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Is It Just My Thai Wife?

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When I see some of the replies in here I just feel pitty for the poor ladies who with so much hope of a better life, marry a farangs.... :o


you missed the whole point. as far as i can make out, all posts were made "tongue-in cheek" and i am sure no offense was meant to the fairer sex, nor to thai women. i personally have a healthy respect for thai women and made a decision some time ago that all my future ex-wives would be thai!

by the way, almost all thai women,both good and bad, do end up with a better life being married to a farang. have you seen how most thai men- especially in isaan- treat their wives?..... maybe they know something we don't!


Point taken 'frikkiedeboer' , cheers

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Interesting reading , if some of you men want to click on the issan forum and add your experiences in Falangs and Thai ladies, would be good to air your views ect, Please see 1st post there, Thanks Lickey.

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a couple of days after meeting my (now) wife i had a small conversation with a worker in the family mart that went beyond what falang are supposed to know apparently. I was then told, in no uncertain terms, "never ever speak thai with me, falang that speak thai sound stupid". So i didn't but i carried on learning and carried on listening.

A few times i heard bits in conversation and joined in but answered in english and nobody seemed to realise that they had been talking in Thai and that they understood. However I made a mistake one day and read something in thai script. I was then given a ful test on how good my thai reading, writing listening and speaking was and when she realised that not teaching me was not gooing to work as I was getting on fine anyway she decided to help me.

However I am not allowed to learn swear words, apart from the ones I have already picked up. Just incase I use them at the wrong time and get myself shot apparently. And I am not allowed to learn isaan. I think she doesnt mind me speaking thai as she gets me to speak to everybody a little bit and is proud that I can but I think she likes to have her own dialect so that she can talk about me with her family and friends.

But at the end of the day that is fine by me as I know nearly exactly how much english she knows, which is above average, but I also know how to grammatically structure a sentence so she doesn't understand, what slang she doesn't understand and also I can drop into my local accent and she has no idea. So basically we can do it to each other.

I think i will lose my advantage soon though as she moves her in 2 weeks so is bound to pick it all up !

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you guys forgot the ...

me "what would you like?"

her "anything"

me "anything?"

her "yes, anything you like"

me " you sure?"

her "YESanything"


her "why did you get that?"

me "but you said anything"

he "not that, I dont like it"

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In defence of your wife, and all wives, and all women......May I recommend you re-read your complaint--and all you repliers do the same of your replies--and ask yourself if you were in "her" shoes, whether you would find what hubby says interesting and worth paying attention to! I perceive in this thread of comments that there is a bit of your taking your wives for granted.

We must earn their respect, love, and attention on a daily basis by respecting, loving and giving our undivided attention....according, of course, to the Tao....the Central Way of balance in all things.


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I received a joke email some time ago that was almost identical to the OP's post. Smacks of cut and paste.
True, Longway. I find this cut and paste cult a little boring too, don't you? :o

Sorry to spoil your exposure but I did not cut and paste it from anywhere. I wrote it myself and it's based on real experiences. What would I have to gain by posting something written by someone else? I am one of the most senior members on this forum and posting something humorous to try and impress members here is not something I do. I posted it out of real curiousity and it was meant tongue-in-cheek but is by no means not true.

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  • 3 years later...

LISTEN TO ME THEY ARE ALL LIKE THIS..... STUPID!!!!! They finish school at a very young age and they just don't have the smarts!!!:jap:

I often tell my wife that she is very selective in certain things. Is it just my wife or are any of your wives the same? Here is the list:

1. "Selective Hearing" - Most of the time I think she isn't paying any attention to me when I tell her something. But this isn't so. She just listens to what she wants to listen to. Example - Almost anytime I ask her a question, her first response is always, "Huh?" Just about everytime I have to ask my questions 2-3 times before she hears me. On the other hand, I could be in one room and her in the next room watching TV no less. If I say something about her on the telephone to a friend of mine and say it quietly, she will shout out, "I heard that!" This is selective hearing.

2. "Selective Memory" - This one never ceases to amaze me. Example - I could ask her what the name was of the restaurant we ate at 2 days ago and she wouldn't have a clue. On the other hand, one time I was talking to a friend of mine and we were discussing old girlfriends. I told him something and she overheard it and came running up to me yelling, "That isn't what you told me 3 years ago about her. You said this!" Now how can she remember something from 3 years ago but not 2 days ago? This is selective memory.

3. "Selective Perception" - My favorite one. Example - My wife always seem to be in a constant daze. Almost as if she goes through her days daydreaming. Completely oblivious to what is going on around her. We could be driving and I see a really nice car and try to point it out to her. She'll turn her head around to me and say, "Huh?" and completely miss the car. At this point I wonder where her head is at. On the other hand, we could be walking around somewhere like a mall and if I even catch a small glimpse of a pretty girl she will snap at me immediately, "I saw you looking at her!!!!" This is selective perception.

So is it just my wife or do any of you share the same experiences?

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1. "Selective Hearing"

2. "Selective Memory"

3. "Selective Perception"

I benefit from all of those.

That is why God gave us an in-ear and an out-ear, a blind eye to turn, and sieves to which we can compare our memory.

Praise the Lord!


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My girl friend has the same traits as the ops. Regarding learning Thai, about 2.5 years ago she said she wouldn’t want me to learn Thai as she couldn’t have any secrets from me then! She has since told me, around a year ago that I wouldn’t like it or wouldn’t want to stay here if I could understand what Thai people were saying! Interesting statement I reckon!

Regarding PQS’s quote,

No real problem with Selective Perception (as described). She points out the lovelies / well endowed to me in case I miss them. She has a good eye for a pretty lass. Certainly can't complain about that.

My girlfriend’s exactly the same. The reason being is because she likes the look of nice girls also which is no surprise as about 80% of females worldwide are bi!

Sounds a highly extreme statement,got any evidence to support it????

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Have experienced all of the OP's notes of concern as have most of us.

The wife has a habit of when she is shopping for some item, she will check out the same item in at least 3 different shops to save 50 baht. While doing this she will park in a restricted zone so as not to walk a half block and "waste time" and subsequently get a 200 baht clamping fine.

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  • 6 months later...

In my very limited Thai , I understood Huh ,to mean Yes !

Still agree with the selective issues though .

of course as one who has the inability to "walk AND chew gum" I have to admire women in general and their ability to multi task...I am amazed at the way my wife can carry on two or even three conversations at once in two languages...I mean... the phone on hands free in Thai to her sister in Germany ( she in turn is talking to her baby son in German) and talking to me in English and telling the wok to hurry up and get hot while she sweeps the floor...lol.

My favourite re communication is the way they call out DEEEAH!.( ..of course you are busy trying to find the spring that popped out of something into the grass)... then when you reply there is absolute silence..so you stop what your doing, climb upstairs ( in case it's a serious problem right?) and then she says "oh I just wonder what you do... I go to library now"

... the other favourite is waiting till you leave the room ( having been together for the last hour in relative silence) and disappear to feed the dogs or something before she decides to start a conversation....gotta love 'em

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Although this is an OLD topic dug up from 3 years ago, it still is a funny one. I do beiieve that women can multi-task better than most men, but I don't know if it is genetic or a learned response. I've been married twice and with too many different women to remember them all. Some are jealous and some are not. I'm not jealous in the least, and neither was my first wife. But, my second wife was almost insanely jealous... and had the least cause to be so. As far as selctive memory is concerned, I think we all have it to some degree and the "battle of the sexes" has been going on since Adam gave Eve a rib... Or, was that a "ribbing?"

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definetly selective hearing with the thai GF. And to test whether she can hear and understand what I say, I try to rephrase it into terms she can understand. "Maybe I lose my ATM card...." "Maybe I not have money next month." Her hearing aid seems to be on full blast then!

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I think we all have it to some degree and the "battle of the sexes" has been going on since Adam gave Eve a rib... Or, was that a "ribbing?"

Off Topic

I believe there was either a mistake in translation or a 'cleaning up' of the Bible when they said "Adams Rib".

It is fairly widely debated among serious researchers that the original wording was "Adams Baculum"

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Mine isn't just selective hearing. She hears what she wants to hear instead of what i said.

I suffer from this one as well ... LOL !!

+1 laugh.gif

Goes for quees too :P

edit: I have had a couple of glasses of wine and quoted the wrong post..

edit2: Man TV is slow today.. Was supposed to quote this:

It has been my experience, that rather than listening, women use the time you are talking to think about what they are about to say next, which may or may not be related to what you have just said.

Edited by remiss
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  • 2 weeks later...

A lot of these post ring true with my wife. I usually just say,” I bet if I was taking about money you would hear”. Normally get a cheeky laugh. Cause she knows I’m just joking.

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A lot of these post ring true with my wife. I usually just say," I bet if I was taking about money you would hear". Normally get a cheeky laugh. Cause she knows I'm just joking.

Are you just joking?

Do you think she thinks you are joking?

Do you think she is joking?

Whatever; I'm sure nothing could possibly go wrong...


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