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Pattaya City News // Pattaya People


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while PP and PCN were busy reporting on card games netting b100 and motobike fatalities of no concern to 99.9% of avg foreigner -

an algae bloom occurred in ao pattaya the likes i have never seen. the bay was pea soup green and quite thick with the poison for as far out as the eye could see (at least 150m).

i guess niles was too busy looking at himself in the mirror while talking into a mike and no one could tear howard away from wine and dine to do some real reporting.

i have not been down today but people have been out of the water for DAYS.

saw a family walk down to beach, had all the gear, kids happy... then they just saw the water...gasp! ack!

the water is actually a great metaphor for all of thailand. TAT promises land of smiles, beautiful beaches - and what do you get really??? pattaya.

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while PP and PCN were busy reporting on card games netting b100 and motobike fatalities of no concern to 99.9% of avg foreigner -

an algae bloom occurred in ao pattaya the likes i have never seen. the bay was pea soup green and quite thick with the poison for as far out as the eye could see (at least 150m).

i guess niles was too busy looking at himself in the mirror while talking into a mike and no one could tear howard away from wine and dine to do some real reporting.

i have not been down today but people have been out of the water for DAYS.

saw a family walk down to beach, had all the gear, kids happy... then they just saw the water...gasp! ack!

the water is actually a great metaphor for all of thailand. TAT promises land of smiles, beautiful beaches - and what do you get really??? pattaya.

your right this is news worthy but as you said niles had more important things to do, niles is actually one of the funniest people i have ever met, problem is he doesn't realize it but i have had a couple of discussions with him, i don't know what planet he came from but he one of a kind


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Pattaya People is one of the finest hard-hitting news publications IN THE WORLD. It is a wonder to me that they don't win Pulitzer Prizes for journalism on a yearly basis. NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE can report a drunken German, hanging from a telephone pole or street sign, as well as Pattaya People can. And they are teriffic with the pixelating of photographs... they pixelate just enough to keep you interested.

And who can forget the story of the drunken Finn who got into a fight at 3 AM and ended up at Pattaya International Hospital.

Too bad the Bangkok Post, the Nation, and International Herald Tribune Thai Section miss all these stories.

And honestly, what would you rather read about: some algae in that pristine bay, so clean you could literally use it to steralize instruments, OR a drunken Norwegian guy dangling from a third floor balcony at 2:50 AM near Walking Street? Puh-leese.

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The place I am staying just had Sophon Cable TV installed and I watched Pattaya People for the first time. Great introduction, showing the scene of an accident in great detail, zooming in on dead persons with blood gushing out of their heads. And I thought the news coverage in Spain could be a bit gruesome at times...

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People actually go to the beach in Pattaya?? :o

Yes, usually at three in the morning, wearing at least two three-baht gold chains and carrying 50,000 baht in their bum-bag, plus two passports and eight credit cards.

All this to get their names in Pattaya City News and their bodies in Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.

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Back in the salad days living in Pattaya (for 9 months or so) I used to have my beach days (with actual swimming) at Kho Larn, reading a book for my 40 minute ferry ride, nice jaunt. Water cooler, cleaner. Algae out there as well, I assume? Not much to me, don't get down there anymore.

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People actually go to the beach in Pattaya?? :D

Yes, usually at three in the morning, wearing at least two three-baht gold chains and carrying 50,000 baht in their bum-bag, plus two passports and eight credit cards.

All this to get their names in Pattaya City News and their bodies in Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.


You forgot the female entourage with a couple of LB's thrown in to make a good mix!!


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People actually go to the beach in Pattaya?? :o



EXACTLY ... You want a beach and you come to PATTAYA !

You are one silly tourist ... Psst! wanna buy an Atlas ?


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EXACTLY ... You want a beach and you come to PATTAYA !

You are one silly tourist ... Psst! wanna buy an Atlas ?


Nah, its only the people with local knowledge that wouldn't go near the water in Pattaya. Most tourists usually end up at the chemist afterwards. :D

Good luck if you want to swim there. :o


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Pattaya People is one of the finest hard-hitting news publications IN THE WORLD. It is a wonder to me that they don't win Pulitzer Prizes for journalism on a yearly basis. NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE can report a drunken German, hanging from a telephone pole or street sign, as well as Pattaya People can. And they are teriffic with the pixelating of photographs... they pixelate just enough to keep you interested.

And who can forget the story of the drunken Finn who got into a fight at 3 AM and ended up at Pattaya International Hospital.

Too bad the Bangkok Post, the Nation, and International Herald Tribune Thai Section miss all these stories.

And honestly, what would you rather read about: some algae in that pristine bay, so clean you could literally use it to steralize instruments, OR a drunken Norwegian guy dangling from a third floor balcony at 2:50 AM near Walking Street? Puh-leese.

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit! But it's funny none the less!

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People actually go to the beach in Pattaya?? :o

Yes, usually at three in the morning, wearing at least two three-baht gold chains and carrying 50,000 baht in their bum-bag, plus two passports and eight credit cards.

All this to get their names in Pattaya City News and their bodies in Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.

God you are a witty lot! Hahahahahahaha SO BLUDDY TRUE SPORT!

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Honestly Gents what do you expect?

The Local Rags in this Town are simply that - RAGS!

Reporters are rank amatuers who wouldn't know a good story if it hit them between the eyes.....

And as for the Editor (William I think his name is) of Pattaya People News Paper.....well, he is a failed actor and now he is a failed editor!

But then as they say "Pay Peanuts and all you get is Monkeys!".

Never ever buy such crappy reads.......I don't anymore.

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I think the OP should have submitted two posts: one on the journalistic standards of the local "papers", and another on what could be a serious story...

I read on YAHOO news today a story of a Chinese lake, overtaken with algae growth, that apparently has jeopardized the water supply for 3 million (chinese) people. The algae grew there because lake water levels were low. People there are hoarding any bottled water they can get a hold of, and prices were like $6 a bottle. Not sure how much bottled water there is here, maybe a few days worth... there's probably a good week's worth of booze too. But after that's used up... what would Pattayans do? any suggestions???

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