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Diving Instructor Found Brutally Murdered


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High numbers of stab wounds often indicate passion, as does strangulation.

There are rare exceptions to the rule however, such as a similar murder back in the Uk where the deceased was stabbed 167 times by the murderer. As it transpired, he couldn't find the "off" switch on the electric knife.

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Living in Phuket I know that maybe only 10% ends up in the news and often camouflaged. I remember a bus falling down, having 3 wounded while acc to others there were at least 6 dead...

A city with transients is more dangerous, only thing surpising me is that the farang hasnt been clapped in jail..

Freelance diving, sure no workpermit...

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The man was either a freelance guide & translator

And she was an entrepreneurial pizza parlor owner & dive instructor.

Learn to read(g)

Whatever, freelance guide and farang and translator???

Seems to me the Thai boyfriend followed as she likely had one....

They would know in Phuket as there arent that many Thai lady divemasters...

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Belgian man detained for questioning in ex-girlfriend’s death

Accused denies charges

Boonlua Chatree

A Belgian national was arrested Sunday in connection with the murder of his Thai ex-girlfriend. The woman’s body was discovered on Saturday night.

Police arrested Sam van Treeck, 24, at his condominium in Pattaya after evidence pointed to the possibility that he is a suspect. He denied killing Chompoonut Koyram, 23, a diving instructor in Phuket.

Chompoonut died from over 60 stab wounds from a small knife. Her blood stained body was discovered in an apartment in Jomtien Condotel. Her half naked body had been left inside the apartment, her hands still clutching strands of hair.

Police forensic units examined the apartment and found fingerprints belonging to Van Treeck and Chompoonut. Blood found on Chompoonut’s body, thought to be the murderer’s, was taken in for DNA testing. It will be seven days before results come back.

A tape from the condominium building’s closed-circuit television showed that van Treeck was in the apartment building at the time of the murder.

Van Treeck was allegedly Chompoonut’s first boyfriend, and after they broke up she married a French man with whom she had a baby daughter. Chompoonut later broke up with her French husband, and took her baby to her parents in Buriram. She was reportedly staying with a new mate, a Canadian in Phuket.

When questioned, Van Treeck told police that he was staying with Chompoonut, but was out of the room at the time of her death. He said someone might have taken the opportunity to kill her after he left the room.

On Sunday police sought an arrest warrant for van Treeck based on the evidence found at the crime scene. He has been charged with first-degree murder.

Pol. Col. Kamolchai Tiengrungroj told reporters, "van Treeck denies any wrongdoing but we (the police) have enough evidence to arrest him for the murder of this woman. He still refuses to sign a confession but that is of no consequence."

Police contacted the dead woman’s parents in Buriram to inform them that Chompoonut’s body was sent to the police forensic institute for a post mortem examination and that police would have to wait for the results to close the case completely.

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The man was either a freelance guide & translator

And she was an entrepreneurial pizza parlor owner & dive instructor.

Learn to read(g)

Whatever, freelance guide and farang and translator???

Seems to me the Thai boyfriend followed as she likely had one....

They would know in Phuket as there arent that many Thai lady divemasters...


You wrote "Learn to read(g)".............which is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black isn't it?

I suggest that People who live in glass house are generally advised not to throw stones.

Where did the bit about "lady divemasters" come from. From my reading of the thread she was a "diving instructor" and I have never seen where she was a "divemaster"

There is a real big difference between the two.

Perhaps because they both involve water (and you most often get wet) then that makes them one and the same to you.

Freelance diving, sure no workpermit...

She was the diving instructor, she was Thai so why in he11 would a work permit be relevent to anything in the thread?

So before you tell people to "learn to read" you should slow your typing fingers down to the speed of your brain which from your ramblings is barely idling.


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Falang killing thai, this is a new twist

Not a new twist at all. A few years ago in Pattaya a Canadian bloke Killed his Thai Girlfriend, cut her body into pieces and dumped her in some waste ground in Soi 17.

He feld the scene and the country and went back to Canada.

I wonder if they ever got him back to Thailand? Somehow i dont think they did, i don't think the Canadians will extradite someone to a country that has the Death Penalty for that particular Crime.

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The man was either  a freelance guide & translator

And she was an entrepreneurial pizza parlor owner & dive instructor.

Learn to read(g)

Whatever, freelance guide and farang and translator???

Seems to me the Thai boyfriend followed as she likely had one....

They would know in Phuket as there arent that many Thai lady divemasters...


You wrote "Learn to read(g)".............which is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black isn't it?

I suggest that People who live in glass house are generally advised not to throw stones.

Where did the bit about "lady divemasters" come from. From my reading of the thread she was a "diving instructor" and I have never seen where she was a "divemaster"

There is a real big difference between the two.

Perhaps because they both involve water (and you most often get wet) then that makes them one and the same to you.

Freelance diving, sure no workpermit...

She was the diving instructor, she was Thai so why in he11 would a work permit be relevent to anything in the thread?

So before you tell people to "learn to read" you should slow your typing fingers down to the speed of your brain which from your ramblings is barely idling.


Hahaha.................... :D

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Falang killing thai, this is a new twist

Not a new twist at all. A few years ago in Pattaya a Canadian bloke Killed his Thai Girlfriend, cut her body into pieces and dumped her in some waste ground in Soi 17.

Well lets check the scorecards

Thais killed 2

Falangs 120,309

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When it comes down to score cards the United Kingdom has serial killers beaten hands down.

Take a bow Dr. Harold Shipman, this one man crime wave has about 257 souls under his belt most likely many more, unfortunately he can't be asked any more questions as he topped himself while in prison.

I wonder if this counts to his score or is it considered an own goal so to speak?

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you have to realise that there is now so much friction between farang and girls treacory with other males. From talking to other farangs their girls are constantly on the cellphone night and day tapping out SMS to men around the globe and making secret calls in the toilet . I am surprised the death rate is not higher due to devious and treacerous girls.

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you have to realise that there is now so much friction between farang and girls treacory with other males. From talking to other farangs their girls are constantly on the cellphone night and day tapping out SMS to men around the globe and making secret calls in the toilet . I am surprised the death rate is not higher due to devious and treacerous girls.

you must hang out with nice and considerate people.

maybe their girlfriends dont really like them...freedom of choice allows you to leave and meet some-one else.


the treachery of the vixen with the midnight follicles.

how could a person be so treacherous?


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you have to realise that there is now so much friction between farang and girls treacory with other males. From talking to other farangs their girls are constantly on the cellphone night and day tapping out SMS to men around the globe and making secret calls in the toilet . I am surprised the death rate is not higher due to devious and treacerous girls.

NEW BUSINESS IDEA thanks to Eric100

Vending machines in ladies toilets for 1-2-call cards, to be positioned next to the condom machines ?

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I have noticed that most reported killings/shootings etc occur between Thai's and invariably are always occuring inside or outsdie a karaoke bar on 3rd road. So to me the solution is :

a) dont go a karaoke on 3rd Road

:o dont stand outside a karaoke on 3rd Road

Most Thai's I know steer well clear of 3rd road at night for just this reason

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If you guys look at the top when this topic started, the guy was a freelance guide and a translator while the woman was a diving instructor and pizza owner.

I see here some of you is mixing the story up. Am I right or wrong


Dave ... I think you're right.... I was confused which is which, is she a diver or a translator?... or owner of pizza parlor??? :o

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I read some articles about this, and many said controversial things.

Personally, I don't think it was a "passion crime". This guy has had several girlfriends before. He is also married to a woman from Laos and has a baby with her. The murdered woman came over from Phuket to help her ex-bf.

I think this guy really doesn't want to kill some ex-gf in Pattaya, in his apartment by the way, then leaving his apartment to go out and drink. He told the police he had had a fight (verbal I guess) with her (something I wouldn't do when the police is already quite eager to point you as the murderer). Then this guy decides to go back to his condo to find her body already cold. He must have been enjoying his beer... :o .

My point is:

1. Why murder an ex-gf you had a relationship with some years ago.

2. This girl even came over from Phuket to help him with his business there.

3. This guy is married with child.

4. Pattaya is full of women who would want this 24-year-old guy. Don't believe he is some desperate case.

5. Murdering her in his condo between 4 - 6 pm, then go to have a beer?

6. Returning and calling a friend what to do at 10 pm?

7. Leaving a strand of his hair in her hand?

8. Last but not least, also a Belgian knows Thai jail isn't exactly a party place.

The guy is locked up together with junkies, pregnant women, homeless people, even children. Food is provided by family or help organisations. The police only provides water. (his mom)

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Belgian radio just reported that he has seen his first court appearance and the judge has released him on bail.

His mother is pleased to see him out of jail but still fears the court procedings probably to start next year.

In the mean time he can't leave thailand.

So what would you do in this case? Stay or Run ??

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Well he can run back to belgium if they don't have an extradiction treaty with thailand. If he runs he has to go someplace that does not have such treaty, and most importantly he has to get his passport back first

So does he have his passport back is the biggie question????? If so, it will be one hairy of an escape if he leaves via bangkok or anyplace in Thailand the normal way out. The back door sort of, only way is to cross the borders on ground (just a guess) and then take off in the neighboring countries and he has to some how leave pronto once there before such discovery is made or such warrant is issued out in the process of all this scenario.

Keep in mind too he might be kept under surveilance as a precautionary measure if they get any hints of him escaping between now and then

Then again I have no idea how thailand operates in this situation. Every country is different

If he got bailed, that is good news. He now has some options to consider on his next move.



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Well he can run back to belgium if they don't have an extradiction treaty with thailand.  If he runs he has to go someplace that does not have such treaty, and most importantly he has to get his passport back first

So does he have his passport back is the biggie question?????  If so, it will be one hairy of an escape if he leaves via bangkok or anyplace in Thailand the normal way out.  The back door sort of, only way is to cross the borders on ground (just a guess) and then take off in the neighboring countries and he has to some how leave pronto once there before such discovery is made or such warrant is issued out in the process of all this scenario.

Keep in mind too he might be kept under surveilance as a precautionary measure if they get any hints of him escaping between now and then

Then again I have no idea how thailand operates in this situation.  Every country is different

If he got bailed, that is good news.  He now has some options to consider on his next move.


:D  :D

I would run actually :wub:

a Guy at my new job is a friend of the familie, they all consider him not guilty as he's a quite boy they say.

Tough decision: Do i trust the thai judicial system :D or do you run like ###### :D

if you run you're surely found guilty, if you stay probably as well . No winning for this guy anymore.

If of course he has commited the crime he should be locked up for a long time, but maybe he's only guilty of being a farang in the wrong place :o

Here's his pic and the belgian news article (sorry in dutch)


De Belgische reisleider Sam Van Treeck (24) is woensdag in Thailand op borg vrijgelaten. Sams vader Marc Van Treeck kreeg daarvan om 15.00 uur de officiële bevestiging van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.

Sam Van Treeck wordt ervan verdacht zijn vroegere vriendin, de Thaise Chompoonut Koyram (23), te hebben vermoord. Zij werd gedood in zijn appartement, waar zij logeerde. De Belg ontkent. Hij was naar eigen zeggen om 18 uur gaan werken. Chompoonut bleef alleen op zijn appartement. Toen hij later op de avond terug thuis kwam, trof hij haar dood aan. Ze was met verschillende messteken om het leven gebracht. Van Treeck deed zelf de aangifte bij de politie.

Edited by Darknight
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It's a well known fact that the vast majority of murders are committed by people who know their attacker.

To avoid getting murdered hang around with people you don't know.

Problem solved.

Now that is very good advice.

So to anyone who might know me it's goodbye from me (and goodbye from him also)


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Well Maerim?????????????????? :D:D:o Such being a figure of speech, you imply "door" into something of fire with brimstone I guess and whoopie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Magic happened and out came a fire door.

I am at a loss to explain this to our constiguents here.


Oh PS. my blueprint board has been hotwired so much I lost track of which is which. :D

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I'm surprised that he got bail so quickly, isn't that unusual?

They usually let you rot in prison until the trial. :o

I think they received a lot of pressure from the belgian embassy. Foreign affairs has been on the case since the beginning.


picture of his Lao wife and baby.

Everybody in Belgium describes him as a very soft person unable to commit this crime.

The Bail paid is over 32.000 euro without costs.

Very good newsarticle (in dutch)


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He got bail as there were inconsistances in the 'evidence' against him. In the usual maner the police "lost" pages of statements, there were another 5 people who were suspects in this murder, none of them were arrested or interviewed. The police just thought they had got thier man, so stopped looking. The Belgium security attache was involved in this from the second day of his arrest and monitored the police closely. I guess the judge could see the problems with the evidence and rightly decided to let him out on bail. Murder suspects usually don't get bail, so that indicates the strength of the case against Sam.

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  • 2 months later...

News update:

Sam von treek has jumped bail and has fled to belgium after his wife and baby were flown over Last week.

He has put himself to the Belgian courts on arrival. He made a radio interview today on belgian Radio and Television.

Please find more facts here:

VTM (flemish television)


Het belang van limburg (belgian newspaper)(dutch only)

Sam Van Treeck gevlucht naar België

Onze landgenoot Sam Van Treeck, die in Thailand wordt beschuldigd van moord op de Thaise Chompoonut Koyram, is naar België gevlucht. Hij vermoedt dat er corruptie in het spel was bij het onderzoek naar de feiten.

De Belgische reisleider wordt ervan verdacht zijn vroegere 23-jarige vriendin te hebben gedood. De feiten vonden plaats in zijn appartement, waar zij logeerde. De 24-jarige Belg ontkent. Hij was naar eigen zeggen gaan werken toen zij met verschillende messteken om het leven werd gebracht.

Van Treeck was tot aan zijn proces op borg vrij, maar mocht Thailand niet verlaten in afwachting van zijn proces. Hoe hij in België raakte, wilde hij niet kwijt.

Hij vermoedde dat er corruptie in het spel was. "We hebben gezien dat het politieonderzoek en het gerechtelijk onderzoek ginder in Thailand volledig fout liepen en volledig corrupt verlopen zijn", luidde het.

Van Treeck zei ook te hebben bekeken dat Thailand en België geen uitleveringsverdrag hebben. "Ik stel me wel ter beschikking van het Belgisch gerecht".

More updates later..

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