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Gurkha Hero - For British Read


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Chaps, this story is an ABSOLUTE DISGRACE. You've probably heard it already but what can we do? Quite frankly it pours absolute shame onto our country and we can't let this happen. In fact I feel we should make this story that c%$t Tony Blaire's legacy.

He wants medical attention and I feel we should give him red carpet treatment not look down on him. Read the story below and add your names to the 5 live website. The British government have denied this aged 84 year old a visa on the grounds that he doesn't have close enough ties to the UK!!!! Please also let others you know so we can arrange some people power to overturn the repressive, arrogant and shameful actions of our government. More importantly we need to show a British hero that we appreciate his actions and look UP to him, not down.

Thanks, Andy


No. 10119 Rifleman Tullbahadur Pun, 6th Gurkha Rifles, Indian Army.

In Burma on June 23rd, 1944, a Battalion of the 6th Gurkha Rifles was ordered to attack the Railway Bridge at Mogaung. Immediately the attack developed the enemy opened concentrated and sustained cross fire at close range from a position known as the Red House and from a strong bunker position two hundred yards to the left of it.

So intense was this cross fire that both the leading platoons of 'B' Company, one of which was Rifleman Tulbahadur Pun's, were pinned to the ground and the whole of his Section was wiped out with the exception of himself, the Section commander and one other man. The Section commander immediately led the remaining two men in a charge on the Red House but was at once badly wounded. Rifleman Tulbahadur Pun and his remaining companion continued the charge, but the latter too was immediately wounded.

Rifleman Tulbahadur Pun then seized the Bren Gun, and firing from the hip as he went, continued the charge on this heavily bunkered position alone, in the face of the most shattering concentration of automatic fire, directed straight at him. With the dawn coming up behind him, he presented a perfect target to the Japanese. He had to move for thirty yards over open ground, ankle deep in mud, through shell holes and over fallen trees.

Despite these overwhelming odds, he reached the Red House and closed with the Japanese occupations. He killed three and put five more to flight and captured two light machine guns and much ammunition. He then gave accurate supporting fire from the bunker to the remainder of his platoon which enabled them to reach their objective.

His outstanding courage and superb gallantry in the face of odds which meant almost certain death were most inspiring to all ranks and beyond praise.

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No offence to him but how is this relevant to Thailand?

Look at some of the other posts and realise you are being an absent minded pr%ck!

I'll make it relevant to Thailand.

1) Gurkhas work at the British embassy in Bangkok

2) Thai's have to suffer the same sort of repressive visa policies.

Edited by astral
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I was asking you politely. Act your age please and stop throwing fits.

OK i'm sorry, I was out of line. This story has provoked such strong feelings in me that I want it to get out to as many people who can add their voice as possible. Once again, sorry.

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I was asking you politely. Act your age please and stop throwing fits.

OK i'm sorry, I was out of line. This story has provoked such strong feelings in me that I want it to get out to as many people who can add their voice as possible. Once again, sorry.

Have you got relevant e-mail adds for e.g. Home Secretary, Minister of Defence?


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He probably messed up by telling the Home Office that he was a war hero, and part of one of the most legendary units of fighting men ever...

Now if he'd told them that he was being persecuted in his home country for his religious beliefs or sexual orientation, he'd be in like Flynn. :o

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I was asking you politely. Act your age please and stop throwing fits.

OK i'm sorry, I was out of line. This story has provoked such strong feelings in me that I want it to get out to as many people who can add their voice as possible. Once again, sorry.

Have you got relevant e-mail adds for e.g. Home Secretary, Minister of Defence?


Thanks for your reply. I'm looking for suggestions on what we can do as well. Could we start a petition and hand deliver it to the embassy or send it to the ambassador. What do you think?

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He probably messed up by telling the Home Office that he was a war hero, and part of one of the most legendary units of fighting men ever...

Now if he'd told them that he was being persecuted in his home country for his religious beliefs or sexual orientation, he'd be in like Flynn. :o

Or perhaps if he came from Poland, Estonia or Bulgaria he'd be better suited!

The point is for me that we use these brave and honourable soldiers like door mats, cannon fodder. It's an absolute farce that we then turn around and use an excuse like that in order to deny the opportunity for him to get medical treatment in the UK.

Tony Blair and his cronies have over stepped the mark with us now. They profess to speak on our behalf and invade a country with lies and deceat and then turn their backs on our biggest and most honourable heros.

This is how he should be remembered, not for building on other people's work to secure N-Irish power share. People power can change this decision but i'm looking for suggestions on what we can do?


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I was asking you politely. Act your age please and stop throwing fits.

It appeard to be more conforntational and flippant than it did polite. Did you also make the same "polite" inquiry as to the apropriateness of the St. George's Day posting?

For those who want to do more than criticize well meaning posters, Rifleman Tulbahadur Pun's heroic exploits are well documented on pages 196-198 of John parker's, The Ghurkas.

It is available at Bookazyne (which is in Thailand).

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