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Last major wave?


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[Eventually, immunity will become widespread enough that another wave as large and damaging as the Delta wave will not be possible. “Barring something unexpected,” Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former F.D.A. commissioner and the author of “Uncontrolled Spread,” a new book on Covid, told me, “I’m of the opinion that this is the last major wave of infection.”...

Whatever this autumn brings, the worst of the pandemic is almost certainly behind us.]


Pretty strong prediction, based on solid evidence?, I don't know.

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6 minutes ago, AwwYesNice1 said:


Makes sense, Facebook has been down all day.

FB , Watsapp.... have been down for other reasons! FB i havent use 10+ years coz not indrested to get message from people who dont have my phone number. Last message from me was picture from my behind and message hello from here and good bye. If need to know what everybody doing all the time i think some need dog or more love from love ones! Or should close hole internet!

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