and Berliner Kindl

And Oz VB - world class

Qwertz, you are absolutely right about Berliner Kindl...a great beer that is hard to get outside of Berlin. Shultheis (sp?) was also a great beer when I was in Berlin. But you couldn't go wrong with either beer along with a bratwurst from a street vendor. A little piece of heaven.

My favorite beers in order are:

1. Pilsner Urquel (Czech).

2. Bass Ale. (Irish)

I think you'll find that Bass Pale Ale is English rather than Irish with Burton-on-Trent as its home brewery.

:o Oooops. Thanks Endure. Only goes to show I've never read the label. Thanks for setting me straight. I still love it though. Now that I delve through my booze-shrouded mind, I remember that Harp is the Irish beer and Bass is English. I'll buy you one if we meet up in LOS one of these days.

I'll look forward to it :D

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I second that. I love Budweiser. If Budweiser is so bad why is it the "Best selling beer in the world"?

Easy... yanks are renowned for having crap taste in beer, and there are approx 300,000,000 of them. :o

totster :D

There is approx. 300,000,000 in America total made up of yanks from the north and rebels from the south. I am from Virginia. We get offended when called a yank. :D

To anyone outside of the US, all Americans are Yanks. No matter if they're from the centre, north, south, east or west. It's greater offence to call a Canadian a Yank.

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One is starting to get the feeling there may not be enough *real* Guinness in LoS for us. The Malaysian made stuff isn't worth opening.

Also worthy of mention:

Amsterdam / Mariner Lager

Preference is for a dark beer (stout / bock / doppelbock), but it will depend on what's being eaten & the weather. As someone else mentioned, it's like having wine.

With kangaroo I like a mid coloured/bodied beer (Boag's Strongarm, etc) to set off the gamey flavour of the 'roo. Barramundi requires something with a touch more flavour (James Squire & coopers ranges are good here). Big plate of Pad Si Ew or Pad Ki Mao I'd take Leo. Dried squid is a Chang.

Of course, this is just me. You might actually like Tooheys/VB with everything.

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Czech Republics version of Budweiser (Budvar) is far superior to the septics version, which to put in nicely is crap..

Both countries are still fighting over the name.. http://www.american.edu/ted/budweis.htm

Where are the mods; I thought refering to other people using derogatory names was against the rules.

I had to look the term "Septics" up on Google as I had never heard it before. It stands for Septic "yank" that rhymes with septic tank. I can't believe anyone out of first grade would call anyone something that stupid. I guess all Americans are "Poo Poo Heads" also? Grow up.

Edited by JoeInSurin
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I wouldn't recommend that anyone tries this but .....

Drink any beer at room temperature and you will be able to determine what it tastes like. Freezing the gonads off it generally kills any taste it may have had.

Anyway, best ales:

Timothy Taylor's Best Bitter

Boddington's Best Bitter

Wadworth's 6x

Thwaite's Best Bitter

Black Sheep

In fact, virtually all the English real ales are very good.

Worst lagers:

All of them.

That's one statement I entirely agree upon!

On the other hand, I doubt if many of the posters on here have ever tasted a "good" pint of English ale or have only been fobbed off with a pint of p!ss in a London tourist pub!

Beer is a drink you don't drink ice cold so you can't taste it! If you only want to freeze your tonsils then drink water ( sorry, the Bud and Heineken drinkers do that already! )

No seriously, beer drinking is on par with tasting fine wines. It's done on the tongue and in the mouth, not down your throat. The true taste only comes out when it is at the correct temperature and that doesn't mean when it's warm or ice cold! You've got to go to a beer "drinkers" pub not a "plastic" pub where the young get pissed on Red Bull & vodka! A good landlord ( and they're getting fewer by the day ) can keep his beer in perfect condition for drinking all year round. Drink what the locals drink, they'll tell you if it's in top condition cos woe betide the landlord who lets his ale go "off!" He'll soon feel it in his pocket! Then if you say you don't like the taste you might as well give up on ale and go back to the weak p!ss you're used to!"

As for Guinness, well remember it's a stout! A rather nice stout! But you really shouldn't drink this ice cold although many do. The pleasure is when it's in your mouth not down your throat ( as the bishop said to the choir girl )

Anyway, as you can see by my post, I think the best beers come from the UK. I've sampled "beers" from other countries but as I've not spent a great deal of time anywhere but UK and LOS I don't remember any in particular, except one that comes to mind from 20 years ago and probably isn't around anymore.

A brew called Celtia ( maybe not the right spelling ) from Tunisia. I'm positive the bars kept camels outside and filled your glass direct. It even tasted worse than VB!! :o:D

There are many cultural divides between Americans and the Brits. One of the biggest is the issue of beer -- do you drink it cold or drink it warm? For most Americans, me included, drinking warm beer is akin to drinking horse piss.

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Czech Republics version of Budweiser (Budvar) is far superior to the septics version, which to put in nicely is crap..

Both countries are still fighting over the name.. http://www.american.edu/ted/budweis.htm

Where are the mods; I thought refering to other people using derogatory names was against the rules.

I had to look the term "Septics" up on Google as I had never heard it before. It stands for Septic "yank" that rhymes with septic tank. I can't believe anyone out of first grade would call anyone something that stupid. I guess all Americans are "Poo Poo Heads" also? Grow up.

Don't sweat it. It's just another of the Cockney rhyme deals, such as others where they order more Britneys (as in Spears, meaning they want a couple of beers). Nothing really malevolent about it, but nothing especially witty either.

Edited by calibanjr.
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Speaking of beer I think there's a few in need of chilling out with a couple of beers in this thread if they're getting hot under the collar about people using a bit of harmless rhyming slang.

As an Englishman it doesn't bother me in the slightest being called a limey, pom or a Brit, all of which can be derogatory.

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I wouldn't recommend that anyone tries this but .....

Drink any beer at room temperature and you will be able to determine what it tastes like. Freezing the gonads off it generally kills any taste it may have had.

Anyway, best ales:

Timothy Taylor's Best Bitter

Boddington's Best Bitter

Wadworth's 6x

Thwaite's Best Bitter

Black Sheep

In fact, virtually all the English real ales are very good.

Worst lagers:

All of them.

That's one statement I entirely agree upon!

On the other hand, I doubt if many of the posters on here have ever tasted a "good" pint of English ale or have only been fobbed off with a pint of p!ss in a London tourist pub!

Beer is a drink you don't drink ice cold so you can't taste it! If you only want to freeze your tonsils then drink water ( sorry, the Bud and Heineken drinkers do that already! )

No seriously, beer drinking is on par with tasting fine wines. It's done on the tongue and in the mouth, not down your throat. The true taste only comes out when it is at the correct temperature and that doesn't mean when it's warm or ice cold! You've got to go to a beer "drinkers" pub not a "plastic" pub where the young get pissed on Red Bull & vodka! A good landlord ( and they're getting fewer by the day ) can keep his beer in perfect condition for drinking all year round. Drink what the locals drink, they'll tell you if it's in top condition cos woe betide the landlord who lets his ale go "off!" He'll soon feel it in his pocket! Then if you say you don't like the taste you might as well give up on ale and go back to the weak p!ss you're used to!"

As for Guinness, well remember it's a stout! A rather nice stout! But you really shouldn't drink this ice cold although many do. The pleasure is when it's in your mouth not down your throat ( as the bishop said to the choir girl )

Anyway, as you can see by my post, I think the best beers come from the UK. I've sampled "beers" from other countries but as I've not spent a great deal of time anywhere but UK and LOS I don't remember any in particular, except one that comes to mind from 20 years ago and probably isn't around anymore.

A brew called Celtia ( maybe not the right spelling ) from Tunisia. I'm positive the bars kept camels outside and filled your glass direct. It even tasted worse than VB!! :o:D

There are many cultural divides between Americans and the Brits. One of the biggest is the issue of beer -- do you drink it cold or drink it warm? For most Americans, me included, drinking warm beer is akin to drinking horse piss.

Coming from a Lager Land, I always had trouble with the concept of warm beer. Served at the right temperature, ales are not much different in taste. The main difference in these 2 beer styles is the yeast. Lager yeast ferments on the top of the brew at about 24C-26C, ale yeast ferments in the middle of the brew at about 13C-16C. The warm beer concept is due to Britain (& near countries) storing beer in non-refrigerated cellars as they were cold enough to not need refrigeration. North Canada would also be a good place for ales.

These days I'm quite happy to chug a few pints of London Pride.

Anyone know if Fischer Breweries in Strasbourg still makes 'Adelscot'? This was a fantastic beer made with whisky malt - best of both worlds.

Edited by pgs
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Don't sweat it. It's just another of the Cockney rhyme deals, such as others where they order more Britneys (as in Spears, meaning they want a couple of beers). Nothing really malevolent about it, but nothing especially witty either.

It's actually "pig's ear". Britney Spears hadn't been 'invented' when rhyming slang developed.

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