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Do you suffer from language barriers at work?


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Depending on where your company is headquartered, language barriers can be a major issue for expatriates on international assignments.



Vietnam language school


Hiring employees who do not have strong skills in speaking the local language can pose a huge challenge to your company.


If you need to regular attend department meetings, it is likely that they will be held in the local language. This can not only be frustrating but means you could be missing key facts and information.


Therefore, it is likely that these employees may have a longer adjustment period and take more time to increase their productivity.


If the issue is left unaddressed, they could be left feeling isolated both in and outside of the office, increasing the risk of them breaking their contract early or being uninterested in growing with the company beyond their term.


Language barriers can be difficult to transcend, because overcoming them involves the acquisition of a brand-new hard skill—which is no easy feat.


However, that is not to say it is impossible.


How can I overcome this challenge?


If you are in a country where English is not a primarily spoken language, but your company’s business language is English, make sure your current employees know that you are someone who does not speak the local language.


Making your local employees aware that there will be someone new on-site who does not speak the local language, will hopefully open them up to the idea of finding common ground and helping you integrate into the local culture.


Ensure that you have employees willing to take you under their wings and help you to adjust.




Finally, as an Expat, consider asking your employee to set up language lessons for you. (Paid for by the company, of course).


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