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Thai Coup Chief Says Thaksin In Danger If Returns


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the general making threats perhaps?......... :o

Thai coup chief says Thaksin in danger if returns

Ousted Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra will not dare to return from exile because he could be assassinated by his opponents, the general who removed him in a bloodless coup last year said on Wednesday.


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Surayud and Sonthi really working that old "good cop-bad cop" routine. It must be paying dividends because they don't seem to want to abandon the strategy.

I should think so. Friends (=old boys, no pun intended) appointed as heads of state enterprises? Whoa, we're talking big money here: much more money than an honest civil servant could possibly dream of.

Now students, let's review the original purpose(s) for the coup d'etat:

1. Mitigate profound corruption....

2. Return democracy to the people....

3. In short: make this a better country to live in.

Actual results of the coup d'etat (as pursuant to the list above):

Well.... polo shirts have been selling well.

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It's reasonable to expect Thaksin may not make it out of Swarnabhumi. A fitting resting place, surely ?

The man is certainly not stupid. There's no way he'll come back here at this time. And why should he? Better to wait-it-out in some civilised venue whilst the dogs bark and howl at the moon in TH.

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Sonthi's remark gives Thaksin an excuse for not returning to face justice.

Thaksin was renowned for the stupid "shoot from the hip" public remark.

This won him a fair amount of contempt in diplomatic circles.

Sonthi doesn't seem to be too smart either , in this respect.

Is "spin doctor" a reserved occupation in Thailand because they could benefit from some outside guidance.

In the words of the guy who turned up at a a fancy dress party wearing only a fruit on his willy "I f*cking dis pear!".

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Sonthi's remark gives Thaksin an excuse for not returning to face justice.

Thaksin was renowned for the stupid "shoot from the hip" public remark.

This won him a fair amount of contempt in diplomatic circles.

Sonthi doesn't seem to be too smart either , in this respect.

Is "spin doctor" a reserved occupation in Thailand because they could benefit from some outside guidance.

In the words of the guy who turned up at a a fancy dress party wearing only a fruit on his willy "I f*cking dis pear!".

Yes, Sonthi is a walking irrational quote factory. Almost everything he says is so out of step with what I perceive "the plan" to be, I have been assuming it is by design, for reasons I cannot discern. I make lots of room for the possibility he is an idiot but embracing that reality would make me feel like the guy at your party. So I'm leaving my head in the sand for the time being.

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