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A Warning Of Forthcoming Devastation...


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I have translated this into english for your infromation...

>> สวัสดีครับเพื่อนๆทุกท่าน

>> เมื่อคืนวันที่ 26 กันยายน 2549 ผมได้มีโอกาสไปร่วมพิธีกรรมการทำบุญ

on 26th september 2006 I had the chance to go and join in a merit making ceremony

>> สืบดวงชะตา ที่ วัดแก้วฟ้า ซอยบางกรวยจังหวัดนนทบุรี

for good luck at Wat gaewfah Soi baangkruey jangwat Nontaburi

>> หลังจากเสร็จพิธีได้

after the ceremony

>> มีอาจารย์ท่านหนึ่งจากชมรมวิถีธรรม- วิถีไท

an ajarn monk from the group

>> ได้มาเล่าให้ฟังถึงมหันตภัยที่ร้ายแรงที่สุดในประเทศไทย โดย

came and spoke about a great catastrophe due to happen in Thailand

>> ท่านบอกว่าได้เห็นจากการ นั่งสมาธิ

he said that he saw it during his meditation

>> อาจารย์บอกว่าก่อนหน้านี้ก็ได้เห็นภาพ

the Ajarn said that before, he also saw visions of the

>> เหตุการณ์ตึกเวิลด์เทรดถล่ม สึนามิที่ภูเก็ต พายุเฮอริเคนที่อเมริกา

events at the World Trade centre, Sunami in Phuket, and Hurricane in America

>> และได้เตือนให้หลายคนระวังตัวล่วงหน้า

and warned people to beware of future events

>> สำหรับเหตุการณ์ครั้งนี้อาจารย์บอกว่าเป็นภัยธรรมชาติที่ร้ายแรงที่

about these, he said they would be natural catastrophic events, the most

>> สุดในรอบ 500 ปี โดย เหตุการณ์นี้จะเกิดในช่วง 11-29 ตุลาคม 25 50 และมีราย

disturbing in 500 years, and they will take place between 11-29 October 2007

>> ละเอียดของเหตุการณ์ดังนี้

in detail like this

>> ภาคใต้ จังหวัดนครศรีธรรมราช สุราษฎร์ธานี ชุมพร อาจจะมีคลื่น

in the South, jangwat SriThammarat, Suratthani,chumphon may have a Sunami

>> ยักษ์ แผ่นดิน ถล่ม และวาตะภัย ที่จะร้ายแรงพอๆกันกับแหลมตะลุมพุก

and landslides, and other disturbances like flooding

>> ภาคตะวันตก ราชบุรี สุพรรณบุรี กาญจนบุรี จะมีน้ำป่าไหลหลาก

in the West, ratchburi, Supanburi, Kanchanaburi will have flash-floods

>> มีน้ำท่วมฉับพลัน

>> ภาคตะวันออก สระแก้ว ปราจีณบุรี จะมีน้ำท่วมฉับพลัน แผ่นดินถล่ม

in the East, srageaw, Prachinburi, floods and landslides

>> ภาคกลาง กรุงเทพ อุทัยธานี ชัยนาท จะมีน้ำท่วมฉับพลัน

central region, Bangkok, Uttaithani, Chainat will have strong floods

>> แผ่นดินถล่ม

and landslides

>> ภาคอิส าน ศรีเชียงใหม่ หนองคาย จะมีน้ำล้นจากแม่น้ำโขง

Isaan region, Srichiangmai, Nongkai, will have floods from the river Mekong

>> ท่วมฉับพลันและรุนแรง

flooding heavily and quickly

>> ภาคเหนือ เชียงใหม่ เชียงราย อาจเกิดแผ่นดินไหวอย่างรุนแรง

the North, Chiangmai, Chiangrai, may have strong earthquakes

>> กทม. อาจเกิด แผ่นดินไหว แผ่นดินถล่ม ให้หลีกเลี่ยงอาคารสูง

Bangkok may have earthquakes, landslides wiping out large areas

>> ทางด่วน และ ในช่วงที่มีเหตุการณ์ อย่านำรถมาวิ่งบนถนน

rapidly, and during the crisis keep off the roads

>> เพราะจะทำให้รถติดไม่สาม ารถไปไหนได้เลย

otherwise traffic will be jammed and unable to move

>> วันที่ควรระวังเป็นพิเศษคือ 11 13 14 18(น้ำท่วมอย่างรุนแรง)

be especially careful on the 11, 13, & 14 (very heavy floods)

>> 21 23 และ 29 ต.ค. 50

21, 23 & 29 october 2007

>> นี่คือสิ่งที่อาจารย์เล่าให้ฟัง เชื่อไม่เชื่อแล้วแต่จะพิจารณา

this is what the Ajarn told us... believe it or not... up to you

>> พร้อมกันนี้อาจารย์ได้ให้บทสวดม นต์ ที่ได้จากการเข้าฝันของหลวงปู่ทวดมาด้วย

the Ajarn got a special prayer from Luang Puu Tuat

>> ขอให้ทุกท่านร่วมกันสวดมนต์ เพื่อให้เหตุ การณ์ต่างๆ ลดความรุนแรงลง

if you help to chant it may help to reduce some of the effects

>> ซึ่งผมได้แนบบทสวดมนต์มาพร้อมกับอีเมลล์นี้ด้วย

a jpg. of the chant is included

>> สำหรับท่านที่เชื่อในเรื่องนี้กรุณา ส่งเมลล์ต่อไปยังบุคคลอื่นๆด้วย

if you believe... help to warn others

>> เพื่อที่จะสามารถเตรียมตัว ระวังตัวได้ล่วงหน้า

so they can prepare themselves

>> ในวันจันทร์ที่ 3 ต.ค.50 เวลา ทุ่มตรง จะมีการสวดทำบุญอีกครั้ง และ

on monday 3rd October 2007 at 1900 hrs there will be a chanting and merit making ceremony

>> หลังจากพิธีกรรมทาง ศาสนา อาจารย์ จะแถลงรายละเอียดอีกครั้ง

after which the Ajarn will describe in greater detail forthcoming events

>> เพราะเชื่อ


>> ว่ายิ่งใกล้เหตุการณ์ ก็จะเห็น รายละเอียดได้ชัดเจนขึ้น

being closer to the time he will be able to see more clearly and exactly

>> ภูมิปกณ์


Edited by fabianfred
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Dear Thaivisa moderators

While I am fully aware of the rules regarding flaming, surely sometimes even you guys must admit that now and again it's justified. So, please, can I?

Yours in anticipation,


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Well, I guess we'll just have to wait until the 3rd of October for more details... stay tuned!

I wonder if this has anything to do with global warming...? During the predicted time period of 11 - 29 October I'll be in Pattaya. No problem! We have already been advised that the Gulf of Thailand will not be affected by any external events and that the sea level will not change in that area...

What does Nostradamus have to say?

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I have translated this into english for your infromation...

>> มีอาจารย์ท่านหนึ่งจากชมรมวิถีธรรม- วิถีไท

an ajarn monk from the group

>> ได้มาเล่าให้ฟังถึงมหันตภัยที่ร้ายแรงที่สุดในประเทศไทย โดย

came and spoke about a great catastrophe due to happen in Thailand

wow! this all proves to me that i must have the gift of being able to see into the future, too!

not too difficult to prove my predictions correct, although i probably wont reach celebrity status, because i dont shave my head, or wear an orange robe.

here are my predictions:

there will be flooding in most low lying thai provinces every rainy season.

there will be earthquakes or tremors in the future in areas that are known to be at risk-and there are plenty of these in s.e. asia

the possibility of another tsunami is a very real threat for abovementioned reasons

there will be ongoing problems in south thailand

more political comedies will play themselves out in thailand

there will be political problems and wars in the middle east

your bar-girl girlfriend will probably rip you off at some stage in the future

here is a chant i prepared which will make the strife more bearable:

".......yawn!........pass me another beer please..............."

repeat this chant often, mainly in the evenings, this will combat boredom and prevent you from "thinking too much"

it will also keep you out of the wat, listening to some guy telling you what you should already know

i know there will be many sceptics out there who will dispute the validity of my predictions, but when they come true, just remember who made them, and put your donation in my bowl so i can keep myself in beer and keep my visions flowing


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My suggestion is that we sell all our worldly goods (I'll provide a bank account to hold the proceeds for you), don white robs, find the highest hill (especially appropriate for the flood scenarios--not so good for the slide scenarios), and sit there until the Apocalypse comes.

At least there's a precedent. The old "Russelites" missed the date four times, but hey, who can't say that Buddhists might also have a corner on doomsday predictions too?

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While these kinds of religious prophecies may not be taken seriously in respect to particulars, I think it likely that Thailand is subject to a variety of low-probability but devasting local catastrophes that, with the exception of The 1917 flu epidemic, are outside of national experience for the past century or more. The social and political cohesion of the country will certainly be severely challenged in the near future. Infrastucture has evolved in a period of benign calm, so there is no margin of safety against major flooding or earthquake, both of which are probable events. The country has been adept at smooth talking its way through regional conflicts, but I wonder how resilient it may be in the case of home-grown disasters.


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I just passed it on... I am not the monk in question or the originator of the warning...

also my translation as 'landslides' may be inaccurate.... it's not my first language..

we had a good shake from the earthquake here in Chiangmai last month.... every year the flooding seems to get worse in several parts of the country.... there have been several tsunami in the region since the big one....

the forcast of earth disturbances, by Edgar Cayce, at the beginning of the 21 century have yet to occur....

it wouldn't hurt to prepare a backpack with tent and essentials and place it by the front door to grab as you flee (just in case)...

looking at how the world situation is going with the USA govt. trying to take over the world... a large war may not be very far off.... and I'd prefer widescale destruction from natural causes than widescale war...

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No problem! We have already been advised that the Gulf of Thailand will not be affected by any external events and that the sea level will not change in that area...

What does Nostradamus have to say?

Maybe not from a tsunami on the Andaman side but it doesn't take Nostradamus to work out that if something went down in the South South China Sea area, perhaps around the Riau Islands (earthquake/undersea landslide big enough to generate a tsunami), I'd say you'd be slightly inundated :o

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Actually, I don't know about the likelihood of such disturbances this year, but it behooves one to sit up and pay attention to the looming end date of the 5125-year Mayan calendar which is believed to occur on Dec 21, 2012.

This also happens to be the winter solstice for that year, too, but what has now been confirmed is that our solar system will cross the plane (the 'equator') of our galaxy (again) and our sun will eclipse the center of the galaxy's black hole. Does this cause a polarity shift for the entire solar system? Or a "time-shift"? It's anybody's guess at this point.

This may all be just some ancient, sophisticated time-keeping scheme or it may in fact portend brief but big changes. It is not "the end of the world", but certainly an important astronomical/cosmological event nonetheless. In fact, a cyclical one.

I have read that there may be undue gravi-magnetic forces exerted on our solar system (and, therefore our planet) for a brief time starting a few months before the event, and continuing until an equal time after the event, causing the much ballyhooed widespread earthquakes and tsunamis. Coastal areas (where large concentrations of the population are located) are expected to be particularly hard hit.

Or maybe it will trigger a series of massive solar flares. These seem to be already increasing in intensity in recent years and may be the explanation for the observed increase in energy output of the sun that some scientists say is the real reason for the global warming we are witnessing (and the disappearing ice caps on Mars, the storms appearing in the atmospheres of the distant gas giants beyond Jupiter, etc).

What exactly will happen (again) is anybody's guess. Maybe nothing will happen.

But the date is nonetheless looming and, again, is it wise to sit up and take notice.

The Mayans seemed to have figured all this out a long time ago. Their wisdom deserves our respect and attention.

Here are two links from a recognized source that describe this phenomenon a little better:

John Major Jenkins on 2012 and The Mayans (video interview)


(I know some of you will laugh at all this. If these things bother you, or you never took any basic science in school, don't sweat it).

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Mai pen rai.

I'm positive everything in Thai land will only get better, and better and better. According to my sources.

1) Natural disasters will become a rarity.

2) The air will become cleaner until it becomes just like the Swiss Alps.

3) Terrorists will will never kill another innocent monk or teacher.

4) The entire socio-economic structure will evolve into one of honesty, sharing and loving kindness.

5) Traffic jams will become almost non existent.

6) Polititions and police will become the care takers and protectors of the populace in all situations.

7) Peace, prosperity and gorgeous weather year round will be the real future of The Land of Smiles.

8) I will touch down 12-06-07 at BKK.

These are my predictions.

What do ya think fellas? :o:D :D

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So let me see if I get this right.......in the north there will be earthquakes and the rest of Thailand will have rain and floods. :D Hurricanes in the USA???? Has that ever happened before?? :D

And here I thought drug use in Thailand was down. :o

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I don't really have anything to add to this debate, except maybe a recommendation. It's a book, some of you may have heard of it. Maybe even read it. If so, I think you may have missed something. It's called Lord of the flies. Maybe another reading is in order

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First of all,when many many people make a thought very strong and worry too much,things are more likely to happen.Like the visa regs,when everybody thinks in doomscenarios .these scenarios will have a bigger chance to take place.

Thoughts have more power and energy then one may think,to take a warning like this seriously is not a very intelligent thing to do.maybe this monk also could give us the winning lottery numbers,if could he would have done so for himself.And people who are psychic normally/usually if they are real will not say anything 'bad' to a person what might happen or to a country.Its just not works like that.I know I grew up with lets say'spritual' way of going through life,and I know many wellknown psychics and healers back in my homecountry,and it is a golden rule in 'the spritual world'not to give yourself out like that.So very seriously nobody,if they do allready,will take this vieuw serious in any content.

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If you read this you must send 10 copies to friends and family within 24 hours or something bad will happen, you must also send a donation to XYZZZZZ XYZZZZZZZ box XYZZZ in XYZZZZ, your donation will directly effect the outcome of this situation.

Thank you, A Thai in Africa.

This is Serious ! PS if you do not send money do not take airplane! (Freebie)

A little Birdy told me so, or was that just to much ice coffee?

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