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About 10 years ago, I started to feel a numb patch on my lower right outer thigh every so often, which became  more and more pronounced and the the left lower thigh started having them too some time later.

They weren't a huge problem for some time, but then I started having a pins and needles feeling (paresthesia)in both patches which came more and more often.  If I touched them lightly, they worsened the pins and needles feeling, but if I thumped them hard with my fist, that relieved the feeling - I know now that's a classic sign of MP.


Then in January 2014 my wife and I went to Singapore for my 65th birthday and the day after I arrived, we set off to go shopping.  Except we couldn't.

I had had a couple of quite severe electric shock feelings in my thighs in the previous few days and we got off the MRT they attacked with a vengeance.  It was as though my thighs were on fire with the shocks coming in wave after wave. I just couldn't walk and people were staring at me as I sat madly thumping my legs.  It was though someone was appling a live bare electric wire to my thigh for a second or so.


Somehow we got through the 5 days in Singapore and on return I went straight to Sirindhorn hospital in Nonthaburi.  It's a rehabilitation and physiotherapy hospital and they knew what it was in an instant.  They gave me exercises and various treatments and it went after some weeks.   At the time, I was considerably obese and the doc said it was a contributing factor as the fat was trapping the inguinal nerve in my groin and that was causing the shocks.  The doc suggested gabapentin, but it's generally not a very effective treatment and it wasn't in my case.  Anyway, it all settled down after about a month and I thought no more of it.

Some time later, I started a keto diet and lost a lot of weight - about 50 kgs overall and have kept it off.  I'm about 73 kgs now and generally fit.


Then about 3 weeks ago, I started having the numb patches again, and very quickly the pins and needles and a few times have been woken in the night with an electric shock in my thigh.  It's obviously not due to obesity any longer.


So what I am wondering is what treatment I can self-administer?  I can go back to Sirindhorn again, but it's not really anything like as severe as 7 years ago and I would prefer to avoid hospitals at the moment, especially as I live in in Nonthaburi.

Gabapentin didn't work, but I have heard that pregabalin might work better and my knee doctor suggested that for my occasional sciatica.

My wife massages my legs which helps somewhat, and also my groin area where the inflamed nerve is.  

Does anyone have any suggestions for any other meds or treatments?



1 hour ago, faraday said:

Go & see a Neurologist.


Yeah, I think I can get a Electromyographic (EMG) nerve-conduction test done there, or if not I am sure they'll recommend where.  

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1 hour ago, faraday said:

Go & see a Neurologist.

Thinking about it, I am due to see an endocrinologist at Phramongkutklao hospital next month.  I'll ask if I can be referred to a neurologist when I am there.   



While Lyrica does sometimes help, it has some significant side effects and I don't advise self-prescribing it. Ditto tricyclics which are also sometimes used.


I assume (1) you are not diabetic and (2) not wearing tight clothing or heavy things in pockets/around waist?


Assuming above are no, I suggest you try some targeted exercises/stretches. As you probably know, the condition is caused by a nerve being compressed by surrounding tissues, often the inguinal ligament.  So anything that loosens tight ligaments in that area may help. (which is also why massage is helpful)








3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

While Lyrica does sometimes help, it has some significant side effects and I don't advise self-prescribing it. Ditto tricyclics which are also sometimes used.


I assume (1) you are not diabetic and (2) not wearing tight clothing or heavy things in pockets/around waist?


Assuming above are no, I suggest you try some targeted exercises/stretches. As you probably know, the condition is caused by a nerve being compressed by surrounding tissues, often the inguinal ligament.  So anything that loosens tight ligaments in that area may help. (which is also why massage is helpful)









Nothing even remotely like diabetic, according to my last blood tests 2 months ago.  Blood glucose was 77 from a range between 74 - 106.


I always wear loose clothing in this climate, and if at home, usually nothing!  ????  We can't be overlooked, except by passing birds.


Yes, it may be lack of exercise because my gym is closed again, but my wife is a properly trained Thai masseuse so it looks like I'll be getting some freebies until it goes!  Only problem is that she's a bit too enthusiastic with the elbows and heels for my liking.

I do do a lot of sitting at the computer though, and that could put pressure on the inguinal ligament.  Maybe some 5 minute breaks would help.  Should have thought of that.


The doc 7 years ago suggested I tried gabapentin but it didn't do a thing.  He did mention something about 'trigger points' at the time, but it seems to be involved in inserting a needle into somewhere or other and wiggling it about, but thankfully, it didn't come to that. 


My knee specialist suggested I get some pregabalin (Lyrica) in case I get another flare-up of sciatica and I bought a strip just in case.   I know it takes a while to act.  

Would that be worth a try?


I would try stretches before resorting to that. Especially since you sit a lot. See the ones in the link I gave. Should really help

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12 hours ago, Sheryl said:

I would try stretches before resorting to that. Especially since you sit a lot. See the ones in the link I gave. Should really help

It was an excellent link, very interesting.  Many thanks for that.


All I need to do now is actually start the exercises!  ????  In fact, I did some back stretches yesterday as an intro - and asked my wife to pummel  massage my thighs and groin.  She's a beast with those thumbs and elbows!  

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