ttthailand Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 RIP.... I heard that last year the US government sent a rep. to Pattaya to investage why so many Americans were turning up dead. And Americans only make up a small percent. Makes you think... In the area I lived for years in Thailand I saw and also heard of MANY crimes taking place but I only saw one in the paper. I would guess the crime rate is 1000 % higher then what is reported or should I say recorded. The real truth would kill the tourist industry. The sad part is that people think it is fine so they go about their business as if they were in a safe place. It's only a matter of time before something happens. Not a safe place to live or visit !
thaimiller Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Rest In Peace. Hope you are in a better place now!
gdhm Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 I do hope that the young Scottish Man is now in prison and will remain there for a long time. I hate the bad image that some Farangs give, that sticks to the rest of us. There are an awful lot of Fat Useless Losers here, I try very hard to avoid them. You can see some of them riding about on Big Noisy ego boosting penus extending motor cycles, owning the road, intimidating normal citizens. I believe in in equality, honesty and justice. I detest corruption, inequality, injustice, the inability to deliver services as promised. What do you believe in? Firstly, I agree totally with the first sentence; BUT as a very fat 137 kilo, man married to a Thai lady (feeds me well I was only 112 kilos a year ago - seriously though MY FAULT ONLY ) living in Thailand I regret the unnecessary, irrelevant and unfortunately typical type of -Fattist innuendo offered here. Fat or old has absolutely NOTHING to do with whether a person is a loser, useless, good, bad or a worthwhile member of society. I assume the writer is not overweight himself. I would mention that by using the word fat the writer is NOT treating us overweights with equality, but are labelling us "overweights" as having greater potential for being "losers and/or being useless" than slimmer people. Having said that I agree 100% with the writers comments "I believe in in equality, honesty and justice. I detest corruption, inequality, injustice, the inability to deliver services as promised". Regarding motorcycles I would have to say the quality of driving in Thailand is scary stuff, and not only by Thais but also from many foreigners I have seen driving here too, who know that doing what everybody else seems to do here would get them booked by police in the UK very quickly. It is not always correct to (as the phrase goes) "To do in Rome what the Romans do" when you know better. On to the primary subject A brutal crime committed against ANY human being is equally abhorrent irrespective of race, colour, culture, religion or laws. IMHO I hope the British lad is given the correct prison sentence he deserves. Anybody who drives whilst drunk (especially that many times over the limit) knows when they get into car they have a very deadly weapon at their hands and knows that people can die by their actions/inactions due to THEIR drunkenness. There can be no excuse as the UK have been advertising against drink driving, policing and enforcing the law against drunk driving for decades. The lad knew the risks to others (and himself). I also think it likely that those in a drink drive accident have not driven drunk that one time only - its just someone's luck ran out THAT time (often the totally innocents). Maybe the lad thought "I am on holiday (if on holiday) and Thailand is lenient in ferreting out drunk drivers". Maybe he just got carried away with the moment - I don't know. Well the badly injured man was not on holiday he was working, and now he and his family must live with his appalling injuries injuries for the rest of his life in a country that has little welfare state to help him by comparison to the UK. POOR MAN!! Two wrongs do not make a right. I see MANY drunken drivers here (and I did not the Costa Blanca, Spain where I lived for 4 years prior to coming here) but I do not consider that gives me or anybody ANY rights or justification for doing the same (IN ANY country -drink driving laws or not). - The dangers are known to most supported by considerable scientific and medical evidence. Even the genuinely ignorant in the World know they are not able to drive and/or see, react as well when drunk - does not take rocket science to realise that. Regards, Dave
baboon Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Yet another sad reminder that we all need to be soooo careful in our dealings with others here. Condolencies to the family and sincere hopes justice is carried out.
enuff said Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 . Thanks gdhm for speaking out about the "fat" stereotype. I am sure there are just as many normal and thin statured losers and layabouts here who give foreigners a bad name. Of course the stereotype persists that all overweight people are lazy and useless. Sorry to change the subject but some posters don't see how they reveal their OWN prejudices and biases while at the same time complaining about the Thais. 'nuff said ~
suanprig Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Economics indeed. My brother in law is a Thai Copper of 13 years. He still only earns 10,000 Baht a month. Why would he worry about the case of the Murdered Dane when he could be looking at his stocks on the net which earn him Triple that of his wage each month............. I agree with the idea of a Danish consular official being sent over. Absolute bullshit the way things like this are handled in this country. theyll just use the old mai pen rai cop out yet again. Classic example of the way an overworked, under resourced, underpaid police force react to things. condolences to family and freinds
sonnyJ Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 PLEASE, somebody give a link by local media about these developments. I'm starting to believe it never happened.
Kaysfeld Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Saddening that there's no local or national coverage of this news. Getting reports only from the other side of the world about news in Thailand's second largest city, Chiang Mai, is frustrating. This could damage the moneymaking Turism Industry, so it tried covered up as usual. I can remember when the Danish Queen visited Chiang Mai and Thailand some years ago, one the Helicopter transporting the Queen and the Danish Deligation went down. This was reported in Thai media as a minor malfuntion, even by Bangkok Post and The Nation, when in fact it was a serious accident and several persons was injured. This was reported in Danish newspapers, as there had been several from the Danish deligation in the helicopter. Don't believe all you read and hear in Thai media. Often the truth isn't told.
suanprig Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Chiang mai mail is normally pretty good with things like this but is only issued ONCE A WEEK ON TUESDAYS. They would have missed this 1 in lastweeks issue. Should be something about it in english on their website Next Tuesday.
Kaysfeld Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 RIP Kaojai: I think you are being a wee bit unfair to TV posters. I have read many a response of posters at the disgust of all the perverts that have settled in thailand and the bad representation that some westerners have impacted on the thai society.Most TV posters have no problems equally slamming anyone who is guilty of a crime. LaReina: I think you are right. I have seen many report in both Danish newspapers and Danish TV about the bad behavor of many Farangs and Tourists in Thailand. I don't think many Danes can be in any doubt that a place like Pattaya is a Paradise for drinkers, perverts and criminals. I believe that any Farang involved in any criminal activity should be punnished as hard as any Thai would be, no more, no less.
epicstuff Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Thailand has its good points and it bad. Like anywhere , Back in the UK I figured the minusses were out-weighing the good bits. I came here and went through a faze of feeling like the whole place is conspiring to get me and bleed every last penny out of my. Then I look around me and see many westerners comming here and expecting to bring with them there values and society from back home but on the cheap. taking advatage of our comparitive wealth. I see an American, down the road, who sets up a shop next to an old lady who has lived there all her life ownes all the surounding land and had the same routines , Lovely old lady at that. now she used to burn up the garden rubish, cocount hasks etc. in piles around the land the keep the rubbish down and detter the mossies. however the American keeps comming out and complaining to her. coz he doesnt like the smoke. this upsets her , The American thinks he has the right to come in and change everyones life. Is that right? Is it possible that (just theorizing) that this Old Man was a total wan*er, saw this uneducated girl as an easy sex toy promised to give her this and that to save him whore expenditure , then discarded her when he got bored. And the girl just flipped. I can imagine that this happens more than people think. A woman is for life here you take into a publicly obvious sexual relationship, thats as good as marrage as far as culture goes. Maybe the local thought 'som nam na'... on occasions the thai way is so much less complicate then the West We are living in a different culture , its not easy to do . But we have no right to change that , hopefully we can find partners that will compromize but can't expect everybody around us to do the same. (back home my whole street was taken over by Muslims , I didnt give up Pork) Corruption is everywhere and is so obvious its beautiful. I love being able to slip a policeman 100 baht when caught caught speeding at twice the legal limit. It makes everything fairer. Not like back home were its all behind a corporate and legal smoke screen that only the elite can take advantage of. As for for the other subject thats popped its head up here. Heres a good game to play when your down the bars.. Run upto your mark ( usually a bald fat bastard) slap him on the head and run away shouting LOOSER
Kaysfeld Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 The funny thing is, that in Denmark little coverage has been made. It's currently running in some online editions of the newspapers, but is it gonna make tv? Hardly. You were wrong. It was mentioned in the main eveningnews at the main National Danish TV channel DR1 on Saturday 27/5.
highdiver Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 My point, regardless of how stronlgy i may have made it, remains; she should not be free.Bugger the whole 'face' thing... whoever said that is being daft. The fact remains that an old guy and a younger woman had a fight, on his property, he died, and she fled the scene. Realy ??? how do you know that?? Yes, it may have been an accident. She may have hit him in self defence and he wobbled around for a minute, sliped on the floor and hit his head. Even if that is the case - she should still be locked up while they investigate. Realy?? so you know all the details allready and you are sure that she is involved?? The fact remains that they had a fight, he died, she is now free. She should be behind bars while they investigate. Really what fact remains?? did you see it? do you know for 100% she did it and she belongs behind bars? I can guarantee you now, if i had a fight with my Thai girfriend and she died, there would be no mitigating circumstances in the eyes of the MIB. No self defence argument would be accepted and indeed, no investigation. I would be fast tracked through court and spend 30 years in Bangkoks finest. yes you would once they establish that you did it? I have still yet to read a valid argument from any poster as to why she has been released so soon. just to remid you about my earlier point of making assumptions accusations and so forth. this is from the article that started this debate. The police suspects that the Dane was murdered by the girl with whom he was fighting. Then he was hit by the stick and he fell on the ground, hit the floor with his head which caused his death. The woman then tried to find the car's key but couldn't find it so she ran away. so they only suspected. The investigation team has collected all the finger prints as evidence and the forensic confirms that the Dane did not die by natural cause. But the body needs to be examined in more details to determine if he was murdered or died by hitting the floor. they colected the evidence and are now evaluating and witing for results. The police was able to bring in Anong for questioning. She denies any involvcement in the death of her ex-husband. She was later released while the police awaits the forensic report in order to be able to to make an arrest based on solid evidence. so they brought her in for quetioning and as they did not have substanial eviddence to detain her or arrest her they let her go. this is common practice even in the Wester countries you either charge the suspect or you let them go.. try reading the original post again. and see through out the thread how many poster have made groundless accusations and baseless judgements. A few months ago there was a horrible attack on a Thai woman in Samui. after the first press release that said the police suspected the former boyfriend, many Thai Visa members made a realy long thread of posts flaming remarks about the police and about the former boyfriend. they viciously posted groundless accusations and baseless judgements. some even went as far as finding the guy guilty and debating how many years sentence he should get. After the police concluded the investigation it was found to be a construction worker that did it and that the former boyfriend had nothing to do with it. how many poststers that accused this guy and the police came back and posted an appollogy or a regret??? ZERO!!! you would think they will learn something. the Thais having a culture of "face saving" take mesures to aviod accusing anyone unless they have solid evidence. I truely hope that some of the members will learn from this culture.
ronz28 Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 "Economics indeed. My brother in law is a Thai Copper of 13 years. He still only earns 10,000 Baht a month. Why would he worry about the case of the Murdered Dane when he could be looking at his stocks on the net which earn him Triple that of his wage each month............. Classic example of the way an overworked, under resourced, underpaid police force react to things. " Ok, if that's the way it is then to get this murderer in jail it seems to me the Dane's buddies and other farangs need to consider some overtime pay for the investigators to get on the case and the murderer in jail. One way this open hunting season on Farangs might stop is that it is understood that the Farangs will get together and support the murder investigators so that prime suspects are not released unless they are cleared. Are the suspects families offering money to keep them out of jail and no similar interest is coming from the Farangs? It may not take much overtime pay but it might take something.
gdhm Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 ...As for for the other subject thats popped its head up here. Heres a good game to play when your down the bars.. Run upto your mark ( usually a bald fat bastard) slap him on the head and run away shouting LOOSER... You're such a funny person aren't you Epicstuff? Dave
bsided69 Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Does any1 remember a few tears back when an old German guy was walking along the road and a coach with its luggage doors at the bottom of the coach, which had been left open, almost cut him in half? Sadly after some time in hospital he died. He left a wife and many friends behind. His wife was quite naturaly seeking compensation from the coach company. At his funeral the police turned up and took away the body. Why? They said that they needed to find out the course of death. And it turned out the guy died from something unrelated to the coach cutting him in half. What a surprise,,,,,, NOT! Now lets read the facts. He was walking along the road (no sign of him being dead there). A coach's doors moving at some speed smash into him and cause multiple injuries. (Suspicious me thinks??) He is taken to hospital in a very bad way. (very ill and badly driven). He later dies in hospital. So it is quite obvious that the coach had something to do with his death no? Does anybody know the real outcome of this terrible tradgedy?
epicstuff Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Sorry Dave , I couldnt resist it . Lifes too short to be taken seriously.
quasimodo Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Why is it so many people see everything the Thais do as some sort of conspiracy against the farang? In England (and I would think most western countries) if two people fought and one died during the struggle not directly from a blow by his opponent but as a consequence of a fall etc. then the charge would be manslaughter and NOT murder. Also if a suspect was questioned and no hard evidence ( as opposed to circumstantial) was available then the suspect would be released without charge until the evidence was collected. As I see it the Thai police are acting in a similar manner, they only have neighbours overhearing an argument. I'm sure as soon as forensics link the murder weapon or scene to an individual they will be able to act, similarly if it is shown there was intent to kill there will be a murder charge, if as in many cases all around the world the culprit didn't intend to kill him but only hit him in the heat of the moment but he died as a result then the charge will probably be manslaughter.
meibanfa Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 highdiver wrote: the Thais having a culture of "face saving" take mesures to aviod accusing anyone unless they have solid evidence.I truely hope that some of the members will learn from this culture. While you are busy pontificating on how little members know of this culture, maybe you could also take the time to educate: Dr. Porntip Rojanasunan, Deputy Director, Central Institute of Forensic Science, Thailand She has been a very vocal critic of the Thai justice system and is currently being sued by police for designating a "suicide" as murder:
suanprig Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Face saving = Progress in Thailand + enemy number 1 Mai Chop! Mai tong pood!!!! I wonder what Thailand would be like if there was just a little bit of constructive criticism allowed without the fear of "Face losing" never know they might learn something and make a few things better.......... ooops sorry i forgot the Status Que.......Mai Chop? Mai Tong Pood!!!!!
keebone Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Do good and receive good. Do evil and receive evil. Isn't that everywhere in this world? Wish you good luck where ever you go! What kind of good would you recommend - maybe buying a car for your GF's use ! Unfortunately in Thailand good deeds by Farangs are often seen as a green light to be taken advantage of.
malcy Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Is it possible that (just theorizing) that this Old Man was a total wan*er, saw this uneducated girl as an easy sex toy promised to give her this and that to save him whore expenditure , then discarded her when he got bored. And the girl just flipped. I can imagine that this happens more than people think. A woman is for life here you take into a publicly obvious sexual relationship, thats as good as marrage as far as culture goes.Maybe the local thought 'som nam na'... on occasions the thai way is so much less complicate then the West or maybe he just told her that thai food wasnt as good as indian ! that usually gets them in a murderous frenzy
mikethevigoman Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 As much as I try to love this country and the people, and accept the Thai way of life, it is cases like this that get me fuming! As everyone has said so far how can they release the murderer when the neighbours heard her with the victim. They even heard what they were arguing about. This seems to be the normal Thai way of "It was only a Farang so his murder by a Thai is not that important".If eventually the police are forced to act they will say that the murderer has left the village and they cannot find her. This happens far too many times! Why are Farangs treated as dirt in this country? Chris COULDNT THEY HAVE FINGERPRINTED HER ? THEY HAD PRINTS !
the gent Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Resources available to the Thai police are patchy to say the least. Forensic skills are limited and pathologist reports are not necessarily of a standard prevailing in the West. Thus, in a case such as this where there appears to be no independent eyewitness account it is likely that the suspect's statement will not be tested by scientific examination of the evidence. Since the victim was of no importance, within the definition of Thai society, and is also a farang without influence it is unlikely that full justice will be done. Sadly, his death has no meaning in the context of Thai law and order and in the scheme of things it is likely a verdict along the least line of resistance will ensue. Fairly typical in poor third world countries and should come as no surprise. It may well be the suspect did not intend to kill her erstwhile paramour but one can safely assume the evidence that may prove otherwise will never be properly examined. I don't think this constitutes a conspiracy against falang, rather it is more indicative of a general level of incompetence that pervades most strata of Thai society and one that probably suits the police given their antipathy towards Khunying Pornthip and her campaign to raise the standard of forensic pathology.
StickKettleOn Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 My point, regardless of how stronlgy i may have made it, remains; she should not be free.Bugger the whole 'face' thing... whoever said that is being daft. The fact remains that an old guy and a younger woman had a fight, on his property, he died, and she fled the scene. Realy ??? how do you know that?? The facts as they stand at the moment are at best, shady. None of this is official and as far as I am aware, no concrete release has been issued regarding this. I am offering opinion,based on this thread. If you would prefer to wait until an official press release has been issued then i will add no further comments until that release is forthcoming. I should point out however, that if you would prefer i offer no opinion on the basis of info supplied in this thread, then you also should button your lip and add no comments. In other words, i am (clearly, obviously) commenting on this thread at this stage. Wuld you prefer i write WITHOUT PREJUDICE prior to each post? Yes, it may have been an accident. She may have hit him in self defence and he wobbled around for a minute, sliped on the floor and hit his head. Even if that is the case - she should still be locked up while they investigate. Realy?? so you know all the details allready and you are sure that she is involved?? If i know all the details, i would not have said 'may' have been an accident. If my christal ball wasnt buggered and in need of repair (Thai manufactured ball, they refused a refund or replacment), i would not have said 'may' have hit him. At what point in my post, is it apparent i claim to know all the details. Clearly, i am hypothosising. Get it pal? Subjective thinking based on the facts presented to us in this thread. Again, if you would rather wait untill all facts are available, then let us all stop posting on this subject. But then, it wouldnt be much of a forum, would it? The fact remains that they had a fight, he died, she is now free. She should be behind bars while they investigate. Really what fact remains?? did you see it? do you know for 100% she did it and she belongs behind bars? What fact remains? I will tell you - clealry you need a gentle nudge - the guy is dead. If a naked corpse is not factual enough, i dont know what else will please you. The police brought her in for questioning and released her. If this is not a fact - then the reports on this forum are not true. I am giving the benefit of the doubt to the people who have reported this. Why be so anal? You can see the point i am trying to make? Hello? Mork calling Orson? I can guarantee you now, if i had a fight with my Thai girfriend and she died, there would be no mitigating circumstances in the eyes of the MIB. No self defence argument would be accepted and indeed, no investigation. I would be fast tracked through court and spend 30 years in Bangkoks finest. yes you would once they establish that you did it? You have missed my point, again - yet i am pleased you have managed to construct a sentence without the precursary 'Really?'. Well done pal. If the police turned up at my house and found a dead Mrs StickKettleOn, only to be told by the woman next door that they could hear us fighting prior to her death, there would be nowt to establish; i would be bunged in the back of a meat wagon and transported to the local prison, held, and almost certainly found guilty. And i am not being cynical. I dont know how long you have lived in Thailand buddy but 'establishing evidence' is way down the list from 'establishing motive'. The motive, sadly, is often left to the creative genuis of the investigating officers. This has been shown time and time again in the good old land of smiles and no, i will not research examples for you. I have still yet to read a valid argument from any poster as to why she has been released so soon. just to remid you about my earlier point of making assumptions accusations and so forth. this is from the article that started this debate. The police suspects that the Dane was murdered by the girl with whom he was fighting. Then he was hit by the stick and he fell on the ground, hit the floor with his head which caused his death. The woman then tried to find the car's key but couldn't find it so she ran away. so they only suspected. Lol - picture the scene. 1 X dead naked guy in pool of blood. 1 X bloody stick. 1 x screaming argument. 1 x confrontational Thai woman running away from the scene. What on earth else are they going to 'suspect'? Regardless, you say ONLY suspect? ONLY? If she was ONLY susspected of murder for petes sake, why on earth is she not sitting in the cells on remand, while they compile evidence? Only? Jeez.... The investigation team has collected all the finger prints as evidence and the forensic confirms that the Dane did not die by natural cause. But the body needs to be examined in more details to determine if he was murdered or died by hitting the floor. they colected the evidence and are now evaluating and witing for results. Fine. Thats exactly what they should be doing. While the chief suspect is probably in Lao with her feet up, watching Channel 7 drama's, however. The police was able to bring in Anong for questioning. She denies any involvcement in the death of her ex-husband. She was later released while the police awaits the forensic report in order to be able to to make an arrest based on solid evidence. so they brought her in for quetioning and as they did not have substanial eviddence to detain her or arrest her they let her go. this is common practice even in the Wester countries you either charge the suspect or you let them go.. You are wrong. What you are suggesting is that western countrys require substantial forensic evidence in order to detain a suspect. That is incorrect, and you are agreeing with this in principal as it backs up your rather hippy point of view - the point of view that this woman should be allowed to roam free. The police have easily enough evidence to detain while they await forensic evidence. She was present at his death, after a fight in which a blood soaked walking stick was left at the place of death. She ran away. Please enlighten me High Diver - what possible further evidence would you consider substantial, in order to detain while they investigate? ing the original post again. and see through out the thread how many poster have made groundless accusations and baseless judgements. In your opinion. The judments are based on the info supplied so far - so they are by no means baseless. I suggest you try reading the thread again and digesting without the engrained need to 'stick up' for your Thai brethren when you assume, wrongly, they are being attacked for little reason. People like you sir, assume we are Thai bashing just for the sake of Thai bashing. Its not a past-time created by bitter ex-pats you know - its an observation of the complete lack of decency and logic in cases like this. Dead guy, ex-gf, fight, bloody stick, fled scene.... logic would ensure this person is detained, pending investigation. So we have lcak of logic amongst detectives (last time i looked, logi was a pre-requisite for becoming a detective) or alternativley, dubious reasons for releasing her so soon based on the ferang factor. Either way, it sucks. A few months ago there was a horrible attack on a Thai woman in Samui. after the first press release that said the police suspected the former boyfriend, many Thai Visa members made a realy long thread of posts flaming remarks about the police and about the former boyfriend. they viciously posted groundless accusations and baseless judgements. some even went as far as finding the guy guilty and debating how many years sentence he should get. After the police concluded the investigation it was found to be a construction worker that did it and that the former boyfriend had nothing to do with it. how many poststers that accused this guy and the police came back and posted an appollogy or a regret??? ZERO!!! Either way - its the bloody police again! They had no right to announce to the world so casualy that the ex-bf killed the little boy - or at least suspected. Unwittingly, you have just answerd my point for me; the police are bloody useless. I truly wish you would see my point here. My point is THEY SHOULD HAVE DETAINED HER WHILE THEY INVESTIGATED. you would think they will learn something. the Thais having a culture of "face saving" take mesures to aviod accusing anyone unless they have solid evidence. I truely hope that some of the members will learn from this culture. You seem to lack the true values of face saving. This crazy, infentile notion of 'saving face' works both ways. Have you considered that now they have released the prime suspect, they will possibly not want to 'loose face' by admiting they should not have let her go, if and when they determine she did it? Knowing Thai coppers - that is a genuine notion to consider. "Bugger. Turns out it was her after all. Ummm. We should have detained her while we investigated - now we will loose face for admiting it was her, after all" Wake up High Diver. I appreciate living here also and take the rough with the smoothe. But i reserver my right to complain about it.
Guts Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Do good and receive good. Do evil and receive evil. Isn't that everywhere in this world? Wish you good luck where ever you go! What kind of good would you recommend - maybe buying a car for your GF's use ! Unfortunately in Thailand good deeds by Farangs are often seen as a green light to be taken advantage of. There are many good things to do in life, but developing good habits is 1 thing I can recommend. Good habits will determine your future and your quality of life. If buying a car for your GF works for you, that is one thing you should do. I see or hear often farangs with negative attitude towards Thai things. Negative habits breed negative consequences. Good habits create positive rewards. That's just the way life is. People take only advantage of you if you let them! Just stay alert in Los!
Bagwan Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 In the UK being the registered keeper of the car is not the same as being the owner of the car. If the same applies here then it is possible that he was in his rights to refuse to give her the car. I would hope and expect that it would be very unlikely that a Western European of such advanced years would strike a woman. I, being of similar vintage, would not keep company with a person who would do such a thing. Does anybody remember the less than glowing tribute that two senior Scotland Yard detectives who were dispatched here to assist in the baffling case of the backpacking girl found murdered in cheap Chiang Mai digs paid to the local fuzz?
brahmburgers Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Indeed, a farang being found dead and nud_e -feeds in to thoughts of debauchery. Did they find the man's clothes? ..there could have been forensic evidence of a struggle on the clothes (blood, hair, etc). The bloodied stick could be the woman's blood on it, if the man tried self-devense. I think the second most appalling aspict of this (after the murder itself), is allowing the woman to post bail. It's quite likely she'll flee. I hope Thai detectives use this scene to buck the generally-held belief that they're inept at investigating crime scenes.
IraqRon Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Does the respective Embassy ever intercede to demand justice in these cases? Probably not, after all we have opted to leave the mother land to live with lawless murderers and whore around with their women. Now if we were perhaps politically connected or better yet a capitalist businessman spreading the blessings of free trade, then they might act.
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