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in hamsters according to a new report on CNBC !

well I expect when they are travelling overseas - Viagra gives them something else to think about other than sleep .

I imagine it may inhibit putting the tray table down.

Brings new meaning to "upright and locked position"

Thats ######ing priceless! :o:D


Viagra could aid jetlag recovery

Viagra used in combination with light could help jetlag symptoms

Viagra could be used to help people flying eastwards recover from jetlag, animal research suggests.

A team of Argentine scientists found the drug helped hamsters recover up to 50% faster from forward shifts in their daily time cycles.

However, the drug only worked in conjunction with light therapy, and only in one time direction - the equivalent to flying eastbound.

The study features in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

In mammals, the light-dark cycle regulates the body's biological clock, which promotes activity during the daytime, when it is light, and sleep at night.

Time shift

The researchers from the National University of Quilmes shifted the light-dark cycle of hamsters six hours forwards, by switching on lights six hours earlier than usual.

They then monitored the hamsters' running wheel activity to assess when their body clocks had adjusted to the new time cycle - the hamsters are active in the day but stop running when the lights go out.



oh well thats just bloody wonderful aint it.

i wont be able to get off the plane as i'll have a huge big boner in my <deleted> undies. :D

but dont worry punters as i have the top answer once again and that is, we all fly qantas as they got top female flight attendants who love to do the dirty in the dunny. :D :D

just make sure you call yourself ralph and tell em your in the fillums. :D

thank you very much,

ralph :o

i wont be able to get off the plane as i'll have a huge big boner in my <deleted> undies

You want to be careful Terry, its never a good idea to carry other people's luggage for them, more so given today's hightened security checks.


I'm sure there are laws stating you can't bring a loaded weapon onto an aircraft.

But on the other hand, imagine telling a woman "i've got an erection that starts in London and ends in Bangkok" - beats being in the the mile high club by several thousand.......

i wont be able to get off the plane as i'll have a huge big boner in my <deleted> undies

You want to be careful Terry, its never a good idea to carry other people's luggage for them, more so given today's hightened security checks.

thanks for that top bit of inside information guesthouse and i'll be sure to remember that. :D

im trying to think of a snappy reply, but for once i cant. :o

thank you very much :D


I know that in certain Uk old peoples homes they give the male residents a viagra pill in the evening before bedtime with a mug of cocoa, but apparently the reason for that is to stop them rolling out of the bed during the night.

I'm sure there are laws stating you can't bring a loaded weapon onto an aircraft.

But on the other hand, imagine telling a woman "i've got an erection that starts in London and ends in Bangkok" - beats being in the the mile high club by several thousand.......

oh thats a great idea aint it phazey,

the last time i told a lady that, she spat on me and called me a liar. :o

got to tell you mate, she told me that pick up line is crap and to never use it again. :D


i dont like being spat on so im giving that one a big miss. :D

thank you very much, :D


PS. if you come up with any other top idea's, let me know will ya. :D

Viagra could aid jetlag recovery

Viagra used in combination with light could help jetlag symptoms

Viagra could be used to help people flying eastwards recover from jetlag, animal research suggests.

A team of Argentine scientists found the drug helped hamsters recover up to 50% faster from forward shifts in their daily time cycles.

However, the drug only worked in conjunction with light therapy, and only in one time direction - the equivalent to flying eastbound.

The study features in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

In mammals, the light-dark cycle regulates the body's biological clock, which promotes activity during the daytime, when it is light, and sleep at night.

Time shift

The researchers from the National University of Quilmes shifted the light-dark cycle of hamsters six hours forwards, by switching on lights six hours earlier than usual.

They then monitored the hamsters' running wheel activity to assess when their body clocks had adjusted to the new time cycle - the hamsters are active in the day but stop running when the lights go out.


people actually get paid to do this :o

I know that in certain Uk old peoples homes they give the male residents a viagra pill in the evening before bedtime with a mug of cocoa, but apparently the reason for that is to stop them rolling out of the bed during the night.

that might be the case my friend, but i think thats a very dangerous thing to do. :D

imagine the poor old buggers rolling over in there sleep and snapping there old fella in half. :D

they would <deleted> bleed to death in about 2.5 milliseconds as the blood would be squirting out like a fire hose. :o:D


im not going to that bloody place when i get old as they got some real crap idea's. :bah:

thank you very much :D


A team of Argentine scientists found the drug helped hamsters recover up to 50% faster from forward shifts in their daily time cycles.

Word has it viagra is gonna be in short supply for the next month or so as Richard Gere has bought up most of the worlds stocks for his forthcoming global tour.


United Airlines must have saw this coming as they have made a point of staffing their flight attendent ranks such that any potential associated amorous urges are immediately quelled

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