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Private Tuition (japanese W/native Spkr)

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In the case of a native Japanese speaker (qualified teacher of English, though not Japanese) in Bkk, what would be considered a fair price to pay for individual, tailored tuition in Japanese, in your own house, at times specified by you?

Would 800 Baht (including travel expenses, around 150B for return journey) for 2 hours seem too much to ask? (It doesn't to me, but I'm biased :o )

Just curious. Any thoughts?

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Personally speaking, for such an unusual subject (i.e., there can't be that many home Japanese teachers wandering around) and for the teacher going to the student's house at his convenience, I wouldn't charge less than 600B an hour- an "official" agency would charge that plus their own cut. However, I would pay for my own transporation out of that amount.

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