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Thank Humanity for Understated British Humor: Peter Cook & Dudley Moore... Never Have two sacrificed so much for the good of all. This might provide a much-needed smile.


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My Dear Friends,


Somehow, while clicking on the internet, I came across something that I had forgotten, a true gem of days gone by, when humor was both silly and interesting, and satisfying, deep down.


What I mean is that British humor is something to be savored by everybody, with half a brain, or more.


Personally, I grew up on British humor through books, as well as through film. Maybe, British humor shaped me a bit.


You know, humor is something which is not easily shared between different cultures. And, also, humor is something that is not easily shared within a culture between members of the same culture who are not humorously aligned, particularly.


Still, I say, humor is like music, and music takes many forms, and also, in my humble opinion, one should not believe that one form of music is inherently somehow "superior" to the next.


In Thailand, for example, culturally speaking, humor is different than humor of another country.  However, this definitely does not mean that humor in Thailand is any less subtle or refined, for sure. 


Yes, perhaps, but not assured, that it is often the case that Thai people do not understand various genre of foreign humor, as has been discussed, so many times, in past posts on TV.


You see, I do recall what others have written on this forum, during the past many years, concerning the differences in humor, such as the understanding of "jokes" told by farang, and the understanding of them by people growing up in Thai culture.


One truism that I keep in mind, especially when studying differences in humor, cross culturally, is that there is FAR more diversity between people in any given country than there are differences between the "average" person, country to country, and far more diversity within a country, compared to generalized differences between countries.


Each to his own, concerning forms of humor.


Personally speaking, just stating my preference, I do love this Peter Cook & Dudley Moore skit. Perhaps, this might provide a chuckle to you, as well.


Peter Cook and Moore must have brought much pleasure to many around this world, even in Thailand.

We should not look at Thailand's populace as being monolithic in any way, ever.


Stereotypes quickly and naturally fall by the wayside when one finally ceases to be a tourist, and begins to know the people amongst whom one lives.


As I say, just for my own enjoyment, I have always seemed to gravitate to British humor.

Sometimes, gallows humor, as well.


Humor, among humans, is universal, and most diverse.

Like music, it is just too difficult and improper to assign a valuation to one form or another.


Anyway, I hope you find this Cook and Moore selection, linked here, mildly diverting......



Best regards......


Take care......







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Please keep in mind that we humans feel happiness because we smile, not the obverse, just as we feel scared because we run.


One might also argue that we, thusly, feel greater happiness living in the land of smiles, being forced to smile every day, interacting with the locals.


Truly, Thailand is a miraculous country and culture.


I DO believe this.


I do.


What about you?


Concerning appreciation of British humor, this is something enduring that one takes with one, even into the bush, and sometimes, also, into places where it is most needed.



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