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I had a course of three Hep B jabs in Apr/May/ October 2019. Vax was Engerix-B (Adult dose).

In August  2021 general health blood tests revealed no Hep B infection, past or present. Most worrying it went on say "no evidence of immunity to HepB"

According to hepb.org I am a non-responder so should start another course with a different vaccine.       In Aug/Sept I had the first two jabs of HB-VAX 11 (Adult).   The third dose is due April 2022.       This vax has a short shelf life, must be kept refrigerated, not frozen, so you can't take it with you.  

Can I get this brand in Thailand?   I can wait a few extra weeks I suppose but after two years away stuck in Melbourne I really need a break.


I had the Twinrix Vaccine for Hep - 3 jabs in 2006. #1 and #2 a month apart, #3 three months later.  Two years ago had an antibody check still very high levels........


This exact brand is off market in Thailand. Availabek brands for HEp B only (not A/B combo) are:


Bevac manufactured by Biological E. Limited

Euvax-B manufactured by Sanofi

Hepatitis B Vaccine (rDNA) (Adult) SII   manufactured by the Serum Inst of India


I suggest you ask your doctor if there is any reason why the 3rd dose can't be the Sanofi preparation

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Thanks for the info Sheryl,   I've done more reading now. The difference in vaccines seems to be the choice of adjuvant. (A new word for me from Wiki which I shall drop into conversations whenever the opportunity arises.)????   I trust these three are easily available at reasonable cost.

I am also heeding your advice elsewhere that this is not a good time to visit LOS.   So, lots of food for thought.

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