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My "######" In Modern Britain


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My wife and I have just return to the uk after another stint in the Land of Smiles. It starts the moment I get on the plane for the uk in Don Muang, convincing myself that the uk is a great place to live, make money etc etc. But inside there's conflict, I'm leaving the country I really want to remain in. I 'm over the virgin years of seeing Los thru rose tinted glasses and I'm well aware of the negatives, life wouldn't be life without trials and tribulations would it? This country, England, was once a Country to be proud of but now it's going to the dogs. A shambolic immigration system, yob culture, overpriced housing market (which is on the verge of an inevitable collapse), are just a few additions to the climate and the cost of living which make me want to leave. I'm quite a happy chappy ( who would've thought?) and I know that a big part of happiness comes from within, mind/mood/emotion colour ones world, but I also believe that enviornment plays an essential role. I also believe that moderate exposure to sunlight is critical to one's health and well being, along with diet and excercise. Even basic manners are a rarity here, people are on a mindless quest of obtaining more " STUFF " with the hope that this is going to bring them happiness, owning and decorating houses has become a neurosis and evening television has revolved around snotty middleclass interior designers turning their noses up in disguist at the decor of peoples houses. That's another thing I despise in this country, the class system. Football, although a great game, has become almost fashionable. The "Sub" Classes have done an excellent job of breeding the next generation of phsycopathic monsters, my wife often coments "Why farang lady no shy??" when she observes a six year old child being screamed at by it's mother in public places. Shopping in this country destroys me now, I resent the cost and quality of food after food shopping in Thai markets ( half the reason I enjoy going to Thailand), It takes a man of steel to pay about £1.50 for FOUR, NON-organic lychees, just a few weeks ago in Los that amount of money bought me a bag full. Town centres have become warzones, dangerous even, a place where the young can go and release their built up frustrations of living in this cold, old country on inoccent passer-bys. I myself was almost a victim a few months ago, after an inoccent driving error on my part ended with a derranged lunatic chasing me bumper to bumper down the road, with his face up to the windscreen screaming what I would describe as death threats at me. I hate violence of any kind, I'm a puppy dog in disguise but my physical size acts as a good deterant, unfortunatley me being sat in my car and all this had little effect. I was very scared, trembling even and luckily wifey was at work, I decided to act on the element of suprise and hit the brakes hard and bolstered out of the car. The thug reacted in fear and tried fruitlessly to reverse due to the traffic at his rear, he then lunged toward his glove compartment, my fear now turned to anger, but not just any old anger, it was a horrible, see red, pick up a car off a trapped child adrenaline surge, and unfortunate for the poor fellow he was on the receiving end of my uncontrollable emotions. After I left the scene I broke down in tears and still hate myself to this day for losing control, I hurt him pretty bad. The streets of modern britain are not safe. To escape the world and it s people I often drive into the countryside nr. my home and walk around a beautiful lake, with rolling hills, where birds migrate and dense forestry meet the waters edge on a good day I'll even get a glimpse of a wild deer. Sometimes wifey comes with me. Apparently now is mating/birth time for the many ducks that gather there. Although since us being together I'm constantly trying to undo bluprinted views that all animals are for the cooking pot, and that we shouldn't be cruel to animals ( Well, not ALL animals - get it?), she can't help but inform me of her brothers precise catapult skills whilst licking her lips and looking at the ducks, and squirrels, and rabbits, frogs, deer etc etc Anyway, back to the ducks. Because of this mass reproduction the local water authority have placed GREAT BIG wooden signs along this heavenly footpath stating someting along the lines of "PLEASE KEEP YOUR DOGS ON LEADS AS THE DUCKS ARE, busy doing whatever they're doing AND ARE AFRAID OF DOGS" As I continue down the path, to my horror I see ducks flapping about everywhere whilst two dogs are running a mock, diving into the water to fetch a frisby witch its owner and owners partner are throwing into the water, what made it worse was that, no kidding you they were stood directly next to one of these signs and one of these degenerates was actually "READING" the sign!!! I'm sure nobody could be that stupid, could they? I guess, or I hope she was just TRYING to read. As wifey and I passed the fearsome couple turned out to be women, one small and slim and the other big and butch with a crew cut and nose rings, enough said. Wifey could sense my upset and defused it with a gentle "Jai yen" I could go on, anyway. People say Los is great to retire, but my problem is that I'm still in my twenties and I can't wait that long! I have a secure investment which generates a consistent 35-40,000 bt month and I could raise a modest capital to start a small concern in my wifes hometown if need be. But quality of life? Social life, family and friends - work, routine? Altough Thailand is cheap and cheerful etc etc We humans are social animals and I'd struggle sitting on the porch of my shiney new house with talc on my face an' a towel round my midrift nodding to my brother in law saying "Beckham, Beckham, Man u, Aloi Aloi!!??", watching my life disapear in a dream. Then again, I'd always have you wonderful people to talk with on this forum. I'm dazed and confused. many other younger expats in Los full-time, any advice for a wee youngster from any Vet Expats? And in general what's life like full time in an Issan village? This is a major life decision and although I'd happily abandon the uk tomorrow my livelyhood still remains here. Thanx in advance for your replies and I apologise in advance for any offence to any persons in the post, hope you're all in good health and happy, Buddahboy. :o

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eeeuh which country you are complaining about now ??? you sure lost me, Take a valium and have a good sleep.

hmmmz, perhaps you should have posted a ruler to every member before posting that, or even found out what a paragraph was. :o Sorry if u mentioned within your post that it was a piss take, but I could'nt be fvcked with reading it, I was starting to feel ill :D

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eeeuh which country you are complaining about now ??? you sure lost me, Take a valium and have a good sleep.

hmmmz, perhaps you should have posted a ruler to every member before posting that, or even found out what a paragraph was. :o Sorry if u mentioned within your post that it was a piss take, but I could'nt be fvcked with reading it, I was starting to feel ill :D

I think that he was saying that it is somewhat more expensive to live in a developed country ( with a welfare system ) than it is to live in a developing one without welfare. It took a massive paragraph, whereas one or two lines would have sufficed. An Introduction to Basic Economics. :D

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eeeuh which country you are complaining about now ??? you sure lost me, Take a valium and have a good sleep.

hmmmz, perhaps you should have posted a ruler to every member before posting that, or even found out what a paragraph was. :o Sorry if u mentioned within your post that it was a piss take, but I could'nt be fvcked with reading it, I was starting to feel ill :D

I think that he was saying that it is somewhat more expensive to live in a developed country ( with a welfare system ) than it is to live in a developing one without welfare. It took a massive paragraph, whereas one or two lines would have sufficed. An Introduction to Basic Economics. :D

I thought he was more Victor Meldrew than Alan Greenspan :D

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eeeuh which country you are complaining about now ??? you sure lost me, Take a valium and have a good sleep.

hmmmz, perhaps you should have posted a ruler to every member before posting that, or even found out what a paragraph was. :o Sorry if u mentioned within your post that it was a piss take, but I could'nt be fvcked with reading it, I was starting to feel ill :D

I think that he was saying that it is somewhat more expensive to live in a developed country ( with a welfare system ) than it is to live in a developing one without welfare. It took a massive paragraph, whereas one or two lines would have sufficed. An Introduction to Basic Economics. :D

I thought he was more Victor Meldrew than Alan Greenspan :D

Just another another bloody dreamer I think. Alan's job is safe for now :D

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He will be happy to know that London Underground is on strike today for a 35 Hour, 4 day week, final salary pension, free travel (oxyi-morons), lots of luvly overtime and a basic £30,00-00 a year wage.

You can buy a lot of NON-organic lychees for £30,00.00. :D

Hey everyone this is a culture thing :o:D

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My wife and I have just return to the uk after another stint in the Land of Smiles. It starts the moment I get on the plane for the uk in Don Muang, convincing myself that the uk is a great place to live, make money etc etc. But inside there's conflict, I'm leaving the country I really want to remain in. I 'm over the virgin years of seeing Los thru rose tinted glasses and I'm well aware of the negatives, life wouldn't be life without trials and tribulations would it? This country, England, was once a Country to be proud of but now it's going to the dogs. A shambolic immigration system, yob culture, overpriced housing market (which is on the verge of an inevitable collapse), are just a few additions to the climate and the cost of living which make me want to leave. I'm quite a happy chappy ( who would've thought?) and I know that a big part of happiness comes from within, mind/mood/emotion colour ones world, but I also believe that enviornment plays an essential role. I also believe that moderate exposure to sunlight is critical to one's health and well being, along with diet and excercise. Even basic manners are a rarity here, people are on a mindless quest of obtaining more " STUFF " with the hope that this is going to bring them happiness, owning and decorating houses has become a neurosis and evening television has revolved around snotty middleclass interior designers turning their noses up in disguist at the decor of peoples houses. That's another thing I despise in this country, the class system. Football, although a great game, has become almost fashionable. The "Sub" Classes have done an excellent job of breeding the next generation of phsycopathic monsters, my wife often coments "Why farang lady no shy??" when she observes a six year old child being screamed at by it's mother in public places. Shopping in this country destroys me now, I resent the cost and quality of food after food shopping in Thai markets ( half the reason I enjoy going to Thailand), It takes a man of steel to pay about £1.50 for FOUR, NON-organic lychees, just a few weeks ago in Los that amount of money bought me a bag full. Town centres have become warzones, dangerous even, a place where the young can go and release their built up frustrations of living in this cold, old country on inoccent passer-bys. I myself was almost a victim a few months ago, after an inoccent driving error on my part ended with a derranged lunatic chasing me bumper to bumper down the road, with his face up to the windscreen screaming what I would describe as death threats at me. I hate violence of any kind, I'm a puppy dog in disguise but my physical size acts as a good deterant, unfortunatley me being sat in my car and all this had little effect. I was very scared, trembling even and luckily wifey was at work, I decided to act on the element of suprise and hit the brakes hard and bolstered out of the car. The thug reacted in fear and tried fruitlessly to reverse due to the traffic at his rear, he then lunged toward his glove compartment, my fear now turned to anger, but not just any old anger, it was a horrible, see red, pick up a car off a trapped child adrenaline surge, and unfortunate for the poor fellow he was on the receiving end of my uncontrollable emotions. After I left the scene I broke down in tears and still hate myself to this day for losing control, I hurt him pretty bad. The streets of modern britain are not safe. To escape the world and it s people I often drive into the countryside nr. my home and walk around a beautiful lake, with rolling hills, where birds migrate and dense forestry meet the waters edge on a good day I'll even get a glimpse of a wild deer. Sometimes wifey comes with me. Apparently now is mating/birth time for the many ducks that gather there. Although since us being together I'm constantly trying to undo bluprinted views that all animals are for the cooking pot, and that we shouldn't be cruel to animals ( Well, not ALL animals - get it?), she can't help but inform me of her brothers precise catapult skills whilst licking her lips and looking at the ducks, and squirrels, and rabbits, frogs, deer etc etc Anyway, back to the ducks. Because of this mass reproduction the local water authority have placed GREAT BIG wooden signs along this heavenly footpath stating someting along the lines of "PLEASE KEEP YOUR DOGS ON LEADS AS THE DUCKS ARE, busy doing whatever they're doing AND ARE AFRAID OF DOGS" As I continue down the path, to my horror I see ducks flapping about everywhere whilst two dogs are running a mock, diving into the water to fetch a frisby witch its owner and owners partner are throwing into the water, what made it worse was that, no kidding you they were stood directly next to one of these signs and one of these degenerates was actually "READING" the sign!!! I'm sure nobody could be that stupid, could they? I guess, or I hope she was just TRYING to read. As wifey and I passed the fearsome couple turned out to be women, one small and slim and the other big and butch with a crew cut and nose rings, enough said. Wifey could sense my upset and defused it with a gentle "Jai yen" I could go on, anyway. People say Los is great to retire, but my problem is that I'm still in my twenties and I can't wait that long! I have a secure investment which generates a consistent 35-40,000 bt month and I could raise a modest capital to start a small concern in my wifes hometown if need be. But quality of life? Social life, family and friends - work, routine? Altough Thailand is cheap and cheerful etc etc We humans are social animals and I'd struggle sitting on the porch of my shiney new house with talc on my face an' a towel round my midrift nodding to my brother in law saying "Beckham, Beckham, Man u, Aloi Aloi!!??", watching my life disapear in a dream. Then again, I'd always have you wonderful people to talk with on this forum. I'm dazed and confused. many other younger expats in Los full-time, any advice for a wee youngster from any Vet Expats? And in general what's life like full time in an Issan village? This is a major life decision and although I'd happily abandon the uk tomorrow my livelyhood still remains here. Thanx in advance for your replies and I apologise in advance for any offence to any persons in the post, hope you're all in good health and happy, Buddahboy. :o

Must be talking about the UK

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Hey, Take it easy on the poor kid.

And buddaboy, just relax, its a long life. Dont let these guys get to you. They critisize me about paragraphs too. I guess we cant all be literary geneous', ( see, I cant spell either. Just dont hurry into anything, youre young and by this time next year maybe you'll be crazy about something else. Thailand will always be here.

Good luck pal, Tom Salarak

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I know where you are coming from BB.

The minority will always spoil things for the rest.

I sometimes park in disabled spaces at the supermarket. Does that make me a bad person. I get my balls taxed off, supermarkets make millions, so they should have an attendant to stop me.

Was the sign about the ducks enforced by a warden? doubtful.

Put pen to paper about it. Make an official complaint about things you dont like. If we all did that maybe the UK would be a bit better.

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There are pros and cons of living in any country.

The UK, USA and European countries have a high standard of living, good education and social services. These come at a cost - I pay more than 10 times more income tax in the UK than a typical Thai earns.

People who come to the UK are allowed to work, own property and get state pensions when they retire. People who go to Thailand .... have to look after themselves. Thailand is a paradise if you come from a rich country. If you come from a poor country like Laos or Burma then Thailand can be a nightmare.

The UK is not that good, but it is also not that bad. Thailand can be very good if you have money and also very bad if you don't.

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I don't have any wish to return to the U.K. but there is one thing to be said for the place it's a great place to make money.

I notice the original poster was complaining about property prices I'm not, some of mine have gone up five fold in price sounds a bit like sour grapes to me.

You can also bring as much money out of the country as you wish unlike here.

By the way never have a RTA here if you don't die on the scene you most likely will on the way to the hospital in the "ambulance" staffed by people who haven't got a clue about medical treatment.

It would be nice to know how he got his money in the first place to come here.

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Lets have a poll (for a change)

Did you read the whole post?


Did you think <deleted> this after 10 lines and flick to the bottom to see what others thought :o

I thought <deleted> this after less than 10 lines and flicked to the bottom to see what everyone else thought. Still don't know what this thread is about or why I am replying to it.

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Just read my original post, had a particularly stressful day that day and let off a bit of steam on the forum. Now it's the weekend and I'm rested and relaxed I've got a bit more perspective, the post was very negative and the criticism was to be expected, I just showed a friend and he laughed his head off. The uk isn't ALL that bad. :o

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I am a Brit, lived out here for 14 months now after giving up everything back home. I am 41 years old and live in Pattaya. I could not live out in the sticks in Thailand. If you are going to live here you need to have some western comforts.

I own a business of my own that has Thai staff and a Thai manager and I work full time for a English language magazine in Pattaya. Things were difficult to start with and everything has not been plain sailing. I did miss the UK at the begining. I haven't been back for 11 months and I don't feel like going back at the moment. I feel very settled here now. I have a good job and a moderately successful business. I have a much more active social life than I did in the UK. So life is good at the moment for me.

You are still young. You have plenty of time ahead of you. Don't know your circumstances, but I would suggest you come out here for a couple of months and look around for a place to live in and a business to buy or start. Then do your homework. If it all adds up come out here. If you don't you may regret it.

Good luck and keep us posted.

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