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Hi guys,

Just to let you know from my previous post that I got the settlement visa for my wife! I am well happy!! I found out yesterday that they granted the visa and she didn't even have an interview. The whole process went through very smooth on the second submission and we are both relieved about it.

Thanks to the Scouse and everybody that posted. Now I can get on with my life and will be picking up my beautiful wife next weekend. I would like to give my respect to anybody going through this stressful process at the moment as I have found it to be the hardest and most expensive thing I have done so far.

Thanks once again and good luck to anybody going through this painful task!!!!! All I can say is 'chin up' and you will get there in the end!!!

choke dee



Well done mate nice to hear good news from bkk,all the best for the future.

p.s as Mahout Angrit posted wait till you take her shopping for clothes etc,and dont forget in 23 months you will have to find £750 upwards for the ilr,(Goverment beer fund) Sorry to mention the fee for Ilr .

all the best to you and your wife

pete and som


Well done scottie.

Your wife should have a 2 year settlement visa now, and your next move will be to apply for and indefinate stay for her. This process used to be straight forward and was very easy to achieve.

However they have just changed the process, and now she must sit a test. It's very simular to the test when applying for a passport ESOL Level 3 but not to get mixed up.

As your wife has a two year visa now she has therefore got two years to take this test. She can apply anytime within the two years and is able to take the test as many times as she needs to WITHIN THE 2 YEARS. The test is £30 a time.

Do NOT wait till the end of 2 years because, should she fail and her visa run out, you will have to apply for another settlement visa at todays prices of £500. or 36,000 baht.


Thanks guys. There is some really nice reply's on here!!!

Question for the Teacher / Scouse or anybody that can help. The test that they have just introduced, can you tell me more about it i.e. what it involves and who to contact etc?

I would like to start gathering paperwork now for her indefinite leave and would like some recommendations on what I can be doing, documents and information I can save etc, ect?

One final question, I am currently living in a flat and thinking about moving back to my mother’s house, just to save enough money to get on the property ladder. Am I quite within my right to do this within the 2 year visa period?

Thanks once again gents.



The test that they have just introduced, can you tell me more about it i.e. what it involves and who to contact etc?

You can find out about the Life In the UK Test here

I would like to start gathering paperwork now for her indefinite leave and would like some recommendations on what I can be doing, documents and information I can save etc,

28days before her current leave to remain expires you can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain. Info on how to do that and what you require is here . Complete form SET(M)

Read the notes on the bottom of the form regarding proof of living together.They need evidence over many months so the sooner you start to collect the better

One final question, I am currently living in a flat and thinking about moving back to my mother

With the wife :o ?

So you are finding out that getting the visa was not the most expensive thing. :D There is nothing stopping you from moving accomodation with regard to the visa rules but cant guarantee that wife and m-i-l in the same kitchen will be ideal :D


Also, there are two ways of satisfying the language/citizenship requirement: by passing the Life in the UK test, which has already been explained, or by sitting an ESOL with Citizenship course at a local college. Your Local Education Authority should be able to tell you where you wife can attend.

You're quite within your rights to move back chez mother, but one difficulty you might face with such an eventuality is that you won't have enough supporting evidence come the ILR application, as neither you nor your wife will be named on the utility bills etc. If you do move back to your mother's gaff, you might offer to put one or two of the bills in your joint names.


The test that they have just introduced, can you tell me more about it i.e. what it involves and who to contact etc?

You can find out about the Life In the UK Test here

I would like to start gathering paperwork now for her indefinite leave and would like some recommendations on what I can be doing, documents and information I can save etc,

28days before her current leave to remain expires you can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain. Info on how to do that and what you require is here . Complete form SET(M)

Read the notes on the bottom of the form regarding proof of living together.They need evidence over many months so the sooner you start to collect the better

One final question, I am currently living in a flat and thinking about moving back to my mother

With the wife :o ?

So you are finding out that getting the visa was not the most expensive thing. :D There is nothing stopping you from moving accomodation with regard to the visa rules but cant guarantee that wife and m-i-l in the same kitchen will be ideal :D

I coudn't agree more... the Chinese representation for the word "trouble" is the symbol for a woman, two next to each other with symbol for roof over both. In other words "two women under one roof = trouble". Been there done that and have the schrapnel scars to prove it...

Also, there are two ways of satisfying the language/citizenship requirement: by passing the Life in the UK test, which has already been explained, or by sitting an ESOL with Citizenship course at a local college. Your Local Education Authority should be able to tell you where you wife can attend.

You're quite within your rights to move back chez mother, but one difficulty you might face with such an eventuality is that you won't have enough supporting evidence come the ILR application, as neither you nor your wife will be named on the utility bills etc. If you do move back to your mother's gaff, you might offer to put one or two of the bills in your joint names.


Sorry Scouse but, 1 or 2 bills is just not enough for them to grant an indefinate stay. On the web site it states 10 items with her name or joint names on these can include, DRIVING LICENCE, BANK ACCOUNT, BUILDING SOCIETY, MOBILE PHONE, ASDA CARD, CAR PAYMENTS, CREDIT CARD UPPPSSSSSSSS maybe not hahahah, SKY T.V. GAS, ELECTRIC,WATER,C/TAX, PHONE BILLS, DOCTOR,DENTIST,N.I.NUMBER ETC.ETC.

Nothing stopping you from moving to your parents, however a bit of advise is to let them know where she will be staying as the records will show your flat address. I would seriously think about it first because, saving money today may cost you dearly in the future.

There is a new book (life in the uk) coming out they cost 9.99 and you can get them from W.H.Smith or the likes. Get her to read this as all the answers to the test are within this book. I say this because the test is not that easy.


Who was Maggie Thacter?

What currency do we use?

What money currency did we use before 1970?

Can an employer sack you for joining a trade union?

What is the EU?

What age can you legelly drive a car?

What is a gallon?

What weight is 2.2lbs (remember thai's use Kilo)

Who were the beatles?

How many TV Licences do you need if you own two televisions?

I understand there are around 70 offices in the uk that she can attend.

Anyway this should get your mind thinking and give her something to do and start now because if you leave it till towards the end of her 2 year stay and she fails the test you must re-apply for the visa again. She can take the test as many times as needed to pass. This can be done at any time in the 2 years at 30-00 quid a time!!!!!

Nothing stopping you from moving to your parents, however a bit of advise is to let them know where she will be staying as the records will show your flat address.

There is no requirement to notify anyone of a change of address.

There is a new book (life in the uk) coming out they cost 9.99 and you can get them from W.H.Smith or the likes.

Version 2 of the book is already out and that is the one she must study.

if you leave it till towards the end of her 2 year stay and she fails the test you must re-apply for the visa again.

Not correct, if she is unable to pass the test and thus unable to apply for ILR at the end of her settlement visa term she can apply for Further leave to Remain (at a cost of £395) which will give her another 2 years to remain in the UK and prepare to sit the test



Hi Gents,

Take on board what you've all said about two women in the kitchen etc, I agree that ain't an idea situation! Mahout Angrit, If it all comes on top I'm off down the pub :o lol.

The scenario is, at the moment the place I'm living in is a dive!!!! I was going to stay at my mothers for 2 months until we find somewhere we both like. Do the Home Office want to see evidence of the whole 2 years (even the first few moths)?. The problem is I am going to get her registered with doctors, bank accounts etc and put the address to my mothers house and then change them all when we move into our new flat.

Unfortunately I am in no position to buy a house like so many others in in my age group, so I will just have to bite the bullet and get on with it. Thanks for all your information guys.

Kind regards,


I was going to stay at my mothers for 2 months until we find somewhere we both like. Do the Home Office want to see evidence of the whole 2 years (even the first few moths)?. The problem is I am going to get her registered with doctors, bank accounts etc and put the address to my mothers house and then change them all when we move into our new flat.


While the guidance notes state that the evidence should cover the whole 2 years it is obvious that it will take a few months for her to settle and for letters to start to arrive. What you have to prove is that you are living together under the same roof, it really doesn't matter how many roofs you have in that 2 years.

The dates on the letters and the addresses should prove that you have moved house (you can even state that on a covering letter with your application). Jointly addressed letters are great but provided you both get 'official type' letters to the same address during the same period that should suffice.


Hi Scotty, quick question for you:

Did you need to use orginal bank statement in the application? Just asking because all mine are in England and it's costly/risky to post a huge batch out (I need them both for my own Non Imm-O visa here and for my wife's Settlement Visa). If scanned copies were acceptable that'd be perfect.

On a side note, but also a very serious note, I had to spend nearly a year of my newly married life under Mother's roof with 4 people in the household spanning 4 generations (after my son was born). If you think everything is rosy at the moment, give it 4 months in this situation even with the easiest-going wife/mother and you will realise that some relationships may never be the same again as a result. Big mistake, but I had little option as I was starting a new business and had no other place to go. Renting a place in my area got you a box for £600 per month. We just couldn't wait for the day when we'd have some space and independance by moving back to Thailand. All is rosy again now, but damage is done.



I just included the certified copies mate and not the originals, as far as I am aware this is okay. I think scanned copies are ok also. The last thing you want is to loose the originals, what a ball ache that would be to get them back!!!!

You might want to check the scanned copies with the Scouse though mate. Not 100% on this.

Cheers for your reply's guys and all the best.



Congrats mate on the visa.

Me and my wife are going for a settlement visa next month.

Have all the paper work ( originals ) plus we will be living under my mothers roof too, until we can afford our own.

Just a couple of questions.

1. When writing my letter plus when my mother writes her letter stating my wife will be staying at her home, do we have to hand write the letter? or can the letter be printed off the computer?

Ive been told it has to be hand written but ive also been told it can be written on a computer too.

Hope anyone can help.


Sorry Scouse but, 1 or 2 bills is just not enough for them to grant an indefinate stay. On the web site it states 10 items with her name or joint names on these can include, DRIVING LICENCE, BANK ACCOUNT, BUILDING SOCIETY, MOBILE PHONE, ASDA CARD, CAR PAYMENTS, CREDIT CARD UPPPSSSSSSSS maybe not hahahah, SKY T.V. GAS, ELECTRIC,WATER,C/TAX, PHONE BILLS, DOCTOR,DENTIST,N.I.NUMBER ETC.ETC.

There is a new book (life in the uk) coming out they cost 9.99 and you can get them from W.H.Smith or the likes. Get her to read this as all the answers to the test are within this book. I say this because the test is not that easy.


Who was Maggie Thacter?

What currency do we use?

What money currency did we use before 1970?

Can an employer sack you for joining a trade union?

What is the EU?

What age can you legelly drive a car?

What is a gallon?

What weight is 2.2lbs (remember thai's use Kilo)

Who were the beatles?

How many TV Licences do you need if you own two televisions?

I understand there are around 70 offices in the uk that she can attend.

Anyway this should get your mind thinking and give her something to do and start now because if you leave it till towards the end of her 2 year stay and she fails the test you must re-apply for the visa again. She can take the test as many times as needed to pass. This can be done at any time in the 2 years at 30-00 quid a time!!!!!

Hi Teacher,

Two Utility Bills is fine, as this is an accepted form of proof of address, most of the others bills you mention are unique and identifiable to them and cannot be confused with anybody else, Doctor, Dentist, Phone Bill, Mobile phone, N.I etc.

As for the LITUK book, it is essential to buy, as many of the questions are obscure, and has been shown on here before, sometimes quite wrong, but that was on the previous edition.

Read the book, revise, test and learn and revise again, there are only a small amount of chapters to read, check the preface first, for the relevant chapters regarding your situation and do the hard yards, do not be put off by the questions, as a lot of Born & Bred guys do not know them, so read and revise, I reckon you'll be fine.

Good luck



Perhaps I could have made myself clearer.

Ideally, the applicant needs to submit a variety of documents from 5 different sources, and my advice was for the OP and his wife to have their names jointly entered on two utility bills, and use these as two of the five sources.


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