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Second Life Popularity And Ex-pats In Thailand


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Second life is a virtual reality game online, right?

I spend too much time here already. Hubby would hit the roof if I suddenly started visiting a virtual world ThaiVisa as well :o

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Second Life is the future - apparently. I am far from an expert but I predict that it will almost completely replace the current internet format within 5 years - maybe. If is far more than a game. It is a virtual 3d world which even has embassies on it! I personally find it all very exciting. Second Life now has nearly 7 million inhabitants.

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Second Life is the future - apparently.

Now that is scary, escapism at its worst, brave new world.

Thanks, but no thanks, i prefer the life i have.

I think you will find that this was the initial reaction of 'old fogies' to the internet :o

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Second Life is the future - apparently.

Now that is scary, escapism at its worst, brave new world.

Thanks, but no thanks, i prefer the life i have.

I think you will find that this was the initial reaction of 'old fogies' to the internet :o

Honestly - i do miss the days without internet. I am very glad that i had the chance to travel the world when internet was not around, and even phone connections in many parts were so unreliable that you just didn't bother with it.

Nothing i can do about it, refusing to work with it is impossible for me if i don't want to join the unemployment line. But joining a completely virtual reality with its own economy is pure escapism (and a con) - one turns into a pond life. Real life holds more than enough excitement for me. Just gotta get off the chair and look for it.

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turning into pond life ......... have just been laughing out loud...

also love the internet cannot be without it (its my information source, not for news, and just this forum, but for vet/medical/animal husbandry etc its my only source since no easy access to libraries)...

but to actually have an online life!!??? i can barely manage this one, i need another one????!!!!!!!!


(even anon cant get enough w/o the 'net nowadays for thai stuff... we may eventually live in a mud or tin hut but internet we will have, even if we have to go barefooot.........)

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Second Life is the future - apparently. I am far from an expert but I predict that it will almost completely replace the current internet format within 5 years - maybe. If is far more than a game. It is a virtual 3d world which even has embassies on it! I personally find it all very exciting. Second Life now has nearly 7 million inhabitants.

7 million inhabitants! It seems like a jolly good place for them to be, apparently. It also seems likely most Thai Visa members have their hands full with the "2nd life" they are playing out for real, however being an "old fogey" I am probably resistant to more change. I for one, am having enough problems with the reality of the internet in its present form, without a "pretendy one".

that said if you need escapism "Enjoy".

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it is a little 'quaint ' now but it probably is a precursor to a new style of interactivity.

several universities and corporations now have a presence in the world.

I have been meaning to have a look - downloaded the client , registered a user name - but time is the issue at the moment.

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I like cruising the Internet for hours just like the next guy. But I find wandering the streets of Bangkok a thousand times more interesting than anything the Internet can provide (well minus some Japanese websites, haha).

I can see if one was living on a farm in an isolated location and the only escape was the local 7-11, but not living in Thailand, and especially Bangkok, which is one big chance of escapism!

Get out of the house man! :o

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Is Second life happy land? Are there 'poor' citizens there who are miserable in their online life? Are there cripples from car accidents? Do they have terrorists? Corrupt leaders who belong in jail? Are there door-to-door Christian missionaries knocking on your door like Amway salespeople? If second life has all the pain and annoyances of the real world plus the added threat of nuclear annihilation of the whole second life world by a few nutty leaders then it truly can be called like the 'real world'.

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I heard that recently two people got married on Second Life - and the actual wedding itself was done through Second Life with a virtual altar, virtual vicar and virtual rings.

So let's just analyse that - two people who have never met have married each other in a ceremony conducted through a computer application, filled with guests they've never met and they're wearing wedding rings they'll never get to see or touch.

One has to wonder also how did they consummate their marriage on their wedding night? I guess it must have involved some very frantic one-handed mouse and keyboard work. If Second Life is the future then our next generation all going to die young, virgins and with very bad eyesight and pale, unhealthy skin which has rarely seen sunlight.

I clicked onto Second Life out of curiosity once. I found the graphics to be poor and very unconvincing, the movement and animation was jerky, slow and unresponsive and it just took ages to actually do anything, partly because of having to wrestle with the controls and slow updating of the screen. This was with a reasonably high-specced laptop with 1.25 GB of RAM. I think I'll spend my free time elsewhere...

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Second Life is the future - apparently. I am far from an expert but I predict that it will almost completely replace the current internet format within 5 years - maybe. If is far more than a game. It is a virtual 3d world which even has embassies on it! I personally find it all very exciting. Second Life now has nearly 7 million inhabitants.

So visa hussles even there ? Aren't the real ones enough ?

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