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Why Can't I Complain? Who Says I Have To Like Everything?


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I mean, Thai "nice" girls don't drink or smoke, but even do they know how to water ski, how to dive, how to swim even? Do they play any sports? Do they snow ski, play tennis, golf, go bowling? Do many Thai men do these things? Not where I live. Have they lived in other countries, traveled around a lot, no.

So where do I fit in?

MTW, I have heard before that Thailand can be a lonely experience for Western ladies, I guess for Western men a Thai partner can be everything he is looking for, but (as I tread lightly on to a slippery slope) Thai men cannot always offer the same kind of compatability to Western women. But still you need an outlet, this forum can be great for that and in time you can feel that it really helps, but this is really a poor substiutute in many ways.

We all need a location 'X', somewhere to take yourself to when the world is driving a highway through your identity.

Find a bowling or tennis club, get a tutor or join a group and get away from it all, there's not too much conversation just civilized relaxation.

I hope you can find some like minded people there.

Edited by Robski
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To Robski,

You are totally correct about the difficulty for some western women here, and the need to find some outlet within our own culture. It is very difficult to find friends with things in common, at least where I live, and I believe, at my age, which is fairly younger than most expats in Thailand.

I have many times found friends, but since I am at the younger end of the ladder, many of them leave within 6 months of me knowing them, and this in fact has happened with people that are in their 20s, their 30s, their 60s. This is probably a problem that many people have had here, but maybe many farang men are not affected by it as much because there are always a certain amount of farang men who stay here. However, I have tried to meet people, men or women, as friends, and most of the people I met and liked the most, well they have almost 100% of the time been in Thailand for a short period, 6 months or one year, etc. Maybe at some point people begin to meet the other people who are here for the long haul, and now that I have been here for 3 years, maybe I will start to meet them, and have more in common with them.

Maybe if I ever actually get out and work, which will be more for my brain and exercise, than the need for money, I will meet more good people. If it doesn't get better soon, I suggest all Lazyboy salespeople get a hold of me, as well as UBC sales people, and try to sell me a package deal for like the next 10 or 20 years, with a discount to pay in advance!!!

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Hi jetgordon,

I really don't want to get in a fight with one of my fellow farang women here, and from what I have read about you, you are very experienced in the ways of Asia or Thailand.

I know some of my posts are long but I would ask you to look at the quality not only the quantity of what I write, and I can assure you, nothing I write is as boring as a Mircosoft contract. Also, I

don't respond to most of the threads on TV, but pick very carefully the things I feel strongly about.

I won't feel bad if you decide not to read what I write, but it is possible that some new people here might find some answers to what they are going through based on the stories of when I was new here. If you don't need this info, then I am happy for you to skip it and go to other areas.

But I don't feel it is worthy to comment on the length of my posts, which all contain info you don't need spelled out for you, when there are others who might need it spelled out for them, and this is the main reason I am writing. I am not rambling a bunch of crazy crap and I think what I write is understandable even if you don't need this advise after such a long life in Asia, some people do need it.

Also, you were one of the few people who said they doubted that I really existed or that what I was saying was true. I PM'd you, as I said I would, and gave you a credible reference that I do live here, that she can remember all the stories I have told and I asked you to check it out and post your findings. I never got a PM back from you nor have there been any posts regarding your findings.

Please don't make accusations that you are not willing to follow up on, especially when I give you credible people to do this with. And please do not let it go away, because you didn't get the answer you were expecting. If you want to call me a liar, then I counter that with legit people you can check with, I feel it is your duty to check it out and post those findings. I asked you to do exactly this.

So why has there been no response????????? I didn't ask you to judge the truth or not of my posts, you put this on yourself. Do I need to scan my tax returns to prove what I used to earn, or to prove the whole thing is not a lie??? You are the one who took it upon yourself to call me a liar and don't want the story to go beyond that. I usually try to follow up on questions or anything that has to do with what I post. Can you please do the same?

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Theory number two:

A disproportionately high number of whiners live in Pattaya.

Question: Which comes first, the chicken or the egg? Is there something about living in Pattaya that makes people more likely to complain, or are those people who are most likely to make Pattaya their home the type who are more likely to complain?

I could write a book on all this . . . in fact, I think I might.

Put me down for 10 hardcover first editions please. :o

are you trying to suck up to bendix for some reason ???

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Hi jetgordon,

...I PM'd you, as I said I would, and gave you a credible reference that I do live here...I never got a PM back from you nor have there been any posts regarding your findings.

So why has there been no response?????????...I usually try to follow up on questions or anything that has to do with what I post. Can you please do the same?

MTW, this is a friends' forum, not a bank doing background references for a mortgage. Chill! I do not need references for anything you do. I never questioned your residence status, nor do I care what it is. I think I just coaxed you to shorten your post size.

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Jet, Mr. Rosner, what can I do?

I've been meditating for so long here on something to whine about, my breakfast has gone cold and I can't think of a bloody thing that p!sses me off today.

Am I on the wrong thread, the wrong forum, the wrong planet?

I'm so frustrated, please help.

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Having a bad day, Rosie?

Not particularly, my little finger is broken, I've got Giardia, I haven't had a good crap in 3 days and the Metronidazole that I've been taking for the last week has made me nauseous 24/7 for the last 24 hours X 7.

My husky is shedding her entire undercoat - everywhere, I've been meaning to drop off papers at Immigration for the last 3 days but the grumbling in my stomach has kept me from doing so and the threat of that monster crap that always looms when it hasn't happened has kept me indoors for days. My wife still insists on putting food to rot in the magic cabinet and then she eats while telling me it won't kill me to do the same.

My cat barfs twice a day because he steals the dog's food and it doesn't sit well with him. My housekeeper throws away any paper that is important but leaves crap that isn't.

My neighbor has gotten into a do it yourself kick and has recently been doing construction. The faceless workers behind my house are still doing construction on the new house behind mine and now I can't walk around naked anymore for fear of shaking it at some 14 year old painting.

My dog ate the boy's toys out of the stroller and made <deleted>&$&$& mince out of the mosquito netting so now he comes back the other day with bites on his face. I've got tremendous gas that should require a no smoking sign and I'm fearful if someone lights a match or turns on the stove. My wife glares at me when I fart in bed and every fart is of the uncertain variety where you're just sure you should do it or not but not doing it becomes less of an option with each passing second.

How are you doing?

Hi Jeffrosner,

Is this diatribe copyright?

I'd love to use it on the next Indian tailor who grabs my hand and say's "How are you today, Sir?"

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Everyone on this board loves a whinger.

They're the perfect target to pounce on, tell them to go home, get a life, get real, what do they expect, wimps etc.

Without being labelled a whinger yourself.

Great, innit?

And Alf, I'm definitely going to adapt Rosie's whinge for Indian tailors, with or without his permission, instead of speaking Spanish or Russian, 'cos sometimes they understand that.

Edited by qwertz
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Well you hit the nail on the head. The folks you speak of have to believe Thailand is nirvana as they are an unsuccessful lot, misfits whacking off in their homeland who have few other choices where to spend their days other than with a lady they have to pay for companionship. You must give up certain liberties if you want to live in Thailand or be a welcome TV poster. You are talking about a country where T-shirts insulting many other countries and leaders are sold on the street but no criticism of Thailand is permissible.

This place is not about reality.

A completely worthless post. doesn't know his arse from his elbow.

well like i said most of the sods here have few choices but to to pay for their companionship or wack off back home

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well like i said most of the sods here have few choices but to to pay for their companionship or wack off back home

Nice avatar Jimmy CA. :o

At last, Bendix has found a soul mate.

JCA (please excuse religious reference) where do the ladies on the board fit into your narrow profiling?

Or have you a separate profile in the making for them?

In case I decide to take up your hobby could you perhaps tell the board on what you base your statistics?

If your source was bendix, you may ignore the last question.

Edited by qwertz
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well like i said most of the sods here have few choices but to to pay for their companionship or wack off back home

Nice avatar Jimmy CA. :o

At last, Bendix has found a soul mate.

JCA (please excuse religious reference) where do the ladies on the board fit into your narrow profiling?

Or have you a separate profile in the making for them?

In case I decide to take up your hobby could you perhaps tell the board on what you base your statistics?

If your source was bendix, you may ignore the last question.

I have a feeling he is "back home"

I just looked up his one and only thread that he started ... yes he is 'back home' but headed to Pattaya .... which is a bit more than a little ironic don't you think?

Edited by jdinasia
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well like i said most of the sods here have few choices but to to pay for their companionship or wack off back home

Nice avatar Jimmy CA. :o

At last, Bendix has found a soul mate.


Once again, the irony is missed, qwertz.

Did anyone else get it?

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well like i said most of the sods here have few choices but to to pay for their companionship or wack off back home

Nice avatar Jimmy CA. :o

At last, Bendix has found a soul mate.


Once again, the irony is missed, qwertz.

Did anyone else get it?

uh...you like short-skirted asian chicks?

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Did anyone else get it?

Yup- loud and clear. Made me grin.

Ironic that Jimmy is dissing "most of the sods here have few choices but to to pay for their companionship" whilst having an avatar that quite obviously resembles that remark.

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Well you hit the nail on the head. The folks you speak of have to believe Thailand is nirvana as they are an unsuccessful lot, misfits whacking off in their homeland who have few other choices where to spend their days other than with a lady they have to pay for companionship. You must give up certain liberties if you want to live in Thailand or be a welcome TV poster. You are talking about a country where T-shirts insulting many other countries and leaders are sold on the street but no criticism of Thailand is permissible.

This place is not about reality.

A completely worthless post. doesn't know his arse from his elbow.

well like i said most of the sods here have few choices but to to pay for their companionship or wack off back home

How is back home today? I hope your coming trip to Pattaya is a good one!

BTW .. the weather in Phuket was lovely today ... humid but we had some sun! I managed to get my motorcycle papers done for the next 14months and STILL not pay for companionship :o

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When I first came to Thailand my tgf told me that I complained too much.

After 3 years of traveling around to different countries, both Western and Asian, she now complains more than I do when she comes back to Thailand! (She admits this and finds it funny) I don't complain so much now, and she complains more. Go figure.

(btw this thread is crap! punctuation is crap, too, for good measure)

You don't complain as much because you've finally gotten someone who understands and can take some of the pressure off you by actually lodging articulate complaints to the peasantry.

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Interesting statistics in my local newspaper yesterday.

The Finns drink more coffee than any other European people

The Swedes have one of the highest per capita alcoholic rates

The Germans are the fattest, buy the most books, are the most obsessed with sex and complain the most.

So my take on this is: if you're not happy, visiting MacDonald's, reading and bonking will not help much.

Save the money, get smashed regularly and drink lots of coffee.

Well. it works for me (but I haven't managed to leave off bonking yet).

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Okay, just don't go German.

I swear it's starting to rub off on me.

I kicked the cat this morning and he didn't start it.

P.S. Not all of them whinge, one actually smiled at me on the bus today.

But he looked a little odd so I didn't smile back.

Edited by qwertz
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Hi jetgordon,

Also, you were one of the few people who said they doubted that I really existed or that what I was saying was true. I PM'd you, as I said I would, and gave you a credible reference that I do live here, that she can remember all the stories I have told and I asked you to check it out and post your findings. I never got a PM back from you nor have there been any posts regarding your findings.

Please don't make accusations that you are not willing to follow up on, especially when I give you credible people to do this with. And please do not let it go away, because you didn't get the answer you were expecting. If you want to call me a liar, then I counter that with legit people you can check with, I feel it is your duty to check it out and post those findings. I asked you to do exactly this.

So why has there been no response????????? I didn't ask you to judge the truth or not of my posts, you put this on yourself. Do I need to scan my tax returns to prove what I used to earn, or to prove the whole thing is not a lie??? You are the one who took it upon yourself to call me a liar and don't want the story to go beyond that. I usually try to follow up on questions or anything that has to do with what I post. Can you please do the same?

i wouldn't respond either. the fact that you would even consider sending a PM containing "a credible reference" is sad and desperate at best.

i suspect you need a support group, not an anonymous internet forum

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Okay, just don't go German.

I swear it's starting to rub off on me.

I kicked the cat this morning and he didn't start it.

P.S. Not all of them whinge, one actually smiled at me on the bus today.

But he looked a little odd so I didn't smile back.

I was appalled to read this disgusting comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I hope the shoes werent new and no damage occurred to them?? :o

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