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I found a site promising a 100% success rate for a fiancee visa to the US. In my language your fiancee is a person whom you are engaged, nothing more. One could easily lie about this, like saying you are gay for instance.

So whats the catch? Do they require some documention for this?

The short of it is I'd really like to get my girlfriend a Visa to go with me to American in June. I understand this is hard. We are only 2 months apart in age (both 26), she speaks good english, has a job and went to University etc. I can provide bank statements and documentation showing I'm well off, own a company in America etc.

Any tips? Do we just go down and fill out the paperwork and that is that? Are most Thai's rejected?

Should we use a service like the one I've found? I'm not so worried about the money as long as its a sure thing she'll get the Visa.


I found a site promising a 100% success rate for a fiancee visa to the US. In my language your fiancee is a person whom you are engaged, nothing more. One could easily lie about this, like saying you are gay for instance.

So whats the catch? Do they require some documention for this?

The short of it is I'd really like to get my girlfriend a Visa to go with me to American in June. I understand this is hard. We are only 2 months apart in age (both 26), she speaks good english, has a job and went to University etc. I can provide bank statements and documentation showing I'm well off, own a company in America etc.

Any tips? Do we just go down and fill out the paperwork and that is that? Are most Thai's rejected?

Should we use a service like the one I've found? I'm not so worried about the money as long as its a sure thing she'll get the Visa.


Companies can promise 100% success rate just as easily as applicants can say they are engaged when they are not.

The fiancee visa is a visa intended to get your fiancee to America where you will marry in less than 90 days after arrival. It takes a long time (at least 6 months) to get the visa, so June is out of the question. You have to prove your relationship to them, they don't just take your word for it. Having a job only proves she is not a bar girl, but doesn't really help you in your cause as the intent would be for her to leave Thailand to live in America, thus also leaving her job.

However, having a good job does help her in getting a tourist visa. If she can show she has something to come back to, a job, family, land, a house, ..., then that helps her a great deal.

I found a site promising a 100% success rate for a fiancee visa to the US. In my language your fiancee is a person whom you are engaged, nothing more. One could easily lie about this, like saying you are gay for instance.

So whats the catch? Do they require some documention for this?

The short of it is I'd really like to get my girlfriend a Visa to go with me to American in June. I understand this is hard. We are only 2 months apart in age (both 26), she speaks good english, has a job and went to University etc. I can provide bank statements and documentation showing I'm well off, own a company in America etc.

Any tips? Do we just go down and fill out the paperwork and that is that? Are most Thai's rejected?

Should we use a service like the one I've found? I'm not so worried about the money as long as its a sure thing she'll get the Visa.

Yes most Thai's are in fact rejected up to 3 times The U.S. wants to make sure that you really love the girl & will stall you up to 3 times (Quoted from an inside source in Bkk) And the other key factor is

the U.S. considers Thailand as the 2nd worse country in the world as most Thais bail on the immigration process & stay in Los Angeles indefinetly.

Thats their fear . I am in almost the same boat except older & have met all requirements but pretty much have been told if she was only Mexican...............

as it is just a small walk to the saint ynez overpass on the freeway & from there she basically could stay forever apply for legal amnesty illeagaly.

It sucks but it is true. Don't buy into the 100% rate at the visa places I have friends that have lost 60,000- 80,000 baht & now are worse off than they were if they self applied.

some on this forum will try to inflate you & blow smoke up your azz but (not a gloom & doomer) The laws along with all the forthcoming changes on immigration reform are only going to make it worse.

Inquire all posters to tell you when they got their Thai girl into the U.S. as it really does matter.

They have made it a lot harder to get your Thai girl into the U.S. so far last year only one couple in Pattaya got a visa & she got it because she can prove by america's standards she is wealthy.

Good luck & I hope you do good. The legal route I would expect a minumum of 9 months to a year to get within visa range .

If I Have pissed any of the know it alls on this visa post I am sorry just trying to give the OP the real skinny


So whats the catch? Do they require some documention for this?

you might provide documentation of..

joint bank accounts

jointly held assets

joint leases/rental agreements

insurance beneficiaries (each for the other's death, e.g.)

financial support

taking vacations together


letters from family members regarding the upcoming marriage

"One could easily lie about this, like saying you are gay for instance." - I had no idea it was so common to lie and say you're gay.

I had no idea it was so common to lie and say you're gay.

heh, it isn't that i know of...but i imagine it would be if doing so got you something as prescious as a visa like this :o

thanks for all of the information everybody, very helpful.

One more question:

will it hurt anything for me to just write her a letter and then have her go apply on her own merits? it sounds to me like she'll likely get rejected but does having that rejection on her record hurt her for if we put together a more convincing package later?

I had no idea it was so common to lie and say you're gay.

heh, it isn't that i know of...but i imagine it would be if doing so got you something as prescious as a visa like this :o

thanks for all of the information everybody, very helpful.

One more question:

will it hurt anything for me to just write her a letter and then have her go apply on her own merits? it sounds to me like she'll likely get rejected but does having that rejection on her record hurt her for if we put together a more convincing package later?

Also how about using the company I own in America in some way? Could I pose as her prospective employer instead of her boyfriend and offer her some type of job in America?

Any tips on what job to make that, how to do it

Any tips on whether that is illegal and will get me thrown in jail and/or blacklisted from Thailand? (which would be worse than jail)


One more question:

will it hurt anything for me to just write her a letter and then have her go apply on her own merits? it sounds to me like she'll likely get rejected but does having that rejection on her record hurt her for if we put together a more convincing package later?

Also how about using the company I own in America in some way? Could I pose as her prospective employer instead of her boyfriend and offer her some type of job in America?

Any tips on what job to make that, how to do it

Any tips on whether that is illegal and will get me thrown in jail and/or blacklisted from Thailand? (which would be worse than jail)


Whatever visa you choose to try to get, you should be clear about it (don't mix and match explanations). If you do mix 'n match, this will surely get the visa rejected and, if they actually document that you tried to mislead them, that'll be a very bad thing for any future request.

Your choices are 1) fiance visa, and 2) non-imm visa (visitor)

If you choose the fiance visa, I think it'll go smoothly but take a while to finish. But you're in it for the long-term anyway, right?

If you choose the visitor's visa 1) no, it won't help you to write a letter of invitation, and 2) she needs to show substantial ties to Thailand - like a good job, owning a house, having family (parents) that will stay in Thailand, significant financial assets, etc. In this case, a letter from her employer would help - indicating that she would be returning to her job. But a letter from you will do nothing but hurt her chances.

So, I recommend you just jump through the hoops for the fiance visa.

Lastly, about sponsoring her for work - don't try unless she's a nurse or an IT professional and you run a hospital or an IT company that requires her specific skills. This has to be very well documented, and if for some reason her request was turned down, you'd then have to follow with another visa request as "fiance." That wouldn't look good - especially since both of your names would be involved in both. They might choose to deny the fiance visa simply because they felt you misled them about the H1B work visa. Remember that on the visa application, you have to indicate whether you've ever applied for another visa and whether that visa was turned down.

Best of luck!

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