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Thai PM vows to complete his term in office despite daily calls for his resignation


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9 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Should do another 4 years after all the prosperity he brought and everything he achieved for the expats. ????

Is no one going to look into his personal financial affairs and see how much he has accumilated since he stole the country in 2014?

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13 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

Well, as long as not everything is dusted and cleaned ....... still some funds here and there, and if that would not suffice then it is time to talk to the printers! 

None of my business, not my country but how come that +/- 70 million people can live with this for, meanwhile, generations. The pile of debt is mind boggling and will take years and years to pay back ......... 

I think its pretty obvious now, the idea of government debt being actual real debt that must be paid off is a complete fabrication.

The myth has been set up by reserve banks, that of course are run by the rich whom we know very little about.


Money gets printed out of nowhere for free, and supposedly "lent" to governments at miniscule interest rates.


Its an economic necessity that the idea of debt is drummed into the public as it is the working poor that keeps the system going.


After all, they cannot have the plebs asking:

"why the หeแ should we pay back our home loans, when governments and rich people create money out of thin air for free..

AND governments and countries never pay back debt, so why should I ???"


If you dont believe it, around 20 or so years ago there was supposed to be such a thing as a "debt crisis summit" 

to address the massive debt being racked up.

Since then we did not hear any mention of this "summit" findings, only they have been printing money as fast as they can ever since.


Australia is a prime example.

We were told the country was in massive debt before, but looking at its Covid stimulus response and the massive amounts of money handed out


its clear the government doesnt view money as something that has to be paid back.

Yet we hear the same rubbish from the pollies:

"our kids will be paying for this for years"


Yet they have deliberately kept interest rates near zero,

so more people borrow?

does it make sense?

Of course they must allow more borrowing for the real estate market to keep the economy going, since median house prices will soon be a million bucks.


While at the same time banks have been excused of paying interest on peoples savings...

another sector of the working public thats being slowly bled dry.

The old. who can no longer work will be forced into debt also.


And for sure there is no end in sight when house prices are in the millions.

How will the blessed real estate industry sustain that without more massive borrowing?

Since real wages havent gone up in 20 years.


Making it worse, more businesses will fail in the future because of their Covid response of shutting everything down.


Trying to make sense of what they are doing and it makes no sense at all, only that all these band-aid fixes cannot last.


If it was indeed true that things were as bad as they led us to believe before,

then surely this Covid response that is destroying economies everywhere must be the final nail in the coffin for many countries.

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Finish his term in office, Oh No, and a further 500 billion, to help with Covid, but, but Mr Tu, you have had 2 years of this pandemic to help the people of Thailand, and you have only messed-up, 

Are you sure the 500 Billion is not to continue to line your own pockets... 

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10 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Is no one going to look into his personal financial affairs and see how much he has accumilated since he stole the country in 2014?


The answer will lead to the question of if he has enough $$$ to go up to Issan and hand out 300b bonuses to buy people's support, as at least 1 other politico has done before.



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15 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Is no one going to look into his personal financial affairs and see how much he has accumilated since he stole the country in 2014?

No. Of course not.


Mind you, whilst I am sure that he is not averse to stacking up a few bob, and his mates are certainly hard at it, his eyes are firmly on another job - Privy Council.


The way things are that could have real significance over the next decade or so...

Edited by herfiehandbag
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1 hour ago, brianthainess said:

Just shows how slow minded he is, considering Hitlers plan was only 10 years mind you he had a lot more tanks and subs.????

That last one envisaged being in place for a thousand years - for goodness sake don't go giving them ideas like that!

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6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Would this include the 20 year plan we heard of recently?

Well on one hand, to have one entity in power for 20 years (such as the Thai army)

 might be the ONLY way that 20 year sustainable plans can be made for the future.


We can see our so called western democracies have failed dismally at this, time and time again.

 They are living proof that politicians only plan for their time in office,

 and put ALL their energy into getting re-elected, at the expense of the future.


Nothing can ever change when its like this.


Look at Australia..

Morrison spends all his time saber rattling and scaring the people about a possible war from China.

Yet at the same time, at the G7,

he completely shuts up about the coal emission targets because China is his No.1 buyer of Australian coal.

What a farce.


And what a complete control freak fake he is.

He wont even let Australians out of the country, when the rest of the world is thinking about opening up ???? 

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