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my name is Vincent, I am 22 years old and studying in germany.

I have a girlfriend in Phuket.

She has a sick son.

He has a heartdisease.

He is very bad at the moment.

He is spending more time in the hospital at the moment than home.

She brings him to the Bangkok Hospital in Phuket Town everytime, wich is ###### expensive.

So she is already abloluteley out of money now, but again she brought him there today.

She doesent want him to be treated in the Patong Hospital.

I can understand it.

I have been treated in both hosptals, its really two different worlds.

I cant support her, as I am a poor student.

So my question now: Isnt there something, that she can do, to get support from the government or any beneficial institution?

I mean, she is a single mother with a sick child.

She hasnt got any relatives, that could help her, her parents have been killed 2 years ago.

Does someone know a way through this.

She is really desperate, and I worrie a lot.

So if someone can help, please write.


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my name is Vincent, I am 22 years old and studying in germany.

I have a girlfriend in Phuket.

She has a sick son.

He has a heartdisease.

He is very bad at the moment.

He is spending more time in the hospital at the moment than home.

She brings him to the Bangkok Hospital in Phuket Town everytime, wich is ###### expensive.

So she is already abloluteley out of money now, but again she brought him there today.

She doesent want him to be treated in the Patong Hospital.

I can understand it.

I have been treated in both hosptals, its really two different worlds.

I cant support her, as I am a poor student.

So my question now: Isnt there something, that she can do, to get support from the government or any beneficial institution?

I mean, she is a single mother with a sick child.

She hasnt got any relatives, that could help her, her parents have been killed 2 years ago.

Does someone know a way through this.

She is really desperate, and I worrie a lot.

So if someone can help, please write.


Hi sorry about your dilemma, how long have you known your gf? where did you meet? hospitals even in Thailand will never refuse treatment if poor,even thaksin set up the 30 bht healthcare systym.

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This advice is free: Send her to the Mission Hospital government and free. 30baht fee abolished by Junta gov

However if your a Troll you have to pay back 30 seconds of my life wasted for replying to you.

If your not a troll then my apologies & I wish you all the best.

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my name is Vincent, I am 22 years old and studying in germany.

I have a girlfriend in Phuket.

She has a sick son.

He has a heartdisease.

He is very bad at the moment.

He is spending more time in the hospital at the moment than home.

She brings him to the Bangkok Hospital in Phuket Town everytime, wich is ###### expensive.

So she is already abloluteley out of money now, but again she brought him there today.

She doesent want him to be treated in the Patong Hospital.

I can understand it.

I have been treated in both hosptals, its really two different worlds.

I cant support her, as I am a poor student.

So my question now: Isnt there something, that she can do, to get support from the government or any beneficial institution?

I mean, she is a single mother with a sick child.

She hasnt got any relatives, that could help her, her parents have been killed 2 years ago.

Does someone know a way through this.

She is really desperate, and I worrie a lot.

So if someone can help, please write.


Hi sorry about your dilemma, how long have you known your gf? where did you meet? hospitals even in Thailand will never refuse treatment if poor,even thaksin set up the 30 bht healthcare systym.

the 30b hospital system is still in place but only at government hospitals not private ,most doctors working in the private sector do vollentry work at government hospitals ,im suprised knowing she has no money someone in the private hospital has'nt pointed this out,why does'nt she like government hospitals? if her son is so ill she would take help where ever it came from i know i would .

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Dear Vincent,

I wonder if you are the French young man I met almost 2 years ago staying in a guesthouse in Chiang Mai and getting into relationships with bargirls, who messed you up, but were most beautiful and young?

Okay, no matter if it is you or not, but as a 22 year old man (boy) do you think either, 1) the girl could be telling you lies, or 2) this is not your responsibility? and 3) even if she is turthful, where is the kid's father? Where are her parents, or any other family members?

If they are dead, meaning they both died maybe in their 40's??? Do you really believe this?

I will suggest that since you are a very young man, this is not your responsibility and if you want to help children, find a charity you can contribute to or adopt a kid from a third world country much later in your life.

If you were 40 years old and involved with her mother, I might suggest that you help. But what is a girl, so young, doing without family, father, or options, besides you??? What was she thinking when she had this baby? How old was she? What was her family thinking would come of this? How do you NOT know that the father is a farang guy who has millions of baht and can support them, but that she just doens't want to be with him now?

Would you support your girlfriend in your country who was having a baby from another man, or from you? How do you know this is not all bullshit in order to get money from you? And, are you interested in saving her, or the baby? Maybe you can marry her and take her to your country and her kid can get free medical care (if you are not American).

I'm so sorry to say this, but since you say you are very young I am inclined to think you are being taken advantage of. If so, I suppose whatever money you lose can be earned again, and if you think it is worth it to take care of this kid, then okay. Probably you are not like some of us here who cannot earn the money again since we are living in Thailand from our old lives and don't have the chance to earn this money again.

But, an education is an education, no matter where you learn it. So, please pay any money you want to pay, to the hospital directly, ask for receipts, or just ask where is the father. I don't think it is "cool" that the father is spending his money on lottery tickets and whiskey, while you are paying the medical bills. And I am SURE you will not gain respect in Thailand for doing this but will instead gain the reputation of a fool, since no Thai man will pay for another man's child.

I don't agree with this, you are a nice guy, but that doesn't change how Thai people will view you. If you want respect I think you will have to donate to charities inside your own country. Whatever you do, don't expect anything from the money you give to help people in Thailand, as, in my experience, they all think we are idiots and can't manage our money, or that we grow a million baht a day on trees, and that they DESERVE it.

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To the OP, you can ignore most of MTWs reply. If you look at his previous posts you will find that he is one of those people who is extremely bitter about Thailand and Thais in general. Obviously he has been burned a time or two and now vents his anger on all Thais. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. There are women here and elsewhere that would lie about something like this, so I hope you are sure her story is legit. You are to be congratulated for having a heart.

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Vincent, you may want to confirm the kid is sick before you start worrying about him.

In case you are unaware getting a boyfriend and then feeding him sick children/mother stories when he flies back to his homeland is standard procedure in this country, if you met her in a bar in Patong you can almost be sure it's bullshit. If you didn't meet her in a bar or in Patong you can still be pretty sure it's bullshit. And that bullshit isn't just being fed to one punter but many a dude who flew over for a couple of weeks holiday.

Funny how relatives all take a turn for the worse when the boyfriend flies home isn't it? When you are in Phuket with her do you see much of the kid, was he a sick lad who needed to take regular medicine, or was he conveniently staying with the grandparents?

Tread very carefully, they've turned emotional blackmail into an art form in this country.

BTW I see a lot of people reccommending the 30 Baht healthcare scheme, don't you usually get inferior drugs and medicines when you use that? From my experience it's been the case.

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why is it if one asks seriouc questions he is considered troll or is bitter against thailand. chicks use sick family s h it excuses all the time.

if you want to get along in los its better to be wary.

a lot of these girlfriends these guys write about are professional pleasure women, it happens ive seen it so many times at internet cafes. same same get guy to send money, and by golly a lot do.

now if kid is really sick wish em well.......what you gonna do you poor. poor dont get things done.


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First, thanks to all for the answers, as its my first topic.

Good to know about this 30 Bath system, but how does it work exactley?

To clear the situation and aswer your questions:

-I m not the guy from chiang mai, it was my first stay in thailand

-I do belive that her parents are dead because: One day we were sitting in her friends beautysalon. I was laughing about something(I dont remember what), she put her hand in front of my mouth, and I saw a serious sadness in her eyes. Then one of her friends(a married male thai, wich is very truthfully in my eyes) told me, that she just told her friends, how her parents have been shot 2 years ago.

-I lived with her, its son and its housekeeper(a girl) for one month in her appartment

-He was a bit sick sometimes...

-When I met her(Yes, in a bar), I was absoluteley out of money. Eventhough she asked me to live with her(the next morning!), and this way I was able to stay one month longer in thailand

-she never asked me for money(till I was back in germany(!)), she even sold her juwlery, to buy me beer, clothes, movies. I think teoretical I owe her a couple of hundred euros

-Of course I know that a lot of thai ladys are extremeley good liars, so I am very careful about what could be a lie and what not.

-Of course I could forget her, but it did work very good with us. Fallang ting tong in love

-I belive she is too

-She is almost 4 years older than me. In the first night she was 20 and I was 23. :o

-She doesnt want to come to europe, but wants to marry me. (?)

-eventhough I told her, that I will study for the next 3 years and wont have money in this time, maybe just enough to see her sometimes, wich is true

-She works in nightlife(not on the street!)

-when I met her, she told me she started 3 months ago with that...Possible, her son is 1,5 and she doesent have a lot of friends.

And she seems to me to be a newbie.

SHE could easily have men, sending her money, she has the body and the face

but not the skill

or maybe really not the attitude, who knows.

I met a girl, she had a guy from france(40 or 50 years old), sending her 500 Euro per month, a 24 year old boyfriend(fallang) living in thailand permant, wich was a friend of mine, and she tried to sleep with me.

So far about SOME of them.

But sureley we shouldnt condemn them all.

I really dont know, what to do. I do love her, but i m not a fool. And I dont want to become one. I wont loose a lot of money, thats sure, because I m still studying and got no reserves.

But I dont want her to be miserably.

But I m glad I found this board, probablly 1000 years of Fallang-Thai-relation- experience are in here.

So far from Europe

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Whats the boy sick with?

The Ladys english s real krab, much worse than mine.

As far as I undestood, sth with the heart, astma, fever,

I know, sounds doubtful.

She isnt able to explain it to me.

One of my concerns is, that she is getting into the buisness now, and that her "new friends", maybe streethores or katois, whatever are pushing her to get a bit out of me.

But you never know, it could be serious,

I think, I m gonna just call the hospital, I got the names, but will they give me info?

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Whats the boy sick with?

One of them is apparently heart sick, the other just love sick.

Seriously dude, you aint got the cash to help her so just tell her that. She works in the trade, you said she's young and beautiful, if she needs to find the cash she will. Perhaps better just letting her get on with it and remaining friends.

How much was she asking for a month?

With regards to the she wants to marry but not move to Europe, well the cynic in me says if shes moves to Europe with you she's still poor, but if she stays at work in Thailand she might very well strike gold. If she has another guy on the go that is sending over cash which is very possible then she can't go to Europe because when that guy next visits he'll want to see her.

And finally....

she never asked me for money(till I was back in germany(!)), she even sold her juwlery, to buy me beer, clothes, movies.
She has a son in need of urgent hospital care but sells her jewellery so you can get drunk and watch a movies. If she's honest about her sick son then she's some kind of bitch isn't she?

In reality mate this is what is happening, shes buying you clothes to lure you into a false sense of security so when you get home you'll fall for the sick son story and send her over more cash than a couple of hundred euros. The beer, movies and clothes are an investment. The gold she sold will be in a pawn shop and recupriated when she gets her next lot of money sent over from another guy.

SHE could easily have men, sending her money, she has the body and the face

but not the skill

or maybe really not the attitude, who knows.

She has the skill and attitude to get a guy like you worrying about what to do to save her son, another guy would and has probably made the bank transfer already.

Don't be naive dude, you're too young to get caught up in this, be her friend, tell her you have no cash and wish her good luck.

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One of them is apparently heart sick, the other just love sick.

Seriously dude, you aint got the cash to help her so just tell her that. She works in the trade, you said she's young and beautiful, if she needs to find the cash she will. Perhaps better just letting her get on with it and remaining friends.

How much was she asking for a month?

With regards to the she wants to marry but not move to Europe, well the cynic in me says if shes moves to Europe with you she's still poor, but if she stays at work in Thailand she might very well strike gold. If she has another guy on the go that is sending over cash which is very possible then she can't go to Europe because when that guy next visits he'll want to see her.

And finally....

she never asked me for money(till I was back in germany(!)), she even sold her juwlery, to buy me beer, clothes, movies.
She has a son in need of urgent hospital care but sells her jewellery so you can get drunk and watch a movies. If she's honest about her sick son then she's some kind of bitch isn't she?

In reality mate this is what is happening, shes buying you clothes to lure you into a false sense of security so when you get home you'll fall for the sick son story and send her over more cash than a couple of hundred euros. The beer, movies and clothes are an investment. The gold she sold will be in a pawn shop and recupriated when she gets her next lot of money sent over from another guy.

SHE could easily have men, sending her money, she has the body and the face

but not the skill

or maybe really not the attitude, who knows.

She has the skill and attitude to get a guy like you worrying about what to do to save her son, another guy would and has probably made the bank transfer already.

Don't be naive dude, you're too young to get caught up in this, be her friend, tell her you have no cash and wish her good luck.

bkkmadness does have a few points worth considering.

My first thoughts was for the little boy. And if you are too, you might want to consider returning her the monies she spent on you so it can be used for her son's treatment. Anything else, its your own free will, hopefully because you do love the kid.

All mothers will want the best for their child, from treatments to lifestyle and a better future. Weighing the prices of medical services, I would stay in my home country, trusting them then to go over to Thailand. But if Europe offers better medical services, why wont she want to go to Europe?

And if she goes to Europe, does she has the skills to work and survive in Europe?

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Whats the boy sick with?

One of them is apparently heart sick, the other just love sick.

Seriously dude, you aint got the cash to help her so just tell her that. She works in the trade, you said she's young and beautiful, if she needs to find the cash she will. Perhaps better just letting her get on with it and remaining friends.

How much was she asking for a month?

With regards to the she wants to marry but not move to Europe, well the cynic in me says if shes moves to Europe with you she's still poor, but if she stays at work in Thailand she might very well strike gold. If she has another guy on the go that is sending over cash which is very possible then she can't go to Europe because when that guy next visits he'll want to see her.

And finally....

she never asked me for money(till I was back in germany(!)), she even sold her juwlery, to buy me beer, clothes, movies.
She has a son in need of urgent hospital care but sells her jewellery so you can get drunk and watch a movies. If she's honest about her sick son then she's some kind of bitch isn't she?

In reality mate this is what is happening, shes buying you clothes to lure you into a false sense of security so when you get home you'll fall for the sick son story and send her over more cash than a couple of hundred euros. The beer, movies and clothes are an investment. The gold she sold will be in a pawn shop and recupriated when she gets her next lot of money sent over from another guy.

SHE could easily have men, sending her money, she has the body and the face

but not the skill

or maybe really not the attitude, who knows.

She has the skill and attitude to get a guy like you worrying about what to do to save her son, another guy would and has probably made the bank transfer already.

Don't be naive dude, you're too young to get caught up in this, be her friend, tell her you have no cash and wish her good luck.


In fact another guy really did a banktransfer as she told me. A "friend":o Of course it wasnt enough.

But me poor student, at the moment I have only enough for a flight ticket and some food.

Horrible situation.

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You're not in a position to help her and her story doesn't add up.

She has charmed you and you feel like you are in love.

What you are experiencing is emotional blackmail.

Nailed it in three lines. :o

Don't be another 'friend' making transfers.

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Vincent, you're out of your league. Get a few more trips under your belt and you won't need a forum to open your eyes.

Die Weibe da sind voll schlau, Junge!

I've heard a lot more heart rending stories than this one and this I can promise you - they all found willing sponsors.

Want to know how many Thai men there were among them? Better not ask.

Or send her money, if you find her son is good health, count on this - she'll invent another crisis.

BTW, for the benefit of other BMs, I'm not bitter,nor have I ever been conned by a woman over there but I do have eyes in my head.

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Vincent has a kind heart. im not gonna go into whether her story is true or false, none of us can ever know that.

but the only thing you should tell her is if she doesnt have enough money for treatment at private hospital she should move him to government hospital for treatment. they arent really too bad, and some (in bangkok) are specialists as well. usually the 30 baht scheme (now reduced to completely free as stated by another member already) applies in the hospital of a person's local residence area (so in her case probably Phuket if her ID card/house registration is there).

if her son need very specialised treatment that the particular hospital in her area cannot offer (for eg. complicated heart surgery) they can and will write a transfer form (but she should contact the other specialist hospital requesting treatment as well)

might sound complicated, but it really isnt. when she speaks to staff at the hospital they will be able to advise her on these things. and what I described is mainly in the situation where the local hospital cannot treat the boy themself.

anyway good luck, and hope the info helps. (eventhough most thais would already know this)


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You girlfirned's story sounds really fishy to me.

Why isn't she taking her kid to a goverment hospital. Cost 90% less than privately run Phukhet's Bangkok General Hospital. My take on this is that she's just milking you for money that all. Tell her to go to a government hospital. God, how many times have I heard similar stories in all these years in Thailand???

Remember: she is a bargirl. And bargirls do what they do best: milk their customers for money! To them it's just business.

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why is it if one asks seriouc questions he is considered troll or is bitter against thailand. chicks use sick family s h it excuses all the time.

but the standard is sick buffaloes, isn't it?

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Never lose sight of the simple fact that you are a customer and her job will always be to get as much of your money as she possibly can. There is nothing morally wrong with this arrangement as you have to have known from the beginning that this is the gig. Thais often think we are stupid because we forget who and what we actually are.

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usually its mama with the heart disease.

is her housekeeper working pro bono. ithink legal term for free.

if she is young and beautiful like others have said she should have no trubble getting money in bars.

if she is like most of the other girls she will have trouble making ends meet.

do you guys ever notice many girls get no customers.

pakbong, these guys dont know it , thats why they get fooled all the time. its not love and they aint your girlfriend.

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