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Thanks you all.


what you lookng for?

type bangkok.no.....as so far....

cant get you any sofar,....

get you bangkok.no.....


The International Code for Thailand is 66

For a Fixed line phone in Bangkok most are 2

So try 662 ...

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Gadzooks , how did Sweden get so far if this is the sum of all of their (spare) parts etc...?

I have heard that Swedish is the most difficult language in the world to learn.

It would definitely be worth learning it to get to know the women there better.

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The International Code for Thailand is 66

For a Fixed line phone in Bangkok most are 2

So try 662 ...

You seem to have solved the puzzle.

Another guy ending up on the answering machine "Why don't you pick up the phone? I miss you sooooo much, you promised, to stay home and wait for me..."

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Thanks you all.


what you lookng for?

type bangkok.no.....as so far....

cant get you any sofar,....

get you bangkok.no.....


That's beautiful, man.

I'm dying to see the next one,...

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  • 3 weeks later...
You're no Viking, right?

The 'you all' puts you somewhere south in the US.

Reveal yourself...

And, btw, the 'poem'? What was that? What are you trying to tell us?

/// DFW

wrong , "you all' means all of you, But "y'all "means south of the mason/dixon line.

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Gadzooks , how did Sweden get so far if this is the sum of all of their (spare) parts etc...?

I have heard that Swedish is the most difficult language in the world to learn.

It would definitely be worth learning it to get to know the women there better.

No, that's Finnish.

Swedish is relatively simple and straightforward (like the Swedes). :o

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Gadzooks , how did Sweden get so far if this is the sum of all of their (spare) parts etc...?

I have heard that Swedish is the most difficult language in the world to learn.

It would definitely be worth learning it to get to know the women there better.

Actually, Basque is considered the most difficult to learn. Followed closely by Thai! :o

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The 'you all' puts you somewhere south in the US.

Reveal yourself...

No that's not correct. "You all" is generally from somewhere else.

Y'all is a Southern thing.

Mr Vietnam :o

Generally picked up by Yankees too if they spend enough time in the south...

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The 'you all' puts you somewhere south in the US.

Reveal yourself...

No that's not correct. "You all" is generally from somewhere else.

Y'all is a Southern thing.

Mr Vietnam :D

Generally picked up by Yankees too if they spend enough time in the south...

Fotunately if yankees spend enough time in the South, they generally become slightly more enlightened with regards to etiquette and as such, stop referring to women as "you guys".

Hence the transformation begins. Fotunately in most cases.

Sooner or later they become "born again Southerners" :D

Or leave :o

Mr Vietnam

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Abe was from Illinois and thus a Yankee although he was shot by a southener...

Wrong. Lincoln was born in Kentucky. Was a slick lawyer and politician in Illinois.

Was the biggest Constitutional criminal in American history. Was responsible for the murder of over 600,000 Americans in order to enslave all Americans to the federal government in Washington under the pretence of saving the Union for Freedom.

Later wrote the emancipation proclamation in an effort to subvert history. In it, it made illegal the keeping of slaves in the "rebellious" states.

Did things that would motivate Jefferson, Adams, Washington and most of the signers of the Dec of Independence join the revolution in a big way. The same kind of things that make the statist politicians of today on both sides of the aisle envious and proud.

Mr Vietnam

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""But only illegal to hold slaves in the rebel states as said"

You could still hold slaves in states north of the Mason/Dixon line.

He was sure an ###### alright

It's typical sleazy lawyer symantics. Most of the South had already voluntarily banned slavery.

That's why it was written as an afterthought to subvert the reality of why the war was started to begin with.

And all anyone needs to read are the lincoln-Douglas debates to know exactly where lincoln stood on the issue of slavery. Another source is the lincoln memoirs. The best one is "The Real Lincoln" by Thomas DiLorenzo.

But the victors write and approve the history books and as such, a monster becomes a hero.

Just like anywhere else.

Mr Vietnam :o

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