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Annual Car Tax to be paid and condo address change


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Can anyone tell if Land Transport Department which used to come to Central Mall Pattaya on Saturdays still come in order that I can pay my cars annual tax showing compulsory insurance. Also I need to change address my condo number has changed. What procedure do I need to follow and what documents required to do so ? Do I need to go to Land Transport office near Regents School ? Any information advice will be appreciated Thanking in advance.

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My wife & I have 2 old different addresses on 2 different vehicles - nobody seems to care whenever I bring them for the annual inspection.....

We/farang have to submit a verification of residence issued by immigration before they will change it in the book based upon my last inquiry.....Same with the driver's license....

It's a hassle here in CM to obtain the residency verification...


Edited by pgrahmm
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