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What Do You Do For A Living


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Currently working in a tiny cubicle where only the rainmakers make serious dollars

I have one of the society's most rewarding and creative career (to me at least), and spend far too much time probing the fine prints and seeing things go up and down everyday.

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Well... I used to exploit the strength of the dollar by outsourcing programmer work from the USA to Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria but with the devaluation of the dollar I have moved on to Vietnam (best) and Thailand (mediocre) and as soon as the USA lets me do business in Myanmar I will be there almost exclusively.

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Business Development Manager

Hmm. I have met many people with this title and you would be amazed at what it covers. I have even had TEFLers telling me they are Business Development Managers (they teach as well as tout for corporate business). So what is it you really do?

I sell services to petroleum companies and oil field service compaines. That may be equipment, yes training - but hight end stuff or consultation. Basically anything concerning oil and gas.

I travel around the Gulf as well as Scotland and starting in Africa.

Its a posh way of saying sales manager

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I'm a Poker, I have a big stick and I wander up and down the Sydney Harbour Bridge poking off the Kuala Bears into the harbour to avoid car crashes

Kuala Bears eat paint from the bridge, hard to find in real time, Koala Bears live in trees, so please don't confuse them.

We also have drop bears which are really dangerous

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