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Kicked Off My Moped


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On friday i was on my way home coming down a major highway from ang-thong to rangsit

when a total ass hole rode past me and kicked me off my bike (speed 45-50k)

i just want to tell people dont wear those cheap helmets with cheap plastic vizas mine split on impact and cut into my face just under my eye leaving 4 very nice cuts i could have lost my eye ??? and dont wear shorts,

also i would like to thank the local hospital staff for looking after me and giving me excellent treatment and care ,also very cheap ,,saw doctor had x ray and meds wounds cleaned and dressed all for 350 baht

Edited by colino
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thanks will be ok just lost a few layers of skin on my arm and leg also a broken little finger , good news is hp compaq survived the crash

Yes, you are very lucky to be alive in that type of situation. Hope you heal quickly.

Just two weeks ago, I was motorcycling my way along the shoulder, same speed as you, and another idiot tried a similar maneuver, but he was going the same direction as I was. However, he then saw a roadside vendor up ahead on my side, and wanted to pull off to stop there. He came up from behind me (so he had to have seen me), then pulled right along side me (at 40-50k) and then cut in to me. The only thing that saved me from a serious accident (a deep ravine on my left) was a quick application of the brakes. He shot a head, pulled in, and then hit his own brakes. I missed his back bumper by mere centimeters, as I then shot on past him on the right.

So, basically, attempted murder, twice in two seconds.

I looked at him directly in the face as I went by, and he had absolutely no surprise nor remorse on his face as he returned my stare. Culprit: A fat, middle-aged Thai man with a big new pick-up truck. I know, a motorcyclist, in comparison is so much rubbish. Chilling. :o

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Was your antagonist on a motorbike, I presume from your last comment? (or did he open his pick-up truck door, and deliver a swift kick?)

If you were on a moped, you really were near the bottom of the food chain (just above bicycles, but definitely lower than a motorbike). I'm afraid many Thai drivers assess value of human life according to the value and size of your vehicle.

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yes he was on a moped as well as he passed me he just booted my bike sending me arse over tit ,,,,

day three and still having dressings changed foot wound has realy yuk discharge,

Also would like to to say a big thanks to my wife ,,, god knows how i would of coped on my own ,

it has brought home the reality of being in a new land

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Now you see this is why I cannot let myself have a big bike - because if I did I would be wearing my Sidi boots and racing glove with kevlar protection (regardless - I've had accidents and won't ride a bike without protection, one of my knees will never be right again).

After numerous years living and riding in the UK (London included) I have fine ability to leave large dents or smashed lights with a precisely aimed Sidi toescraper at the cars on passing. Or if they've really pissed me off and nearly caused me to die then wing mirror removal is the next step.

If any c*nts tried similar maneuvers they'd have a surprise - but then the falang would probably be hunted down and burnt at the stake!

Unfortunately small mopeds are very unstable and the slightest nudge will sent it pretty much uncontrollably everywhere. Where as larger and heavier bike are far more stable and such an attempted kick from a moped would of probably sent the kicker off his. In the UK I've taken out a pheasant which wondered across the road and tried to fly into me with my fist at around 40mph and the bike one had a bit of a wobble - well that was mainly cause as I punched it whilst gripping the handlebar!

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This sounds like a stupid enough stunt to be pulled by a Thai.

It happened to me in the UK. I was cycling along not cutting anybody up or anything else to have deserved it. I was in full kit (crash hat, gloves, karrimor jacket on a 2k bike) when some family from the lower orders pulled up along side me beeped and reved their engine while a couple of snot nosed kids yelled out of the back window. I can only presume they thought it would be a real hoot to make me fall and go under a car.

So I chased the forkers through traffic and got them at lights. After banging and yelling and totally scaring them I left them with a nice dent and scratch in their doors from the cleats on the bottom of my shoes.

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about the broken finger: don´t let the cement or splint on for too long. my doc did that mistake a couple of years ago and now i have a quite stiff one...

you had luck it wasn´t worse. my horror, such an accident. get well soon!

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well day 5

aches and pains day

the swelling's have gone down with the help of anti inflamatry meds

it just look like iv been in a mua thai fight and lost big time

and good news is i can hop ??? yahooo

please be careful out on your mopeds peeps and as i said before get a good full face helmet

i have learnt a very painful lesson

thanks to all


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On friday i was on my way home coming down a major highway from ang-thong to rangsit

when a total ass hole rode past me and kicked me off my bike (speed 45-50k)

i just want to tell people dont wear those cheap helmets with cheap plastic vizas mine split on impact and cut into my face just under my eye leaving 4 very nice cuts i could have lost my eye ??? and dont wear shorts,

also i would like to thank the local hospital staff for looking after me and giving me excellent treatment and care ,also very cheap ,,saw doctor had x ray and meds wounds cleaned and dressed all for 350 baht

Shame it happened , but you're lucky that it was not worse.

Any reason you can think of why the guy kicked your bike?

Was it possibly an accident ?

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No jimmy

he gave me a good kick as he went passed ,,i have been told today that since early last week around here there has been 4 bikes stolen riders pushed off then a pickup pulls up and takes the bikes , also a taxi driver has been robbed all near or under the highway (u-turns),

i was lucky methinks because i got straight up and jumped on my bike and went asap was like a kind of survial instinct kicked in and addrenalin

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please be careful out on your mopeds peeps and as i said before get a good full face helmet

Yep the full face helmet advice here is very good advice. I personally cannot believe some of the bits of plastic that people call a helmet over here. Most of them are similar plastic to what kids toys are made from - with no padding whatsoever!

Also I see the people with the Index full face helmets - which look an ok helmet (althought not inspected on close up) however it's obvious from the 'sizing' that they don't have a clue! A full face helmet for those who don't know show be a snug fit on your head and if you shake you head it should NOT move around. Most over here have them about 4 or 5 sizes to big so not to mess up the hair and if they were in an accident their head would just bounce inside the helmet rather than on the road and most likely come off - not very safe!

Now speaking as someone who has experienced my head bouncing off the tarmac you do not want it to happening in an ill fitting or cheap plastic rubbish helmet.

A while ago I bought over one of my AGV helmets over here for whenever I use the family motorbikes - I won't wear anything else!

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about the broken finger: don´t let the cement or splint on for too long. my doc did that mistake a couple of years ago and now i have a quite stiff one...

Lucky you !

My grandfather always said that as you get older you should never trust a fart and never ignore a hard-on

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Thanks to all for the get well soons

day 6 and my finger is strarting to mend ok ,main problem is my ankle lost alot of skin its about 5inch by 3 also spending my time picking grit out of my hands ,,in future i will be wearing jeans no matter the weather lesson learnt ,, as i said before those cheap helmets are crap i was lucky just to get a few cuts below my eye and a nice shiner, the way it split it could of easly gone into my eye ,,, the hospital i am attending daily is realy good costs me 100 baht for all 4 dressings to be changed ,and the nurses are great and fit (must be feeling better)

thanks again


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Glad you're recovering OK

Jeans are only going to be slightly better than shorts, in the UK I've got a pair of jeans with built in padding on the hips, knee & shin area. I usually just wear if I'm nipping out for a few minutes, can't think of the name but will be bringing them with me next time I go back.

Thais only wear helmets, not for protection, but so they dont have to pay the fines, I see loads with helmets strung over the handlebars, then but them on if they see a BIB at traffic lights or U-turn. I think they believe they are invincible and they will ever fall off, I have to take avoiding action atleast 3-4 times a day so I dont hit them.

Only the other day one pulled out of a side road and came staright for me on my side of the road, if I hadn't of braked and pulled over he would of gone straight into the front of me and would be probably dead. Why they do it is beyond me, back home I was taught from the beginning to treat everyone on the road as idiots, here I don't have to pretend.


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yes he was on a moped as well as he passed me he just booted my bike sending me arse over tit ,,,,

day three and still having dressings changed foot wound has realy yuk discharge,

Also would like to to say a big thanks to my wife ,,, god knows how i would of coped on my own ,

it has brought home the reality of being in a new land

OH they are a really nice race the Thais........NOT!

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in two years this is only the second bit of trouble iv had , like any country thailand has its quota of loon's but i will not let this change my over all view of the people of thailand (which is a good view ),,,,,

wonder what year 3 will bring ????

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