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Philippines Open To Vaccinated Tourist February 10, No Quarantine!!!


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"They can present either of the following:
A vaccine certificate of a foreign government that has accepted VaxCertPH under a reciprocal agreement"
What is that supposed to mean? Will they accept any EU country and/or EU Vaccine Certificate?
Or, is it: If you don't accept ours we will not accept yours?
Do not hope it will be like Thailand: Go - stop - go - stop....And a lot of red tape!  ☹️
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3 hours ago, rskdev21 said:

Read it and weep Thailand.

Haha, I've been to the Philippines many times, then I found Thailand and never went back to that filthy poverty stricken $&^$ hole.  You can have it, I prefer not to live in filth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What about filling the one Health Pass does that still need to be done?. Also you might still have to fill out the S-paSS if you are traveling to or through a restricted area. As I am going from Makati to Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro, and some sites says that I need it.

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