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Thai Wife Convicted Of Infecting Canadian Husband With H I V

sriracha john

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This is ironic as my GF pointed someone out in her village a woman that has aids and is with a new BF. I asked if the BF had it too, she said it's unlikely he knows. What do you do. I made a comment that she should get a life sentance if she passes it on knowingly. What would you do in this situation?

Edited by TommyGun
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While the development of medications and treatments have made premature death less premature, AIDS still leads to premature death in all cases. AIDS is an incurable, fatal syndrome in 100% of its sufferers.

Any links to these alleged cases of a definitively HIV+ person not developing into AIDS?

Millions of people with HIV have not developed AIDS - now are you asking for the longest survivor because that is meaningless

Its like the yearly clinical trials for Hep B immumogenicity - we "Believe" the vaccine lcovers for life and each year we test a cohort and they are still immune and its pushed out another year but how can we ever prove its for life till these cohorts do not contract Hep B and they all die a happy old age in 40+ years time

The same type of study will be going on somewhere with HIV patients responding to the retrovirals I would have thought but as of today you can not make the statement either way.

Its impossible to say scientifically until absolutely everyone ie 100% of all people who have HIV die of AIDS that HIV is a death sentence though and many are still going strong 15+ years later.

It6 is just not a proveable statement either way - many Dr's now thing if HIV as just another chronic disease like Diabetes which can be managed (with the proviso its infectious)

Then again if you look at the references in the Vaccine book I refer to above the evidence points to the more infectious it is the higher the viral load so if these drugs do indeed lower the viral load to very low amounts the person might not be as infectious as with a high viral load but must still practice safe sex.

I hope I have not rambled too much

Unfortunately, until such time as people have survived to a "happy old age," AIDS remains as I have reluctantly described.

Until such time as people have survived to a "happy old age," HIV+ remains as I reluctantly described as always leading to AIDS. While its encouraging that people have not developed AIDS for 16 years (per above link) and a few have even gone a little further, it remains an inadequate time.

In the history of diseases, it is a relative newcomer and much needs to be done to seek even better treatments, but as of now, no one has been cured of AIDS... no one has survived to a "happy old age" with AIDS, and no one that is HIV+ has lived to a "happy old age" without developing AIDS... thus my initial statement ... reluctantly stands true. I certainly hope for the day to come soon when it isn't.

* For the purposes of discussion, I'll accept your 40 years as the measurable amount of time to describe a "happy old age."

Magic Johnson of LA Lakers fame has been HIV +  since 1991 and he

hasn't gone into AIDS mode.

He looks healthy and is living is life well.

He must be in his late 40's or early 50's now.

Then, he's been HIV+ for 16 years now so he's between a third of the way and half way to the 40 year mark.

Gosh.... has it been 40 years already? I thought it'd only been 4 months since the above.

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This is ironic as my GF pointed someone out in her village a woman that has aids and is with a new BF. I asked if the BF had it too, she said it's unlikely he knows. What do you do. I made a comment that she should get a life sentance if she passes it on knowingly. What would you do in this situation?

If you're sure she has AIDS & it's not just a malicious rumour, maybe find a way to let him know?

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Ooooops tried to pull that magic Johnson quote and ask how the writer knew if Mr Johnson was only HIV+ and did not have full blown AIDS .... I have no idea ... have not ever known! I don't know his cd4 count ... whether he is on meds etc etc etc

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This is ironic as my GF pointed someone out in her village a woman that has aids and is with a new BF. I asked if the BF had it too, she said it's unlikely he knows. What do you do. I made a comment that she should get a life sentance if she passes it on knowingly. What would you do in this situation?

If you're sure she has AIDS & it's not just a malicious rumour, maybe find a way to let him know?

and how would he know for sure? I'd stay out of it personally.

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I think you people need to view this situation from a real world perspective and not the usual stereotypical ThaiVisa internet forum kind of thing<edited>

Can't you <edited> see that this guy is obviously a victim ? Do not pass judgment on him because a picture of his back makes him look like he might be fat and could be balding. Sure the guys as smart as a sack of rice (not the expensive type either) but that does not mean he should be exposed to HIV, especially by a person who is willingly and knowingly putting him at risk.

So shes a Thai women, this has to automatically make her some type of depraved <edited>? No way, hel_l she made good by even getting out of Thailand, sounds like she escaped a mediocre life anyway, and so what if she was a stripper ? Strippers can pull some amazing money in and they can do it while being in a monogamous relationship at the same time. You <edited> are all the same making all these assumptions and accusations with out having a clue. hel_l the <edited>probably did have sex for money with a ton of people in Toronto but you don't know that and should not assume that especially just because she is Thai.

I see I am losing focus here, the issue in sight is that this man is a victim, its often in the news, abroad and here in Thailand, people getting in serious trouble because of knowingly spreading HIV. I can see how the man was irresponsible for not protecting himself in the first place but in no way should he deserve what he got, and who knows, maybe he did take all steps to protect him self? To be a hair realistic just for once (always tough with you people i know, but together, you can do it) how many times have you had a sexual partner have blood work done before fornication ? Probably fairly rarely, and besides that is hard to do when its the boat is about to set sail.


German spreads HIV in Thailand

"Strippergate" A Canadian political scandal in which foreign strippers visas were fast tracked

Laws and Legal Cases in America regarding spread of HIV

Edited by Totster
Removed unnecessary language
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You sound like a Glaxo Smith Kline PR Rep Colpyat....the Issue now should be finding a CURE not a Treatment...even if there is more money in the treatment..

A treatment is as far away as it has been at the beginning of AIDS.

Already having so many treatments available is a huge step.

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As far as public knowledge goes, Magic Johnson does not have AIDS at this time. He has access to the best drugs available of course, being the most high profile person with HIV that I know of in the U.S., at least. He was on TNT for the halftime show during the playoffs this year, making a few guest appearances. I think if he got AIDS he'd tell everyone.

As for this Canadian guy who got AIDS from his wife, this is why people get blood tests for HIV before getting married. That would be a pretty simple solution before the problem even started. It's a requirement in the U.S., at least my state, and isn't it a requirement in Canada? I thought Canadians were more advanced than us. At least that's what they'll say if you ask them.

Of course I realize they probably had sex before married but it'd be better to know she was HIV positive and you might be too at that time rather than 8 years later.

Edited by Jimjim
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What intrigues me here is that it seems society willingly says "this fat bast**rd got what was comming to him."

But if a woman was to walk around in a tiny mini skirt, flashing her 36Cs around, and then eventually gets raped.... society says "she is a victim."

Kind of a double standard don't you think?

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You sound like a Glaxo Smith Kline PR Rep Colpyat....the Issue now should be finding a CURE not a Treatment...even if there is more money in the treatment..

A treatment is as far away as it has been at the beginning of AIDS.

Already having so many treatments available is a huge step.

Curing virus's is pretty hard

He probably meant a "prophylactic vaccine" would be a huge step but most rckon thats 15-20 years away even with the massive advances in vaccine technology recently.

The HIV virus is in a case of its own with difficulties finding a vaccine - plenty in phase 1 but thats as far as they usualy get - safety trials on healthy volunteer's.

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It's ironic that he "blames society, the system and her" and yet doesnt seem to be prepared to accept any responsibility himself.

The girl was a stripper. One can safely make the further assumption that she sold herself for sex or, at best, had a colourful past.

If I was marrying someone like that, the first thing I would do is demand an HIV test before either marrying her or going in - how to say this politely? - bareback.

But, of course, one can't expect people to be responsible for their own safety. Much easier to blame everyone else.

Here, here! You took the words right out of my mouth.

There's no point in her going to jail anyway. She's already been hospitalized and doesn't look healthy (Telly Tubby).

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I feel bad for both of them. She is going to die a horrid death... and so is he.

To those that say, ahh just pop some pills it'll be OK. I hope you folks are not really justifying high risk behavior thinking there is little consequences. If you think that is the case, cruise the net, find a aid support forum and see what folks are going through.

Even if it was as easy as taking asprin daily for the rest of your life, your life will be shortened... either way, who in their right mind would be OK with that?

I know a fella in BKK that said because he is already old, he is not too concerned. Kinda of like a 65 year old thinking it is ok to smoke. Well yea, seems logical, but what about the 20 year girl he may pass it on to. That 20$ she got aint much for conselation.

Both parties owe it to each other to be honest, and use protection.

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This is ironic as my GF pointed someone out in her village a woman that has aids and is with a new BF. I asked if the BF had it too, she said it's unlikely he knows. What do you do. I made a comment that she should get a life sentance if she passes it on knowingly. What would you do in this situation?

If you're sure she has AIDS & it's not just a malicious rumour, maybe find a way to let him know?

and how would he know for sure? I'd stay out of it personally.

What would you do if it was a friend of yours?

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What percentage of the girls who work in PAttaya,Phuket, Patong etc... you think have AIDS?

consider the fact that most of them come from a prosimcious backgroud or had a husband that liked to visit certain places.

Also take into consideration that most of them had before worked in Thai brothels where condoms are not encouraged

I am not so familiar with the falang sex trade, but i know in the thai-asian man sex trade that tons of these girls have HIV (20%) knowingly and they just keep on business as usasl. In addition if a "good girl" tests positive, then she will be encouraged to enter the sex trade because she is going to die anyways and it will no longer be dangerous and she can make money for her family. There is not even the mention of consideration for the customer. It never even occurs to them.

Most girls refuse to even get tested because that would just put a cramp on their style (not knowing is better)

I know of one fine establishment in Chiang Mai that gets its girls tested every 3 months. If they test positive, they are not allowed to work there anymore....so what do they do....they go work at the bar down the street...... :o

really if the health powers we able to round up every working girl in Bangkok and get a test done and bar the ones with HIV from the industry, then we wouldn't have much of a sex industry anymore.

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This is ironic as my GF pointed someone out in her village a woman that has aids and is with a new BF. I asked if the BF had it too, she said it's unlikely he knows. What do you do. I made a comment that she should get a life sentance if she passes it on knowingly. What would you do in this situation?

If you're sure she has AIDS & it's not just a malicious rumour, maybe find a way to let him know?

and how would he know for sure? I'd stay out of it personally.

What would you do if it was a friend of yours?

I would drag them to the nearest hospital and if necessary pay for the tests myself.

I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do anything about it.

Also I resent the notion that stupid people don't have rights to.

Who can say he/she has never done anything stupid.

I have and I'm not ashamed to admit it, and most of them have been under influence (alcohol).


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What intrigues me here is that it seems society willingly says "this fat bast**rd got what was comming to him."

But if a woman was to walk around in a tiny mini skirt, flashing her 36Cs around, and then eventually gets raped.... society says "she is a victim."

Kind of a double standard don't you think?

With all due respect, Dakhar (and I always admire you posts genuinely), that is a very weak point.

A rape is a rape, forced upon a woman using violence and terror.

This guy willingly had unprotected sex with her, without bothering to find out if she was sick or not. He did that after meeting her in what appears to be one of his town's dodgier strip joints. Yes, she should have told him (although I suspect - given her profile - she wasn't the sharpest tool in the box and wouldnt even be aware of how serious HIV/ Aids is), but she didnt. But he should have known she was a likely risk, given her profession.

And let's not forget another intriguing part of this story. They were married, but lived apart and only 'came together' [sic] intermittently.

That would suggest neither party was particularly monogamous.

Indeed, it throws a whole new possibility into the mix. If he was having unprotected sex with her we can speculate he was doing the same with other partners. Is there any conclusive proof it was HER who infected him?

Edited by bendix
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Stupid people do have rights. And I'm sure, like you, we've all been stupid at some point - I have, more times than I can count. However, people do not have the right to blame everyone else & not take ANY responsibility for acts of stupidity they have committed. This guy blames the woman & society - but not himself. Why blame society, rather than himself? We can all see how the woman is guilty, but the man in this case, however stupid, needs to take responsibility for his own actions. That's all I'm trying to say, anyway.

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And you're saying it so much better than I can, NR.

To me that was the key point about this case. Him squawking: "Why me? I blame the system, I blame society".

&lt;deleted&gt;? &lt;deleted&gt; does society have to do with this? He expects society to protect him from his stupidity? How exactly?

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And let's not forget another intriguing part of this story. They were married, but lived apart and only 'came together' [sic] intermittently.

That would suggest neither party was particularly monogamous.

Indeed, it throws a whole new possibility into the mix. If he was having unprotected sex with her we can speculate he was doing the same with other partners. Is there any conclusive proof it was HER who infected him?

Or, continuing the hypothesis, that he, himself, has possibly been guilty of infecting others (albeit unwittingly).

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It's ironic that he "blames society, the system and her" and yet doesnt seem to be prepared to accept any responsibility himself.

The girl was a stripper. One can safely make the further assumption that she sold herself for sex or, at best, had a colourful past.

If I was marrying someone like that, the first thing I would do is demand an HIV test before either marrying her or going in - how to say this politely? - bareback.

But, of course, one can't expect people to be responsible for their own safety. Much easier to blame everyone else.

EXACTLY RIGHT!!! If you are having unprotected sex with someone, it is a good idea to get tested (both parties to be fair), even if she is the church choir girl. Unprotected sex with a stripper & no questions asked? Give me a break.

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Stupid people do have rights. And I'm sure, like you, we've all been stupid at some point - I have, more times than I can count. However, people do not have the right to blame everyone else & not take ANY responsibility for acts of stupidity they have committed. This guy blames the woman & society - but not himself. Why blame society, rather than himself? We can all see how the woman is guilty, but the man in this case, however stupid, needs to take responsibility for his own actions. That's all I'm trying to say, anyway.

Dear NR,

I agree fully with what you are saying. What I don't agree with is some of the other posters remarks.

Anyway I can inform you that I do respect you maybe more than you can realize because I'm an animal lover to, it's just that some of the inhumanity that is going on sometimes gets to me.

With respect


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What intrigues me here is that it seems society willingly says "this fat bast**rd got what was comming to him."

But if a woman was to walk around in a tiny mini skirt, flashing her 36Cs around, and then eventually gets raped.... society says "she is a victim."

Kind of a double standard don't you think?

With all due respect, Dakhar (and I always admire you posts genuinely), that is a very weak point.

A rape is a rape, forced upon a woman using violence and terror.

This guy willingly had unprotected sex with her, without bothering to find out if she was sick or not. He did that after meeting her in what appears to be one of his town's dodgier strip joints. Yes, she should have told him (although I suspect - given her profile - she wasn't the sharpest tool in the box and wouldnt even be aware of how serious HIV/ Aids is), but she didnt. But he should have known she was a likely risk, given her profession.

And let's not forget another intriguing part of this story. They were married, but lived apart and only 'came together' [sic] intermittently.

That would suggest neither party was particularly monogamous.

Indeed, it throws a whole new possibility into the mix. If he was having unprotected sex with her we can speculate he was doing the same with other partners. Is there any conclusive proof it was HER who infected him?

I admitt it is a stretch.... but regardless, if the woman knew she was positive.... she should have spoken up. Sadly she did not. I hope it was worth it.

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Not much of an issue? Free anti-retrovirals? You HAVE to be joking! AIDS Meds can be VERY toxic ... they often make people sick ... they have a limited eficacy over time and then new meds must be used etc etc


Due to the many available combinations the initial severe side effects have been minimized, new combinations are there once one has built up resistence, and a relatively normal life can be led by the vast majority of infected on anti retro virals. Yes, one is far better off not being infected, but it is not as bad anymore as it once was.

It is not the issue anymore it once was. The issue now is making anti-retro virals and the necessary health network available in countries that don't have that yet.

HIV is no peice of cake. The treatment and prognosis may be better now than in the past, but the drugs are expensive and likely full of side effects. If you are in a country such as USA with no free health care system and you have no insurance, you are going to have a horrible fate. Other STD's going around, such as drug resistant gonorrhea are not something you want to have either. The point is - don't trust anyone. If you are willing to get tested and they are not, get rid of them.

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This is ironic as my GF pointed someone out in her village a woman that has aids and is with a new BF. I asked if the BF had it too, she said it's unlikely he knows. What do you do. I made a comment that she should get a life sentance if she passes it on knowingly. What would you do in this situation?

If you're sure she has AIDS & it's not just a malicious rumour, maybe find a way to let him know?

and how would he know for sure? I'd stay out of it personally.

What would you do if it was a friend of yours?

you mean NOT a stranger as is spoken of in the story?

well we'd have the chat! Not about the village woman .... but about HIV and AIDS and testing and choices!

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I took an HIV test as part of my checkup many years ago in HK. The Aussie doctor was horrified I requested it. The wonker said, "What will you do if you have AIDS?" Dunno, guess the bank I work for will pay off my pension and I'll retire. No wonder some people never go for a checkup. My friends there were also shocked I did the test; they said they would be too embarrassed to ask.

Nevertheless, in this day and age, with myriad STDs roaming the streets, nobody in their right mind would have unprotected sex. I have heard farang men say that they go without a raincoat because the Thai sizes are too small. That is just so manly.

This Thai chickie knew she had it, somehow got into Canada as an exotic dancer (they are not strippers here) or maybe got a visa for a political disability. A lot of Qs in this whole scenario, but my view stands. The guy was stupid, sure a lost soul with noboby to love him, and he picked up his wifey at a strip club. And really, he worked 120 hours a week? When did they have time for nookie?

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At the beginning of the thread,it was stated that the woman had been AID's tested in Hong Kong,and that she tested positive.After testing positive, I would imagine a counseling cession,to explain this disease,and it's consequences.Therefore she knew.

Imagine this guy sitting at the bar at 1 o'clock in the morning,drinking since he got off of work,after his boss has been given him shit all day.Through his numbed brain and out of his red,smoke filled,watery eyes,he beholds this exotic beauty(yes, I saw her picture)slinging her stuff around a big pole.The man is consumed by lust as well as alcohol.All caution is thrown to the wind as he indulges himself.He must surely be called stupid,and should be punished with a withering disease,for no man has ever acted this way before.The exotic diseased beauty, should be better understood,after all she has her own problems, and can't be blamed for this mans lust,and his irresponsible behavior in lacking to find a condom.Nor should she put in a position of having to provide condoms,to drunk, lustful men, who should want to taste her wares.Even thought she knows she is diseased,after all,someone did that to her.

I am sure Canadians sleep better at night, knowing that,she is of low risk, of doing this again.After 3 yrs. of rest and health care,She should certainly be able to enter the work force,with the many skills, she has educated herself with in life.Repenting and never doing this again.

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