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You Farang

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I have lived in Thailand for years now and have adapted appropriately I feel.

However a few things still annoy me immensely. Whilst walking in a shopping Mall with my two sons, two idiots on separate occassions shout hey you farang and laughing. I am quite pacafistic(sp) but really felt like smacking one in the face. My question to you Thai experts is 'would I be justified'?

If it came to police involvment no problem as one police commander is an uncle of my wife.

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Well, I guess if you think being an annoying fool is worthy of violence, then go for it. :o

Of course, afterwards, most people will think you the annoying fool rather than them. But, up to you.

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I think if we all smile and say nothing it will never get better.

I don't mean anything drastic just a slap on the face.

What will my sons think if their Dad lets people get away with this insulting ridicule?

Ok maybe violence is too much, but they should be toldwhat idiots they are being.

Edited by saraburioz
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I think if we all smile and say nothing it will never get better.

I don't mean anything drastic just a slap on the face.

Yeah go for it...........

I'm sure the Commander of Police will rush to your aid when you are having the living daylights kicked outta ya in front of your kids.

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I think if we all smile and say nothing it will never get better.

I don't mean anything drastic just a slap on the face.

What will my sons think if their Dad lets people get away with this insulting ridicule?

Ok maybe violence is too much, but they should be toldwhat idiots they are being.

what would your sons think if fifteen of these idiot's mates materialise and beat the living cr@p out of their dad?

Painfull as it might be sometimes it is better to just ignore these types rather than give them the publicity they crave.

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There are a lot worse things that could happen to you than just being accused of being a farang - which after all is what you are.

"hey you" is probably being used in ignorance of it's somewhat harsh overtones - don't forget their language skills are none too good.

It is even possible that they are trying to be friendly :o

But assuming they are indeed trying to rile you - so what? I'll warrant it's not as bad as many ethnics have to endure in UK shopping centres from drunken mobs of English yobbos.

In my experience a vast majority of Thais are polite, and keep their thoughts to themselves.

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Sorry to bring a male/female thing into this, but tbh most women learn to deal with/ignore passing comments from men (and groups of men), ranging from mild suggestive comments to downright derisive. I think having "hey farang" followed by some giggles really isnt that bad. Yeh, its annoying, but only if you allow it to get to you.

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"When they say 'hey falang' shout back 'hey Khon lao'"

I like this one. When I am up in Esarn I usually ask them in Thai if they are Cambodian. If I'm really bothered I'll ask if they are Kamin Dang. Most of the time I don't really get bothered by people saying farang. It's funny how you can look across the street and see someone's lips form the word 'farang.'

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Guess what? When you are being pushed around the mall in a wheelchair by your greatchildren, people will point and say "You farang". If that is the only thing that you have to worry about then you are doing well!

Edited by mr_hippo
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I for one am fed up with hearing this talk, I was insulted by a motorcycle taxi driver once who thought he was safe by speaking in Issan dialect, he was wrong and was so rude I did get into a chat with him. He started puffing his chest out and his mate got involved so I beat them both. I am not proud of the fact and due to loss of face with them I was advised by Thai friends to move.If it hadn't been for the intervention of some very persuasive Thai Navy friends it might not have had a happy ending.

Moral of the story, they are a cowardly lot who will always use strength in numbers to come back at you when they lose face from being caught out trying to be clever. Don't get involved physicaly with them, they don't have the honour to deal with you man on man.

Ignore them and treat their stupid comments with the contemp they deserve. It is just ignorance. Manners are in short supply here. Once we come to terms with that it gets easier. My Thai teacher told me years ago that the majority have such a poor upbringing and education they can't be expected to realise they are being rude, she gets comments from uneducated types as well and just ignores it.

Edited by jackmuu
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I have lived in Thailand for years now and have adapted appropriately I feel.

However a few things still annoy me immensely. Whilst walking in a shopping Mall with my two sons, two idiots on separate occassions shout hey you farang and laughing. I am quite pacafistic(sp) but really felt like smacking one in the face. My question to you Thai experts is 'would I be justified'?

If it came to police involvment no problem as one police commander is an uncle of my wife.

Yep, you've really adapted well.

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If the same principles applied in Thailand as apply in the West and certainly in the UK then Farang would be outlawed as a racist term even though most of the time it is not in the slightest used derogatorily.

I know Thailand is not the West but if for instance a Black guy or an Asian was walking in a mall in Europe or North America and had people shouting derogatory racial remarks to them a lot of people on here would have a different attitude.

My reply would be maybe to say "yes, me Farang" then get a few thousand baht notes out of my pocket and smile saying "Farang hab money too mut"

And if they then try to mug me they'll get a can of pepper spray in the face !

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I personally don't find it annoying, and certainly am not offended - I just smile and accept it as part of being a foreign guest here in Thailand, which I will always be. In China they would shout I think it was 'Lawai' to me, with a smile, which is basically kinda the same. Its not really worth getting upset about, as someone else here mentioned, I was brought up with "sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt me" :o

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I have lived in Thailand for years now and have adapted appropriately I feel.

However a few things still annoy me immensely. Whilst walking in a shopping Mall with my two sons, two idiots on separate occassions shout hey you farang and laughing. I am quite pacafistic(sp) but really felt like smacking one in the face. My question to you Thai experts is 'would I be justified'?

If it came to police involvment no problem as one police commander is an uncle of my wife.

Why don't you let your wife's uncle see this post?

If it came to police involvment no problem as one police commander is an uncle of my wife.

:o Just smack everyone you don't like in the streets then.

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There are a lot worse things that could happen to you than just being accused of being a farang - which after all is what you are.

"hey you" is probably being used in ignorance of it's somewhat harsh overtones - don't forget their language skills are none too good.

It is even possible that they are trying to be friendly :o

But assuming they are indeed trying to rile you - so what? I'll warrant it's not as bad as many ethnics have to endure in UK shopping centres from drunken mobs of English yobbos.

In my experience a vast majority of Thais are polite, and keep their thoughts to themselves.

The "hey you" most likely is what the OP added himself.

I always say to my wife "farang noi!" when I see a cute little farang and so does she.

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Hey, I thought we were having a go at those dumb farangs on this thread.

Da-mn honkies.

With their money and tatoos. And beer.

Don't even need to pay for no whitening cream.


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The only time I felt weird about the farang term is when a little kid (probably around 3 yrs old) saw me, stopped in his tracks, stared, mouth fell open, eyes got big, then pointed and mouthed FARANG. I remember feeling I was suddenly in that final scene of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Freaked me out.

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When people come to my village and ask the locals where my business is, nobody knows. When they ask where I live, saying my name, also nobody knows. But when they ask where the Farang with the many dogs lives, everybody knows.

I think it's kind-off cute.

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I think if we all smile and say nothing it will never get better.

I don't mean anything drastic just a slap on the face.

Yeah go for it...........

I'm sure the Commander of Police will rush to your aid when you are having the living daylights kicked outta ya in front of your kids.

That anyone would resort to violence with young children in tow is beyond me,. bite your lip and think of the kids,.i look at it like this, if they dont touch me words are only that. lay a hand on me or my family and suffer the consequences,. there is a saying from school i remember, Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me, some truth in it,. ,.
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What kind of lesson is it to your sons that their dad turns into a pussy and loses his temper, making a complete fool of himself over some simple name calling?

Grow up.

I agree, who is the child here,?. i was with my 4 year old daughter walking in royal garden when a thai woman with 2 children pointed and said something farang, i just started laughing my guts out and my daughter joined in, .turn a negative into a positive wherever you can, .turns out she was saying my daughter was beautiful after according to a shop assistant,i could have caused a scene for nothing if id been that way inclined,and then i would have felt bad,....
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