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NGOs urge transparency for $52 mil US donation for Mekong region

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After United States Secretary of State Antony J Blinken announced the US pledge to donate $52 million to Mekong countries for development, NGOs have come forward asking the government to utilise the donation with transparency. NGO Forum executive director Tek Vannara said that the donation will enable the government to have the technical capacity to participate in the sustainable use of water in the Mekong River, especially sharing information on data consumption of the entire river as well as promoting development plans in the Mekong River.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Koy Kuong told Khmer Times that it is not yet known how the donation would be allocated between the Mekong region countries, however, the budget focuses on the development of four sectors along the Mekong River. Cambodia is one of five countries, together with Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar that make up the Mekong River region and are slotted to receive assistance from the donation.


Vannara said: “Cambodia is limited in the area of water infrastructure compared to Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. To take Cambodia’s Mekong River to the next level, the government should be open to the participation of stakeholders, especially people who live along the river.” “The government should make sure that the rich resources of the Mekong River are not lost, as to ensure a better life for people living along the Mekong River,” he said.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50908841/ngos-urge-transparency-for-52-mil-us-donation-for-mekong-region/


I don't know what they expect with China helping Laos build hundreds of damns.


These countries need the electricity the dams create to grow and create jobs.  The ecological damage is regarded as collateral damage.  


Can't blame them, it sucks being a third world country.


It's already to late.  Best things is to work together on the flow rates.

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