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Unpasteurized Milk, Butter, Cream, Cheese


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Are there any RAW dairy products for sale in Thai population centres? Is it a question of no demand, or simply illegal in Thailand?

In the West it is also a challenge to find, with rules varying between countries and even states. A Swiss friend can buy in his local health food store. But in England a tiresome drive out to some remote farm is the order of the day!

Pasteurized milk is so toxic that some doctors (www.mercola.com) and nutritionists (www.wewant2live.com) are actively advising that mineral water (preferably naturally-carbonated, e.g. Perrier, Badoit) or raw vegetable juices are healthier.

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That mercola web site is a commercial business and has NO reputable scientific background.

If you want to contract brucellosis or something else Thailand would be a great place to start.

Thankfully there are not large herds of cattle in this country...in fact dairy farms are such a rarity they are often run as museums here!

Almost all the milk you see in supermarkets is imported and some actually appears to be flavoured with vanilla.

Carrefour do not seem to carry any un-pasteurised cheeses so one would suspect that it is illegal to import the stuff.

I grew up on farms and there is overwhelming reasons for not consuming un-pasteurised milk products unless they are scrupulously produced.

Humans are the only animals on this planet to continue to eat/drink milk after childhood, which many nutritionists think is not a good idea, if you look at the dairy eating countries and then look at national obesity, you will see a correlation there.

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Benefits of raw milk products :


I drink copious quantities of raw milk and raw cream (and unpasteurised cheese) when in the UK, and no problems. Much tastier also. Quite a movement towards raw milk in the USA now. Humans had been consuming raw milk for thousands of years (before pasteurisation in the 20th century) without problems. Obesity, osteoporosis and other 'milk-related ailments' are solely related to heated milk.

Oh well, at least when in Thailand I can enjoy the plentiful raw coconuts!

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Humans had been consuming raw milk for thousands of years (before pasteurisation in the 20th century) without problems.
Obesity, osteoporosis and other 'milk-related ailments' are solely related to heated milk.

Not true.....thousands of people suffered and died as a result of diseases contracted from "raw" milk. You think Louis Pasteur was a waste of time?

Over consumption of animal fats - Milk is a homogeneous suspension of these - will result in all the usual problems whether the milk is "raw", pasteurised or sterilised

To take the experience of one individual is not a valid sample. you need to look at the effects on a population by taking large broadscale samples.

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