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Confession For Being Anti-farang(as It Seems)


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(But until they change the land ownership laws here, there's nothing to worry about...yet).

Those laws will never change, why should they..................it all works in their favour,

Farangs still come to Thailand, still buy houses and land, clever thing is as far as Thailand is concerned........they don't own nothing, they just pay for it and put in a Thai persons name!!

And who said Thais were not smart? :o

Thailand has no need to change the law.

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(But until they change the land ownership laws here, there's nothing to worry about...yet).

Those laws will never change, why should they..................it all works in their favour,

Farangs still come to Thailand, still buy houses and land, clever thing is as far as Thailand is concerned........they don't own nothing, they just pay for it and put in a Thai persons name!!

And who said Thais were not smart? :o

Thailand has no need to change the law.

In some cities in Australia, specially in WA, japanese investors began buying the best real state locations on the area (river front houses, etc), and that way thanks to demand and the willing of inverstor to pay, the prices went up at a level that Australian who before were able to buy on these areas, could not afford it any longer.

Can image what it will happen if the land is open for sale to farangs....not a single Thai (except the usual suspects) will be able to afford the land. This will be a real disaster for Thais.

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Can image what it will happen if the land is open for sale to farangs....not a single Thai (except the usual suspects) will be able to afford the land. This will be a real disaster for Thais.

Absolutely Torito, Many Farangs will say, Ok restrict us to 1 Rai of land per Farang....If that happened, the Farangs brother would own 1 Rai, his father 1 Rai, His uncles , aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, the local drunks, all could buy One Rai in one huge plot of land, all in One Farangs control.

I have a house here that is not in my name, and I am quite happy with that arrangement, in fact I sleep easy at night, if I had put it in a company name, I would feel uneasy.

Keep the cars in your names lads, drive away from the house you paid for with some self respect at least! :o

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Keep the cars in your names lads, drive away from the house you paid for with some self respect at least! :D

For the benefit of the general audience, would you please be so kind and extend an explanation about this rather difficult concept? :o

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I don't get this either, maigo.

Are you advocating buying a house knowing that it isn't yours, i.e. a gift to your friend/partner/wife of the moment?

But it's okay because they can't take your car?

Clue me in here please, I can't quite grasp the logic.

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I don't get this either, maigo.

Are you advocating buying a house knowing that it isn't yours, i.e. a gift to your friend/partner/wife of the moment?

But it's okay because they can't take your car?

Clue me in here please, I can't quite grasp the logic.

'qwertz' , I agree with Maigo in this aspect, and I guess I understand where you come from. I will give you my argument.

My support is based in the knowledge that farangs cannot own the land in here. Every single farang who buys a house in here knows what he is doing before hand (I assume that in most cases farangs do it in good faith and also there is good faith in the person, normally a lady, who owns the house).

The situation becomes quite unfair in a case in where have existed real cheat and premeditation in a relationship with the objective of getting the property. But in all other circumtances, the farang did what he decided to do, knowing all the risks.

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I don't get this either, maigo.

Are you advocating buying a house knowing that it isn't yours, i.e. a gift to your friend/partner/wife of the moment?

But it's okay because they can't take your car?

Clue me in here please, I can't quite grasp the logic.

Maby if he has bought a 50.000bath shophouse out in the sticks, and drives a 40 million bath ferrari :o

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I don't get this either, maigo.

Are you advocating buying a house knowing that it isn't yours, i.e. a gift to your friend/partner/wife of the moment?

But it's okay because they can't take your car?

Clue me in here please, I can't quite grasp the logic.

Gwertz, it isn't a gift as such, its a place where I live, it just ain't in my name. I don't wanna live in a Condo, I don't wanna pay rent, and if things go wrong in my relationship, I am quite able to walk away without feeling suicidal. I am happy in Thailand, if I want to own a house, I will have to look elsewhere, it's not a con, it's not Thai people out to rob me, it's my choice. My lifes ambition is to try to be happy, not to have a house in my name at all costs.

I don't know what rents are for nice houses, lets say 20,000 Baht per month, that's 240,000 Baht per year in rent and I still don't own a brick, In 6 years I will have spent as much on rent as I did on making my house, and I still don't own a brick, yet I will still have to pay more......what's the point ?

I could quite easily pay rent to someone else and if I died my wife would be left with no home of her own, why would I want to do that to the person whom I profess to love ?

I don't even want a clause that will state that I can live in the house until I die, I do not want to be worth more dead than alive. Leases and crap......nope, I'm not interested, I can't be bothered with the paperwork actually..

I chose this route, I didn't want to go the Company route as I always thought there would one day be some government investigation of these companies.

My car I can own, therefore I do have it in my name, my house I cannot have in my name, therefore I don't.

Edited by Maigo6
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Hmm - still got 10 baht notes up there in Chiangmai?

So what is wrong with the proposition that a farang can own land for a house that is his principal residence? (Yes, some difficulties, ie 'Principal' would need to be strictly defined; the situation upon death of the owner would need to be particularised; there would need to be some method of guaranteeing residency in the long term; etc) Perhaps there could be an overall test of bona fides? In any event, if we can lease land for 30 years or we can own the land de facto through company structuring and voting writes then why not simply legitimise ownership under stringent conditions?

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In any event, if we can lease land for 30 years or we can own the land de facto through company structuring and voting writes then why not simply legitimise ownership under stringent conditions?

There is no need to legitimise land ownership for Farangs, as I said before, if 1 rai per person was allowed, then there would be a whole new industry involving Farangs buying land who then get all their family members to buy the land adjoining theirs, soon all land worth having will be in foreign control.

The laws are just fine right now, think about it from a Thai persons viewpoint.

1 Rai per person to build a house sounds fine, but you and I both know that Farangs will try their best to find loopholes where they can own 100 Rai if they can afford it.

Thai land for Thai people is fine as it is. :o

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I agree with you, Maigo6. I am proposing a test of bona fides so that a farang cannot own 100 rai. I did not say it would be simple, and that is probably the major stumbling block (in other words, why would Thai Gov go to the bother?). There are plenty like me who refuse to lease/company structure/put it in wife's name and who rent because they do not want to buy an apartment. There are also plenty who would buy a house on a small plot of land if they could do so, but I think your call is safe - it is not going to happen.

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I agree with you, Maigo6. I am proposing a test of bona fides so that a farang cannot own 100 rai. I did not say it would be simple, and that is probably the major stumbling block (in other words, why would Thai Gov go to the bother?).

Exactly Ping, why would they bother.....would you ?

I know I wouldn't. :o

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Doesn't this post sound a bit suicidal? :D

No sane person commits suicide over a forum. meemiathai won't either. :D

No sane person commits suicide.

Don't talk about things you know nothing about. :o

You don't know me and you don't know what I know. Don't assume you think you know what I know. If you think you know something then that's ok. If you have anything furthur to add about what you know or don't know, feel free to post it. Stop telling others not to talk about it.

You don't know much about that subject or you wouldn't have come out with such a ridiculous generalisation. Firstly, I was a nurse & had experience with suicidal patients. Sanity and illness such as depression are not mutually exclusive.

Secondly, my father killed himself four & a half years ago. He was perfectly sane & killed himself to get the family out of a financial hole via an insurance policy (yes, it paid on suicide, no, we didn't know his plans until it was too late). So, there's one sane person who committed suicide. Your statement is wrong.

Spot on November Rain, having worked in Mental Health for 12 years it was often the most reasoned and sane people that go onto kill themselves. Whilst that is not always the case, a point blank statement of "no sane person" is well off the mark. However, I do think Richard may well of said it in jest.

Anyway further onto the debate, everyone should be able to have a point of view if it is constructive and doesn't result to the name calling, trolling or that famous statement on here "if you don't like it leave". We all have different points of view, differing levels of education, different types of job's and different backgrounds. So as long as people don't get unpleasant about things then this should be a perfect place for debate and tolerating peoples opinions and encouraging people to have an opinion, even if they are wrong.

I am pretty certain that there are certain people on here who enjoy playing the devils advocate and they do it well. So Meemethai, although I don't always agree with what you are saying keep on posting you don't need to apologise.

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Doesn't this post sound a bit suicidal? :D

No sane person commits suicide over a forum. meemiathai won't either. :D

No sane person commits suicide.

Don't talk about things you know nothing about. :o

You don't know me and you don't know what I know. Don't assume you think you know what I know. If you think you know something then that's ok. If you have anything furthur to add about what you know or don't know, feel free to post it. Stop telling others not to talk about it.

You don't know much about that subject or you wouldn't have come out with such a ridiculous generalisation. Firstly, I was a nurse & had experience with suicidal patients. Sanity and illness such as depression are not mutually exclusive.

Secondly, my father killed himself four & a half years ago. He was perfectly sane & killed himself to get the family out of a financial hole via an insurance policy (yes, it paid on suicide, no, we didn't know his plans until it was too late). So, there's one sane person who committed suicide. Your statement is wrong.

Sorry to drag this thread off track.

First, I'm sorry for your loss. However, I don't agree that your father or anyone who commits suicide is the act of a sane person. Outside of an act to immediately save another life, it is an act of insanity.

If your father killed himself because he had problems then he was not sane. That is not the thinking of a sane man. Especially since he hid his plans so well that your family had no idea of his intentions until it was too late. He was living a double life. On one hand, he had a family that he was trying to take care of. On the other hand, he was planning his death because he was failing at taking care of his family. His death would rescue the family from their financial problems. However, I'm sure if you could, you would rather have your father back than your good credit record.

People who intend to do this successfully have tunnel vision and cannot focus on any other possibilities.

Your father had financial problems that depressed him and he rationalized a solution that led him to suicide. Had a different solution been available he might have missed it because he was focused on his goal of suicide. It is a desperate act of insanity rationalized as a way to eliminate the incredible circumstances that is tearing his life apart from the inside. His planning was sane but his final solution was insane.

So I stick to my original statement of no sane person commits suicide.

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So I stick to my original statement of no sane person commits suicide.

And that should be the final statement on the subject, as obviously, personal feelings are coming into play here.

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(But until they change the land ownership laws here, there's nothing to worry about...yet).

Those laws will never change, why should they..................it all works in their favour,

Farangs still come to Thailand, still buy houses and land, clever thing is as far as Thailand is concerned........they don't own nothing, they just pay for it and put in a Thai persons name!!

And who said Thais were not smart? :o

Thailand has no need to change the law.

In some cities in Australia, specially in WA, japanese investors began buying the best real state locations on the area (river front houses, etc), and that way thanks to demand and the willing of inverstor to pay, the prices went up at a level that Australian who before were able to buy on these areas, could not afford it any longer.

Can image what it will happen if the land is open for sale to farangs....not a single Thai (except the usual suspects) will be able to afford the land. This will be a real disaster for Thais.

land prices are already skyrocketing because of rich thais from bangkok. If you want to keep land prices in line so the locals can afford it then you need to make law that only those residing in that province can own land in that province. I paid 300,000 per rai for the land I am on. A thai doctor from bangkok paid 1 million per rai for the land in front of me and is asking 2 mill. The same with the land behind me. Another thai from bangkok. All speculators

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The fact that prices have reached extortionate levels in desirable areas like Samui and Phuket when foreigners still cannot own land legally shows your thinking to be flawed.

Prices have not skyrocketed in Bangkok either just because foreigners can own condos.

That's correct and it shows what it will happend with the rest of the land if market is open for farangs. Farms that today interest nobody other than farmers will triple their prices.

Farang investors, who will not be only farangs who at present live in here but new ones who come for this purpose only. Japanese will get property, and they will pay.

When a farang goes to a Park he is charged 200bht and a Thai national 20bht. What open competition on property with farangs will achieve will be the equivalent to charge Thais 200bht to a Park.

It is very easy to talk about economic theories when one is in the good side of the fence. Open up to competition with foreigners?. Naive at best, and just plain ridiculous at worst. Nationalism is not in the interest of coloniamism. The land owner thai elite is far better than the potential land owner farang elite...today at least there is some land for non elite thais.

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You are supposing that Thai people could not afford housing if foreigners were allowed to own land.

No I am not, as Thai people are the only people able to OWN land all other scenarios are redundant.

Farangs cannot own land, full stop.

I'm quite happy about that situation. I have a house on land I bought, and I'm happy about it, I can only speak from my own viewpoint, who cares whose name is on the chanot?

I don't care if it's my wifes name, why should anybody else care whose name is on the chanot of the land where I live if I don't ?

Believe me, if I was not happy about the situation, it would never have happened. If someone wants to pay rent for 20 years and pay more than he would have spent building a house and still not own a brick and still not have anything to leave to his wife or children, fair play to him.

It's good to have the choice.

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what about this one ... if they would open the land market for farang's then more money will come into the country, more poor Thai will be able to sell their land with huge profits, more real estate project will sell etc ... maybe the country will actually have lot's of advantages from it, including the poor !

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what about this one ... if they would open the land market for farang's then more money will come into the country, more poor Thai will be able to sell their land with huge profits, more real estate project will sell etc ... maybe the country will actually have lot's of advantages from it, including the poor !

Wouldn't work Link, and the poor people would sell their land and end up with nothing, like many do already, only it would be Farangs that could be blamed if we could buy.

There is a guy next door to me, he lives alone now, his 14 year old grandaughter was living with him, she was killed in a motrocycle accident, I happen to know that this guy could be persuaded to sell, but where would he live eventually when his new found wealth ran out................I know what would happen, he would be broke within a year.

I can't bring myself to use financial power to take advantage of the poor people without feeling some remorse, I know he is too old to get work and he hasn't a lot of money, if any, but I would rather buy food for him than take advantage of my buying power over his financial weakness.

I would love his piece of land, but I would never dream of sending out feelers offering money for it, I wouldn't feel good about myself.

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Quote maigo:

I can't bring myself to use financial power to take advantage of the poor people without feeling some remorse, I know he is too old to get work and he hasn't a lot of money, if any, but I would rather buy food for him than take advantage of my buying power over his financial weakness.

Maigo, all respect to your conscience.

But IMO whatever you do or don't do in LOS won't make a jot of difference to the status quo there.

The notion of altruism is a pretty one in theory but it's a no brainer in the real world.

I refer you to your avatar as an example of the reality of the situation and the local notion of caring about others.

Taking care of number one is the order of the day, sad though the fact is.

Edited by qwertz
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Quote maigo:

I can't bring myself to use financial power to take advantage of the poor people without feeling some remorse, I know he is too old to get work and he hasn't a lot of money, if any, but I would rather buy food for him than take advantage of my buying power over his financial weakness.

Maigo, all respect to your conscience.

But IMO whatever you do or don't do in LOS won't make a jot of difference to the status quo there.

The notion of altruism is a pretty one in theory but it's a no brainer in the real world.

I refer you to your avatar as an example of the reality of the situation and the local notion of caring about others.

Taking care of number one is the order of the day, sad though the fact is.

qwertz, I know where you are coming from, but it makes a difference to me and how I feel about myself.

Yeah...the avatar....hahaha....Bubbles, he's great!! That programme cracks me up, I never knew the Canadians had such a fantastic sense of humour, they could almost be British with some extra training!! :o

They are that different to the Americans really, or is that programme a one off ? I never laugh at American Comedy, but Trailer Park Boys has me laughing out loud it's that funny. I just downloaded the whole lot plus the movie....they are keepers for sure. :D

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Doesn't seem to be causing any land rushes in Malaysia...

As I have said Ping, you can very easily rent, it just seems such a waste of money if you plan on staying in Thailand, especially if you have a Thai wife and children.

Each to his own.......... :o

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