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Holistic way to quit smoking


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My Thai brother in law quit holistically by drinking some sort of tea that makes one ill if they smoke, sorry I don't know the name of it. Something like this:



For me, I was never a big smoker, about 1 pack a week for 10 years, then when my wife was pregnant, she asked me to stop, for my health and the health of the baby, a few months later I was tobacco free, that was 15 years ago, her mentioning my future baby's health was a huge motivating factor for me to quit.

Good Luck,

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  • 9 months later...

My suggestions, worked for me many years ago.

1. Will power.  Just decide to do it and stick with your resolve. If you fall down, get up again and keep going. 

2. Exercise. If you take up jogging, swimming or other aerobic activity, your desire to smoke will be quickly diminished when you start hitting the track or pool.  

3. TCM (traditional Chinese medicine).  A good herbal Rx will balance energies and help you make better decisions on what you put in your body and other health and lifestyle choices. 

4. Acupuncture. There are specific points that are used as well as general treatment that goes along with herbal therapy. 

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