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One of the differences between Thailand and Malaysia


Other differences include Malaysia having a higher Human Development Index, a stronger Gross Domestic Product and the fact Malaysia doesn't allegedly facilitate the torture (or is it more politically correct to say "rendition") of prisoners from other countries on the whim of the United States. :o

Since you are one of the legions of anit-American Britons in Thailand and on this board, I'll point out that one difference is that Thailand escaped British colonization (subjugation), allthough Britons do appear to make up the vast majority of resident expats in Thailand.

Hmm...wonder if the local anti-farang sentiment has anything to do with so many of the World's Worst Tourists having overpopulated Thailand?

Britons Behaving Badly: just like you are in this post.


It's so funny how people waste so much money and time (including other people's time) with pursuits like this...she could have just had the marriage ceremony in a different country and be DONE with it. This is not Pakistan, no one would have stoned her for doing so...but people always love a good crusade :o

edit: Also, I think the concept of legally changing the religion you were born in is pretty frivolous...like people in the US suddenly turning Jewish when they're 40 :D

It's so funny how people waste so much money and time (including other people's time) with pursuits like this...she could have just had the marriage ceremony in a different country and be DONE with it. This is not Pakistan, no one would have stoned her for doing so...but people always love a good crusade :o

some people are unwilling to subscribe to the 'bury your head in the sand and hope it goes away' syndrome and actually try to help themselves, and others, by changing what they percieive as being wrong.

One of the differences between Thailand and Malaysia


Other differences include Malaysia having a higher Human Development Index, a stronger Gross Domestic Product and the fact Malaysia doesn't allegedly facilitate the torture (or is it more politically correct to say "rendition") of prisoners from other countries on the whim of the United States. :o

Since you are one of the legions of anit-American Britons in Thailand and on this board, I'll point out that one difference is that Thailand escaped British colonization (subjugation), allthough Britons do appear to make up the vast majority of resident expats in Thailand.

Hmm...wonder if the local anti-farang sentiment has anything to do with so many of the World's Worst Tourists having overpopulated Thailand?

Britons Behaving Badly: just like you are in this post.

What are "anit-American Britons"? Never had any problems with Britions, almost all know that their gouverment is criminal, which makes a refreshing difference to Americans.

Since you are one of the legions of anit-American Britons in Thailand and on this board, I'll point out that one difference is that Thailand escaped British colonization (subjugation), allthough Britons do appear to make up the vast majority of resident expats in Thailand.

Hmm...wonder if the local anti-farang sentiment has anything to do with so many of the World's Worst Tourists having overpopulated Thailand?

Britons Behaving Badly: just like you are in this post.

FWIW I’m not “one of a legion” of anything meibanfa and who cares that in 2007 Thailand “escaped British colonization (subjugation)” in the 19th century – while your lot were ceding land (from France, Britain and Mexico) and generally having a very uncivil civil war? What relevance does your off-topic rant have to do with sukanyacondo's post please?

Also let me correct your “World's Worst Tourists” off-topic rant. FWIW you appear to be displaying a remarkable economy of facts because the poll you’re making such a ‘clever, clever’ point of ranting about, was actually taken 5-years ago! Please be advised that Expedia, the company that conducted the 2002 and most recent polls surveyed only hoteliers in Europe – so meibanfa in 2007 it’s actually the French who now carry the mantle of 'World's Worst Tourists according to European Hoteliers', followed by India, China, Russia and then the British.

In conclusion I'd like to say that I'm certainly not anti-American and if anything, I hope your off-topic rant will be a cathartic exercise in loosening those whopping great anti-British chips you have perched on your narrow little shoulders. Toodle-loo mate! :o

Also, I think the concept of legally changing the religion you were born in is pretty frivolous...like people in the US suddenly turning Jewish when they're 40 :o

In the US, or the UK for that matter, religion is not a matter that government concerns itself with.

If you want to convert you can just do it.

In Malaysia every little form ask the question Race?

If you are Malay you are deemed to by Muslim....... No Choice :D


And many forms here ask for religion as well.


PS am reminded of the old joke, Officer Religion? Reply, Church of England. Officer, Right I'll put none then....

/edit add PS//

Since you are one of the legions of anit-American Britons in Thailand and on this board, I'll point out that one difference is that Thailand escaped British colonization (subjugation), allthough Britons do appear to make up the vast majority of resident expats in Thailand.

Hmm...wonder if the local anti-farang sentiment has anything to do with so many of the World's Worst Tourists having overpopulated Thailand?

Britons Behaving Badly: just like you are in this post.

FWIW I'm not "one of a legion" of anything meibanfa and who cares that in 2007 Thailand "escaped British colonization (subjugation)" in the 19th century – while your lot were ceding land (from France, Britain and Mexico) and generally having a very uncivil civil war? What relevance does your off-topic rant have to do with sukanyacondo's post please?

Also let me correct your "World's Worst Tourists" off-topic rant. FWIW you appear to be displaying a remarkable economy of facts because the poll you're making such a 'clever, clever' point of ranting about, was actually taken 5-years ago! Please be advised that Expedia, the company that conducted the 2002 and most recent polls surveyed only hoteliers in Europe – so meibanfa in 2007 it's actually the French who now carry the mantle of 'World's Worst Tourists according to European Hoteliers', followed by India, China, Russia and then the British.

In conclusion I'd like to say that I'm certainly not anti-American and if anything, I hope your off-topic rant will be a cathartic exercise in loosening those whopping great anti-British chips you have perched on your narrow little shoulders. Toodle-loo mate! :o

Gee marginline, what a short memory you have, since it was YOU that took this thread off-topic with your anti-American rant at Today, 2007-05-30 13:50:13.

It's so funny how people waste so much money and time (including other people's time) with pursuits like this...she could have just had the marriage ceremony in a different country and be DONE with it. This is not Pakistan, no one would have stoned her for doing so...but people always love a good crusade :o

edit: Also, I think the concept of legally changing the religion you were born in is pretty frivolous...like people in the US suddenly turning Jewish when they're 40 :D

I did not see any reference to a marriage issue in the linked article. Although, in Malaysia she cannot marry a non-muslim unless he converts to Islam. Possibly Malaysia would recognize her marriage to a non-Muslim, if she was married outside Malaysia, but I'm no legal expert on this. I understand that Malaysia is more strict than Indonesia about this. Indonesia will allow inter-denomoninational marriages. I like a lot of things about Malaysia, but I don't agree about this policy. This is not freedom of choice and it is not freedom of religion.

[Gee marginline, what a short memory you have, since it was YOU that took this thread off-topic with your anti-American rant at Today, 2007-05-30 13:50:13.

Not exactly what I would call a rant, but then I'm not sensitive :o

Also, I think the concept of legally changing the religion you were born in is pretty frivolous...like people in the US suddenly turning Jewish when they're 40 :o

In the US, or the UK for that matter, religion is not a matter that government concerns itself with.

If you want to convert you can just do it.

In Malaysia every little form ask the question Race?

If you are Malay you are deemed to by Muslim....... No Choice :D

Malaysia is not the only country that does that, try filling out a university application in the USA or any INS/Gov't form. You have to identify your race and religion in most situations.

And considering how most of the people in the higher echelons of the US gov't are born again or of an evangelical mind set, religion is a central tenet of US gov't thinking and policy.

There are myriad examples of this in the US.

And also in Malaysia the Chinese(Buddhist-Taoist) and Indians(Hindu)are not considered Muslim and there are quite a number of them.

The only difference is that  in the USA you can change your religion, but not how people perceive you, if you have a Muslim name, everyone will assume you are Muslim. A person named Muhammad will have a hard time convincing people, especially customs and Passport agents that he is in fact a born again Christian. Even if he changes his name, racial profiling and long seated prejudices will overshadow any change of religion by Muhammad.

I love the USA, but it has changed so much in the last 10 years, that's why I am happy to be living in Thailand and not Los Angeles. 30 years was long enough.

Gee marginline, what a short memory you have, since it was YOU that took this thread off-topic with your anti-American rant at Today, 2007-05-30 13:50:13.

At least I remained true by comparing aspects of LOS vs. Malaysia; oh and I repeat I hope your Brit-bashing session was a cathartic exercise for you. :o

[Gee marginline, what a short memory you have, since it was YOU that took this thread off-topic with your anti-American rant at Today, 2007-05-30 13:50:13.

Not exactly what I would call a rant, but then I'm not sensitive :o

Thank you solent01! :D

Gee marginline, what a short memory you have, since it was YOU that took this thread off-topic with your anti-American rant at Today, 2007-05-30 13:50:13.

At least I remained true by comparing aspects of LOS vs. Malaysia; oh and I repeat I hope your Brit-bashing session was a cathartic exercise for you. :o

Personally I think you are both off topic and I fail to see what relevance this topic, subject of which is a MALAYSIAN girls's problem changing her religion in MALAYSIA, has to Thailand except maybe as a forwarner for the situation in the south.

As I see it the OP seems to be one of those Thai-o-philes who point blank refuse to see any negativities to life in Thailand and take every opportunity to bash the surrounding nations. If that is your position vis-a-vis Thailand that is your free choice and I respect your right to expressing it. There are, however, many realists among us who can see the good and bad side to all S. E. Asian countries and realise there is nowhere we will be 100% safe and sound. That is part of the fun of being an expat - being the white w*g.

I am enjoying my time here in KL and at least I can walk through the town without being called out "Hey you farang". I am usually referred to as "boss" or "sir" but I am sure they have other terms they keep to themselves. One thing is for sure, wherever I finally settle in this region I will most certainly maintain an excape route, probably back to UK initially, where I can regroup and rethin my strategy should things go pear shaped.

Gee marginline, what a short memory you have, since it was YOU that took this thread off-topic with your anti-American rant at Today, 2007-05-30 13:50:13.

At least I remained true by comparing aspects of LOS vs. Malaysia; oh and I repeat I hope your Brit-bashing session was a cathartic exercise for you. :o

No you did not. You used this thread as an excuse for American bashing when there was not even an obtuse connection with America to either Thailand or Mayaysia. It is simply cause and effect. If you start making obnoxious comments, someone will likey retaliate. Now you are whining about it.

Gee marginline, what a short memory you have, since it was YOU that took this thread off-topic with your anti-American rant at Today, 2007-05-30 13:50:13.

At least I remained true by comparing aspects of LOS vs. Malaysia; oh and I repeat I hope your Brit-bashing session was a cathartic exercise for you. :o

No you did not. You used this thread as an excuse for American bashing when there was not even an obtuse connection with America to either Thailand or Mayaysia. It is simply cause and effect. If you start making obnoxious comments, someone will likey retaliate. Now you are whining about it.

"Whining?" "Mayaysia?" :D :D :D Chill-out dude before you burst a blood vessel. :D

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